ALBG Actions and Resolutions 1959-1940
the minute books of the organization for the years 1952 through 1959
have not been located and are presumed to be lost. The records listed
below 1949 through 1951 were culled from fragmentary minute
books. Notations that the next meeting will be “at the call of
the president” may reflect the fact that these were the only
that were actually held during that period. No minute books prior to
September 29, 1949 have ever been found. Some gaps have been filled in
using documents from the Association archives that still survive and
newspaper accounts of actions taken by the Association. (These latter
are noted by a reference at the end noting the paper and the date).
1959 Jun 2 | GETTYSBURG TOURS, INC PUC HEARING: William S. Ayre, LeRoy E. Smith, and Thomas Metz operating as GTC, was seeking the right to conduct guided tours over the field and other places of interest within a 20-mile radius of Gettysburg using “horse drawn vehicles, buses and limosines.” A $6,500 recording containing battle sounds, a narrated story and music is planned for those in buses and cars. Current taxi and bus operators testified that present facilities are “more than adequate” and GTC services as proposed were “not needed.” The Battlefield Guides Association was forbidden to speak in a PUC hearing June 2 but that their statements will appear in testimony offered on behalf of Blue and Gray cabs. The ruling was that the guides “were not an interested party.” Supt James B Myers stated GTC would require a permit and no such application has been made to his office.(Gettysburg Times, June 4, 1959) |
1959 Apr 29 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Samuel T. Kessel, Gettysburg R3, a guide for the past 12 years, was elected president of the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides Association at its meeting at the VFW. He succeeds Kenneth W. Johns, county clerk of courts, who had served two years as president. Luther Shryock was named Vice-President, Harmon Furney, secretary and Robert Sheads, Sr, treasurer. (Gettysburg Times, April 30, 1959) |
1959 Apr 29 | BGA MEMBERSHIP DUES: It was reported in a newspaper article that the BGA had voted at this meeting to raise the annual dues from $3 to $15 annually. (Gettysburg Times, April 30, 1959) |
1959 Apr 29 | GUIDE BROCHURES: It was reported in a newspaper article that the BGA had voted at this meeting to purchase an additional 50,000 guide folders. (Gettysburg Times, April 30, 1959) |
1958 Mar 14 | SPRING BUS HANDLING: The BGA, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. Retail Merchants Association, Gettysburg Travel Council and the Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet to consider a suggestion of Burgess Wilbur Plank on how to handle traffic control in town with the onset of the spring bus season. (Gettysburg Times, March 14, 1958 p1) |
1958 Mar 7 | ANNUAL REORGANIZATION: At a meeting plans for the season were discussed for distributing advertising pamphlets, promoting the guide force,etc. Election of officers was held and Bernard Murray, manager of the Diorama spoke. (Gettysburg Times, March 8, 1958 – p2) |
1958 Mar 6 | MOVEMENT TO SAVE OLD DORM: A guide delegation consisting of Kenneth Johns. Robert Fidler and Edwin Longanecker met with representatives of a variety of other groups to discuss the future of the Old Dorm at the Lutheran Theological Seminary. (Gettysburg Times Mar 3, 1958 p1) |
1957 Jul 10 | PROMOTIONAL BROCHURES: President Kenneth Johns reported that the publication of 30,000 guide folders is complete and ready for distribution and that the organization has spent approximately $750 this year towards advertising Gettysburg. (Gettysburg Times, July 11, 1957 p1 – also mentions 31 of the 45 Association members were present.) |
1957 Jul 10 | MEMBERSHIPS: It was reported in the newspaper that the BGA voted to take out eight memberships in the Gettysburg Travel Council at $35 per membership and two memberships in the Chamber of Commerce at $25 per membership. (Gettysburg Times, July 11, 1957 p1) |
1956 Jun 14 | FIRST GUIDE BROCHURE PROPOSED: A committee headed by Robert Fidler was appointed by the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides Association at a meeting in the engine house wednesday evening to develop a ‘flier’ or other means of advertising the guide service to tourists visiting the community. General discussion favoredsome sort of printed material advertising the guide service to be made available to tourists at hotels, restaurants and lodging places. (Gettysburg Times, June 14, 1956 p2) |
1955 Feb 7 | DONATIONS: Donations of $25 each was voted for the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce and the Gettysburg Travel Council. (Gettysburg Times, Feb. 7, 1955) | ||
