ALBG Actions and Resolutions 1979-1970
1979 Dec 11 |
MEMORIAL BOOK: Approved Treasurer Fidler’s request to purchase a book for the Adams County Public Library in memory of our late colleague Roy Vaughan. |
1979 Dec 11 | SUPPORT FOR GUIDE SUSPENSIONS: Moved, seconded and unanimously approved a resolution that the Association would support any suspensions that the Park makes of licenses of those who are not guiding. |
1979 Oct 9 | FINANCIAL REIMBURSEMENT: Moved, seconded and passed motion to reimburse President Frasch for the costs of the July picnic paid by him. | ||
1979 Sep 11 | PLACEMENT PLAN FOR ARTILLERY SHELLS: After discussion of the NPS plans to put shell stacks at certain locations on the field – specifically Smith’s Battery at Devil’s Den and Calef’s Battery at McPherson’s Ridge to complement the 12pdr smoothbore projectiles at the angle, the membership agreed that Little Round Top rather than Devil’s Den would be a preferable site for placing the 10 pdr Parrott projectiles. |
1979 Jul 10 | MOTION CALLING ON NO ADDITIONAL LBG’s: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that due to the dramatic decrease in Park visitation attending the present fuel shortage that the Association requests the NPS call a moratorium on the licensing of any additional guides this year. Secretary Powell was instructed to write a letter to Superintendent Earnst. |
1979 Jul 10 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed a motion calling on paying half the $375 due for Travel Council dues at this time. | ||
1979 Jul 10 | THANK YOU : Moved, seconded and passed resolution to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Joseph Kennedy for all his assistance and promotion of the Guides over the years. |
1979 May 11 | ARTILLERY PROJECTILE ISSUE: Approved the sending of a letter on behalf of the Association to Superintendent Earnst to express the concern about the lack of artillery projectiles along the tour route. |
1979 Feb 13 | ADVERTISING: Noted that 25,000 Guide brochures had been printed at a cost of $345 and were now available for suitable distribution. | ||
1979 Jan 9 | PROPOSED ALTERATION OF BUS/CAR RATIO: Moved, seconded and unanimously passed that the car/bus minimum ratio of 40/60 should be changed to 50/50. This ratio of 50/50 should be mandatory for each guide in order to be eligible for assigned bus reservations through the National Park Service Visitor Center. |
1979 Jan 9 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase 25,000 brochures from the Gettysburg Times for $345. The president is to explore the possibility of having them printed on gray paper with blue ink – the brochure will be printed on one side only. |
1978 Jul 18 | MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Membership approved the nomination of Richard Fox to be member-at-large as part of the Executive Committee | ||
1978 Jul 18 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the Travel Council bill amounting to $375. | ||
1978 Mar 7 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE III, SECTION I: This section governs payment of dues to the Association. Moved, seconded and passed a motion to accept a fee of $20 per year for part-time guides working the month of June, July and August. (This represents a reduction in dues for these individuals) |
1978 Mar 7 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION III: This section states that a quorum shall consist of 15 members. It is felt that this number is too high compared to the number of members regularly attending monthy meetings. Moved, seconded and passed lowering the number of members required for a quorum from 15 to 9. |
1978 Mar 7 | RESUMPTION OF SUMMER MEETINGS: Discussion held concerning the resumption of summer meetings in order to increase attendance and also to obtain higher majority votes on important issues. Moved, seconded and passed to have three picnic meetings during the summer months. |
1978 Feb 16 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to spend $280 for an ad in a Travel Council brochure. | ||
1978 Feb 16 | GETTYSBURG TOURS USE OF LBG’s: Lengthy discussion of the proposed use of Licensed Guides by Gettysburg Tours, Inc. Executive Committee was instructed to contact the Park Service concerning the proposal. |
1978 Feb 16 | GUIDE LIABILITY INSURANCE: Report that unable to obtain further information regarding the proposed changes to guide regulations specifically the proposed regulation concerning liability insurance. |
1978 Jan 10 | TRIP MINIMUMS FOR LICENSE: Discussion developed concensus that a guide should put in at least 30 days of guiding or guide for at least 50 trips annually. Moved, seconded and passed that guides who received their license before 1951 would be excluded from this regulation. |
1977 Nov 17 | INCREASE IN BUS RATE: Reported that the bus rate increase to $20 was verbally approved by NPS officials to go into effect January 1, 1978. | ||
1977 Nov 17 | PARK SERVICE LONG RANGE PLANS: Moved, seconded and passed to have the following park plans incorporated in the minutes: 1) new system of Park Service method in counting visitation has dropped much of the exaggeration – a little over a million thus far; 2) no plans whatsoever in terminating the guide service; 3) bus tours are in plan with guides on each bus; 4) car tours will always exist; 5) no plan any longer to exclude vehicular traffic from the park. |
1977 Oct 11 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the entire bill of $375 to the Travel Council. | ||
1977 Sep 13 | REQUEST FOR BUS FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed for the second time a request to increase the fee for a bus tour with a guide from its present $15 to $20 as per request that was made in May of 1977 (Superintendent Earnst did a poll of guides which came out with a number of different opionions.) |
1977 Jun 17 | ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPOSED CHANGES IN SELF GUIDED TOUR ROUTE: Moved, seconded and passed the following proposed recommended changes in the park’s self guided tour route: 1) change to go north on South Washington to the first traffic light on Route 116, turn left and go out to Reynolds Avenue.Also recommend continuance of the West End Station until the new Visitor Center is open. |
1977 Jun 17 | ASSOCIATION POSITION ON NATIONAL CEMETERY: Moved, seconded and passed that the National Cemetery should not be closed to vehicle traffic. Association suggests that traffic through it be made one way from Baltimore Street to the Taneytown Road with bus traffic using only the left road past the Soldiers National Monument, car traffic using either road as in the past. |
1977 Jun 17 | BATTLEFIELD TOWERS: Moved, seconded and passed a recommendation that the NPS retain both towers as an example of historical educational overview of the battlefield and as an earlier form of interpretation. Several generations of families have come to Gettysburg expecting to use these free towers and enjoy them immensely. (This series of motions arose from the Park’s proposed General Management Plan) |
1977 Jun 17 | CLOSING OF AVENUES: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association recommends that all avenues shoul dbe maintained as presently used – Page 8 of the General Management Plan states “The establishing las also requires “Convenenient access by all visitors to all monuments within the park and the ground included therein” The avenues as presently constituted do provide this convenient access for senior citizen and handicapped without walking any considerable distance. |
1977 Jun 17 | CORRESPONDENCE COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED: Established a committee to develop and send correspondence to state Historical Societies, newspapers, Congressman Goodling, Senators Schweikert and Heinz and other interested parties re: Management Plan issues. (Thorp, Lord, Little and Furney appointed) |
1977 May 9 | REMOVAL OF SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed to remove the guide advertising signs along Route 30 East following the reading of a bill from the Department of Transportation. |
1977 Apr 13 | TOUR RATIO: Not a sufficient quorum to conduct business but discussion of proposed $20 bus fee led to a concensus that “if $20.00 fee is allowed then all guides should be forced to ride car trips of 40% of all over total trips or should not be assigned bus trips by the National Park Service. |
1977 Mar 15 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: Group reminded that fee increase (to $10 cars/ $20 buses) proposal of prior meeting not legal according to the bylaws of the Association as there was not a proper quorum. After some discussion it was felt to remain competitive with tape tours the car fee must remain at $8 and the bus fee be raised to $20 effective January 1, 1978. So moved, seconded and passed. |
1977 Mar 15 | ADVERTISING SIGNS ON ROUTE 30: Following the reading of a letter from Penn DOT regarding the guide signs along Route 30 East, it was moved, seconded and passed to remove them. |
1977 Mar 15 | MEMORIAL BOOK: Moved, seconded and passed to have a book placed in the library in memory of Charles Weaver, a veteran guide who died recently in the Veteran’s Hospital at Martisnburg, WV. The Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant was suggested. A moment of silence followed. |