1955 Feb 7 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Samuel Kessel was elected president of the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides Association at a meeting in the council chambers at the engine house. He succeeds Walter Reynolds who is ill and resigned as president of the group. Other officers elected were Glenn Shields, VP; Donald Ullrich, Secretary and George Black, Treasurer. Pres. Kessel appointed a representative from each of the five “guide centers” to serve as an executive committee: Robert Fidler, Rufus Bushman, Clarence Swinn, Lloyd Hartman, and Charles Stevens. (Gettysburg Times, Feb 7, 1955 p1) |
1954 Nov 29 | GETTYSBURG COMMUNITY CHEST DONATION: Newspaper article mentions that “a recent contribution” includes $25 from the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides Association. (Gettysburg Times, Nov 29, 1954) | ||
1954 Jul 13 | TRAVEL COUNCIL PRESIDENT LEROY SMITH REPORT: The president of the Gettysburg Travel Council Leroy Smith, predicted $15,000,000 in tourist trade can be had. “Of extreme importance is the manner in which the tourists are treated by our battlefield Guides. They must play a major role in this category.” He talked about training all people who served tourists via a “Tourist Information Course” with a subcommittee recommending sponsoring guided tours in conjunction with the BGA. (Gettysburg Times July 13, 1954 p1 & 3) |
1954 Jun 29 | FREE GUIDED TOURS TO COMMUNITY GROUPS: President Walt Reynolds announced the Association would furnish free guided tours “after 6:30 PM” to any local group desiring to make the tour. Guides offering their services were: Druid Deitch, Richard Fox, Robert Gilbert, Sam Kessel, George Olinger, George Black, Edwin Longanecker and President Reynolds. (Gettysburg Times, June 29, 1954, p5) |
1953 Dec 5 |
1953 Nov 24 | DONATION TO TRAVEL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP FUND: At a meeting with Travel Council officials at the Engine House the BGA promised “full cooperation in a local education program” and each of the 55 LBG’s plesged a contribution of two $10 memberships on an annual individual basis. The BGA voted to subscribe to an additional five memberships. President Reynolds announced “The Gettysburg Travel Council of the Chamber of Commerce has started a movement which we have been attmpting to initiate for many years. He pledged the BGA would cooperate in time, money and effort toward “regaining Gettysburg’s stature as a tourist attraction.” (Gettysburg Times Nov 28, 1953 p4; also in Gettysburg Times Nov. 25, 1953 p1 – for possible motive see Gettysburg Times July 1, 1953 p 1 “These guides haven’t contributed a nickle. They have no investment here except a borough license and their uniforms…”) |
1953 Jun 17 | LIMIT LBG’s TO 55: An announcement was made by Dr. J. Walter Coleman that a guide exam would be held at 7 oclock in the Gettysburg High School on July 7 to establish a new waiting list as the present one is nearly exhausted. The number of battlefield guides is set at 55 by agreement betwene the Battlefield Guide’s Association and the NPS. Appointmentof new guides fromthe waiting list will be made as vacancies caused by death or retirement occur. Guides must be males, at least 21 years of age. The exam will be a written one. (Gettysburg Times, June 17, 1953 p5) |
1952 Jan 31 | SPLITTING POST OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER: The BGA clearly decided to split the post of secretary and treasurer as the election of officers at this meeting elected two different individuals. (Gettysburg Times, Feb. 1, 1952 p1) |
1952 Jan 31 | MEMBERSHIP IN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ETC.: At a meeting the BGA voted to renew its membership in the Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchants Association. Election of officers was also held. (Gettysburg Times, Feb. 1, 1952 p1) |
1951 Dec 1 | RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: No minutes exist to show when this was approved but a notice in the paper of this date states: “The Battlefield Guides association was accepted as a new member of the association.” (Gettysburg Times, Dec. 1, 1951 p2) |
1951 May 9 | DEVELOPING BUS GUIDE LIST: Moved, seconded and passed that the Secretary secure a list of guides that would be available for busses and list same so that guides could be located for bus parties. (Minute book) |
1951 May 9 | CHANGING DUES YEAR FOR ASSOCIATION: Moved, seconded and passed that the year for dues start from January 1 to January 1 instead of July 1 to July 1. (Minute book) | ||
1951 May 9 | BILL FOR PRINTING STATIONARY: Moved, seconded and passed that the bill in the amount of $12.45 for printing stationary be paid. (Minute book) |
1951 May 9 | ASSISTANCE TO GUIDE MEMBER: Ralph Butt announced he had lost his shield from his cap and had requested one form the NPS so he could go to work but has received no response. Moved, seconded and passed to write a letter from the organization to the park to issue a new shield so Mr. Butt could go to work. (Minute book) |
1951 Mar 14 | LETTERHEAD: Moved, seconded and passed that letterhead envelopes, etc. be purchased. (Minute book) |
1951 Mar 14 | RESOLUTIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to adopte the resolutions as read (No account as to what they were but copies were to be sent to Congressman Lind, Senator Duff and Senator Martin) (Minute book) |
1951 Mar 14 | EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that the present Executive Committee should continue to function. (Members: R H Bushman, H. W. Garvin, Walter Reynolds, James Crouse, Lloyd Hartman, Charles Stevens, C. M. Swinn and W. H Mehring.) (Minute book) |
1951 Mar 14 | GUIDE FEE INCREASE OR CLARIFICATION: Moved, seconded and passed that the guides charge $3 for a short trip and $4 for a long trip pending the approval of the park superintendent. First rate increase in 30 years. (This was from minutes – Gettysburg Times, Mar 31, 1951 p1 & 8 has an article of a big meeting. This was an issue discussed) |
1950 Jun 13 | HONORARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS: Moved, seconded and passed that N. A. Yeany, Oliver Miller, Ira Ziegler, Chester Mehring and Robert Bollinger be made honorary members of the Association. (Minute book) |
1950 Jun 13 | AUTHORIZE FOLLOWING AS GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee ask Dr. Coleman to authorize the following men to act as guides in the busy times: Chas. Rosensteel, Same Sheads, Milton Remmel, John Ogden, Selmar Hess, Pinkney Hess, Curvin Krout & Bernard Partridge. (Minute book) |
1950 Jun 13 | TEMPORARY GUIDES: It was mentioned that the Association should ask C. Butt, Ralph Butt, E. F. Larson, Ira Williams, Lawrence Sheads, and Ray Miller to guide on weekends and busy days. (Minute book) |
1949 Dec 14 | PAYMENT OF BILLS: Moved, seconded and passed to pay James Crouse $3.66 reimbursement for postage and Wayside Flower Shop for the spray $5.00. (Minute book) |
1949 Dec 14 | VACANCIES ON THE GUIDE FORCE: Moved, seconded and passed that when a vacancy occurs in the guide force that the vacancy is to be filled by a member of the reserve list with the highest mark. This policy is to start from December 14, 1949 and continue thereafter as vacancies occur. (Minute book) |
1949 Sep 29 | COMBINATION OF OFFICES OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER: Moved, seconded and passed that the offices of secretary and treasurer shall be filled by one and the same man, after he is regularly nominated and elected. (Minute book) |
1949 Sep 29 | COLLECTION OF DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the treasurer to collect $3 from all guides. The $3 being one year’s dues, thereby reinstating all delinquent guides to full membership to the Guide’s Association. (Minute book) |
1948 Jul 26 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Newspaper noted that on this date Henry W. Garvin was reelected president of the Battlefield Guides association. (Gettysburg Times Jan 8, 1949, p8 also Gettysburg Times, July 27, 1948 p1) | ||
1946 Jun 14 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Henry W. Garvin, president of the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce, was elected president of the local Battlefield Guides association at a recent meeting of the organization. He succeeds Walter Reynolds, who held the office for a number of years but refused re-election. J. Guy Wolf was named Vice President. Reelected were James Crouse, Secretary and Clarence Wright, Treasurer. (Gettysburg Compiler, June 15, 1946 p1. Note it is possible Reynolds has some stake in the movement towards Civil Service and resigned due to the outcome) |
1946 Apr 30 | CIVIL SERVICE REJECTION: James Crouse, Secretary – sent a letter to Dr. Coleman, Superintendent “Final action was taken by the guides at a meeting held on April 30, 1944, relative to the guides being placed under Civil Service. It was resolved by an overwhelming majority that the guide status remain as at present. The present system is an old, established tradition that has proven successful for many years.” (Star and Sentinel – May 18, 1946 also Gettysburg Compiler May 18, 1946) |