1977 Feb 8 | FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to increase the Guide Tour Fees to $10 per car and $20 per bus to become effective January 1, 1978. Since only 11 members were present it represented an insufficient number to conduct business and was so noted that the motion was not legally passed. |
1977 Jan 11 | 40% CAR TRIPS: With only nine members present there was an insufficient number to conduct business but considerable discussion took place concerning the guideline of 40% car trips as suggested by the National Park Service. |
1976 Dec 7 | FINANCIAL TRANSFER: Moved, seconded and passed to transfer $250 from the savings account to pay the Travel Council the $375 dues. | ||
1976 Dec 7 | ADVERTISING SIGNS ON ROUTE 30: A letter from the Department of Transportation regarding the sign on Lincoln Highway East rental ($40 – 11/9/1976 – it had been noted at the 10/12/1976 meeting this was doubled from last year.) or remove the sign led to a motion moved, seconded and passed to keep the signs in place and if anything further should develop they will then be removed. (Later in the meeting the President read an update on the Federal Highway Act regarding the requirements for signs controlling outdoor advertising.) |
1976 Nov 9 | NEW GUIDE UNIFORM: It was reported that as of January 1, 1977 all guides must be in the new uniform. | ||
1976 Nov 9 | WINTER SCHEDULE RULES: Moved, seconded and passed that guides desiring to work at the Visitor Center this winter must be present on their scheduled work date. |
1976 Nov 9 | INCREASE IN BUS FEE: Moved, seconded and passed a motion to request the rates for the guided bus tour be increase to $20. (Passed too late in the year for any impact plus there was not a quorum) | ||
1976 Nov 9 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to transfer $250 from the savings account to the checking account to pay the 1977 dues for the Gettysburg Travel Council. (Only 12 members present and voting so a quorum was not had. Votes were not official at this time) |
1976 Oct 12 | NO QUORUM: Minutes record only 11 members present which is insufficient for a quorum (15). No business can be officially transacted. | ||
1976 Oct 12 | NEW GUIDE PATCHES: President Furney reported Mrs. Saum stated that the new patches would be issued around the first of the year and each full time guide would be given eight while seasonal guides received four. When patches wear out they are to be returned for replacements. |
1976 Sep 14 | NO QUORUM: Minutes record only 11 members present which is insufficient for a quorum (15). No business can be officially transacted. | ||
1976 Sep 14 | GTC DRIVERS GIVING TOURS: Whereas it appears that new drivers to GTC are talking on the field as soon as they get the bus driving job,it is clear no one is informing them that drivers are not permitted to give oral tours. It is moved, seconded and passed to send a letter to the Superintendent asking for a new letter to be sent to L.E. Smith stating that the regulations should be given to all new drivers. |
1976 Aug 10 | ADVERTISING – TRAVEL COUNCIL: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association of Gettysburg Battlefield Guides should be listed in the new Travel Council Brochure. (300,000 brochures to be printed. Our listing would cost $560 and would need to be paid by August 15, 1976) |
1976 Aug 10 | ADVERTISING – PAYMENT FOR ABOVE MOTION: Moved, seconded and passed to use the $500 in the savings account to pay for the new Travel Council brochure ad space.. | ||
1976 Aug 10 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed directing the treasurer to pay all bills noted in the minutes. ($35 to the Upper Adams JCHS for advertising the Gettysburg Battlefield Guide Association; $375 for Travel Council dues for the year starting July 1, 1976 through June 30, 1977.) |
1976 Jun 8 | NO QUORUM: Minutes record only 14 members present which is insufficient for a quorum (15). No business can be officially transacted. | ||
1976 Jun 8 |
JOINT AGBG/NPS REGULATIONS: 1) 2) All licensed guides will be 3) 4) 5) All guides are expected to have about 40 percent of their total annual trips as car trips on an annual basis. 6) 7) A |
1976 Apr 13 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed NOT to advertise in the Cumberland Valley Review due to insufficient funds in the treasury. | ||
1976 Apr 13 | PART -TIME GUIDE DUES: After discussion on the amount of dues part-time or ‘seasonal’ guides should pay it was moved and seconded that this amount should be $20 instead of the full $35. Motion was defeated. |
1976 Apr 13 | GIVING LOCAL SEASONAL GUIDES PERMANENT LICENSES: The Executive Committee was instructed to contact officials of the National Park Service to try and have the local seasonal guides be given permanent licenses since they are subject to call during other times of the year. |
1976 Apr 13 | WEST END GUIDE STATION: A committee was formed to try and keep West End Guide station open. (Longanecker, R. Fox, H. Williams, and D. Swope appointed) | ||
1976 Apr 13 | SUMMER MEETING: Moved, seconded and passed to hold a summer meeting. | ||
1976 Mar 8 | NO QUORUM: Minutes record only 10 members present which is insufficient for a quorum (15). No business can be officially transacted. | ||
1976 Mar 8 | NEW GUIDE PATCH: It was reported that the National park Service would like to have a single type patch on the new uniform with “Battlefield Guide” and then Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry emblems on it. |
1976 Mar 8 | BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt a bylaws change “Amendment to the Consitution and by-laws of the Association of Gettysburg Battlefield Guides dissolves or ceases to exist, the following procedure will be followed: All money, cash or deposits held at the time and date of dissolvement will be used to pay all outstanding debts and the remainder will be equally divided among members of the association considered dues paid in accordance with by-law Article 3 of the Constitution” Voted and approved by the association members present 8 March 1976. |
1976 Feb 9 | NEW GUIDE PATCH AND EXISTING GUIDE PATCH: Moved, seconded and passed to wear two patches as part of the guide uniform, the guide patch on the sleeve and the new NPS emblem patch on the pocket. |
1976 Feb 9 | REPRINTING OF GUIDE BROCHURE: Moved, seconded and passed to order 25,000 of the guide brochure from the Gettysburg Times and News Publishing Company, at a cost of $302.10. |
1976 Feb 9 | NEW GUIDE UNIFORM: Member John O’Brien and a representative of Fillings Apparel Master, 845 Columbia Ave., Lancaster PA introduced items of the new uniform which his company would make available. |
1975 Dec 8 | GUIDE INCENTIVE AWARD: President Fox reported he has notified Mrs. Saum by letter of the Association’s not being in favor of an Incentive Award for guides. |
1975 Dec 8 | TEMPORARY LICENSES: Moved, seconded and passed that a suggestion be forwarded to Mrs. Saum that temporary licenses be issued to out of town guides, and full time licenses be issued to local guides residing in the Gettysburg area. |
1975 Dec 8 | RELIGHTING THE PEACE LIGHT MEMORIAL: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association publicly endorses the Gettysburg Travel Council’s attempt to have the Eternal Peace Light lighted during the 1976 bicentennial. |
1975 Nov 11 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to withdraw $200 form the Savings Account to pay the current dues remaining in the Gettysburg Travel Council in the amount of $250. |
1975 Nov 11 | GUIDE INCENTIVE AWARD: Following discussion it was recorded the the Association was not in favor of the Incentive Award for Guides as presented by local Park officials. (Meeting with park officials Sept 24, 1975 “Mr. Davidson suggested the guides consider giving an award each year to honor a guide for their performance. Consideration could be given to the cooperation with the park staff; letters received from the visitors and their eagerness to make sure the visitors are taken care of. He suggested guides should be involved in the selection of the nominee) |
1975 Oct 7 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association NOT continue membership in the local Chamber of Commerce as the current assessment of $200 is up from $75 last year. |
1975 Oct 7 | FINANCIAL TRAVEL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to withhold payment of dues in the Gettysburg Travel Council until a more healthy report is forthcoming from the Treasurer. |
1975 Oct 7 | GUIDE FEES: Moved, seconded and passed to NOT seek an increase in guide fees at this time. | ||
1975 Sep 24 | NEW GUIDE UNFORM: At a joint NPS/AGBG meeting held this date President Fox asked the park to hold off on the mandatory date of the change to the new guide uniform until the end of 1976. Some of the older guides have sufficient uniforms to last them for the year and will be retiring when the change to the new uniform is made. It was agreed that all guides must be in the new uniform by January, 1977. |
1975 May 13 | CREDITING MEMBERSHIP DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to credit Wayne Shields the amount of $25 towards his dues in regard for his offer to repair and paint some existing signs at no cost to the Association. |
1975 May 13 | BYLAWS COMMITTEE CHARGED: Moved, seconded and passed to name Howard Williams to draft an amendment to the bylaws concerning the dissolution of Association funds in the event of a dissolution of the Association. |