1946 Apr 26 | DEBATE OVER CIVIL SERVICE STATUS: An Association meeting was held at the Fire Engine House to discuss the question of Civil Service. A committee was appointed to meet with Dr. Coleman May 2 to prepare a draft of the contemplated civil service provisions and benefits. (Star and Sentinel – May 18, 1946) |
1945 Jul 16 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP APPROVED: The Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce, under President Henry W. Garvin, met and announced that two new members were enrolled: the Battlefield Guides Association and the Loyal Order of Moose. (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, July 21, 1945 p2) |
1945 Apr 30 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: The Association voted in its April Business meeting to take a membership in the Chamber of Commerce for the present year. (Gettysburg Times, April 30, 1945 p1) |
1945 Apr 30 | MEETING DATE SET: The Association voted to hold meetings the last Saturday of each month (Gettysburg Times, April 30, 1945 p1) | ||
1945 Apr 30 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Walter L. Reynolds was elected president of the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides’ association at a meeting Saturday evening at the fire engine house. Other officers elected were: Vice President, Charles Wolf; Secretary, James Crouse, and Treasurer, Clarence Wright. |
1941 Nov 1 | RESOLUTION AGAINST ENCROACHMENT: In an article on a meeting of the Spanish-American War Veterans they adopted the “same resolution as was recently passed by the Battlefield Guides’ Association against the encroachment proposed building lots on the expansion of the government owned battlefield property. (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, Nov. 11, 1941. p3; Legion supported it also Star and Sentinel Oct. 25, 1941 p4) |
1941 Oct 17 | ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION: At a recent meeting the Association passed a resolution: “…condeming the sale of building lots within the area enclosed by and adjoining the Gettysburg National Military Park.” “We call upon the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce, the American Legion, the Sons of Union Veterans and all other organizations and patriotic citizens to contact our congressmen, expressing a desire that these plots, together with all other privately owned territory within the above mentioned area be acquired by the National Park Service.” (Gettysburg Times, Oct. 17, 1941 p1) |
1941 Mar 15 | NEW SUPERINTENDENT: Dr. J. Walter Coleman, new superintendent of the park, met for the first time officially with the Battlefield Guides Association in the borough engine house Thursday a week. In a half hour talk with the 55 guides in attendance he discussed travel and tourist conditions and tourist-guide relations. He asked the cooperation of the guides in the conduct of Gettysburg Park affairs. (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, Mar 15, 1941 p2) |
1940 Dec 28 | DONATION: Battlefield Guides Association is listed as a contributor to the Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas Fund for decorations along eight blocks of the business section and center square. (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, Dec. 28, 1940 p2.) |
1940 Jun 28 | RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT ALLISON: At a meeting of the Association at the American Legion Home William H. Allison announced his resignation. Nominations were made for the vacated post: William Mehring, Walter Reynolds, Clarence Swinn and Edward Rinehart. Nominations will be kept open until July 12 when a president will be elected at a meeting in the Legion home. 25 members were in attendance. (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, July 6, 1940, p4. Mr. Allison took a full time job with the Feberal Government, NPS) |
1940 Jun 28 | RESOLUTION AGAINST GUIDES IGNORING REGULATIONS: Following discussion about complaints of certain guides failing to thoroughly cover the battlefield resolved “…as recommending to the National Park Service, through its intermediary, the superintendent of the Gettysburg National Park, that any and all guides failing to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Park in so far as they apply to Gettysburg guides, or fail or neglect to accord every courtesy and service within the confines of Guide service, or failing to completely cover the battlefield while escorting visitors and relate a true complete and accurate account of the Battle of Gettysburg, be suspended from further guide service for such period or periods of time as may be within the province of the authority and office of the superintendent of the Gettysburg National Park.” (Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, July 6, 1940 p4 and Gettysburg Times, June 29, 1940) |