1975 Apr 8 | NPS UPDATE ON LICENSING: Mrs. Saum of the local NPS staff gave a report that 24 applicants passed the March 29th guide exam with one requesting a full time license. Part time applicants would be licensed for June, July and August and on call. She also reported that there are currently 57 full time and part time guides. |
1975 Apr 8 | NEW GUIDE UNIFORM: Moved, seconded and passed that the president inquire of local NPS official for a delay of the requirements for the new uniform for all guides licensed prior to the 1951 examination. The new uniform will be required effective 1 March 1976. |
1975 Mar 11 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed that we maintain our lisitng in the Travel Council folder at a cost of $100 with $50 to be paid with the application and the balance to be paid when the reprint is completed. |
1975 Mar 11 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE III, SECTION 1: Moved, seconded and passed change to Article III, Section I proposed at the previous meeting “Guides paying dues during the calendar year shall be considered in good standing until July of the following year. Guides who have not paid dues may attend meetings and may voice their opinions but may nt vote on any Association decision until dues have been paid for the current calendar year. |
1975 Feb 19 | NPS EXECUTIVE MEETING – GUIDE LICENSING: NPS officials stated a new type of license issued to new guides will be temporary ones. They will be in effect for the months of April, May, June, July and August. For weekends the months of April, May, Sept and Oct. There will also be a revision of all licenses and the type of license issued will depend on the number of days worked in the past year, 1974 and the availability of the guide in the coming year, 1975. The new license will be for five years rather than one. |
1975 Feb 19 | GUIDE CENTRALIZATION: NPS Executive meeting also discussed an agreement between the park and the Guides on the centralization of guides and the closing of the West End station. At the present time the stations will remain as they are. The park will place all new guides at the Visitor Center. |
1975 Jan | NO QUORUM: Minutes of Feb 11 reported that there was not a quorum at the January meeting and thus no business was transacted. | ||
1974 Dec 10 | GUIDE STATIONS: No business seems to have been transacted but here was a note that the guide stations would be West End, Square, and the Visitor Center – Electric Map. |
1974 Nov 27 | NEW GUIDE LICENSING CATEGORIES: At an Executive Meeting with the new Superintendent, John Earnst, is was mentioned the park was considering making the licences of all guides full time in the summer and part time in the winter for anyone guiding only in the summer. This will replace the “Permanent” and “Seasonal” setup |
1974 Nov 12 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to take out an ad in the Travel Council booklet for a fee of $400 with $200 down payment required. |
1974 Oct 8 | ADVERTISING- SIGN FEE: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the $20 state sign permit which is due on November 1. | ||
1974 Oct 8 | NEW GUIDE UNIFORM: The park memorandum on the new guide uniform was read and the uniform itself was modelled by Mr. Fidler. It was moved, seconded and passed to request of the park an extension of time for the changeover of uniforms. (President Fox asked for an extension at the Nov 27 meeting with Superintendent Earnst and was told all guides would be in the new uniform by the bicentennial.) |
1974 May 14 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase 50,000 brochures from the Gettysburg Times at a cost of $450.00. | ||
1974 May 14 | PROPOSED NEW UNIFORM: President Fox reported on an executive meeting held with Mr. Sykes. There will be a meeting in July with the NPS having someone from the uniform company here to inform guides about uniforms available to them. The Park feels that uniforms from this company (Gregorys of Colorado) would be more suitable for the guides and all would be the same if purchased from one company. |
1974 May 14 | THE “90 DAY CLAUSE”: President Fox reported that Mr. Sykes indicated in an executive meeting that the 90 day clause in the federal code would not be strictly adhered too since there are so many guides that can only guide in the summer. |
1974 May 14 |
BYLAWS CHANGES: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the changes announced at the April meeting: Article 1 – Section 3: Change quorum from 15 mmbers to 12. Article 2 – Section 1: No cards sent out except for a special meeting. Notifications will be by radio and newspaper. Article 3 – Section 1: Change temporary and permanent to all guides. Article 5 – Section 1: Change meeting with the park service to one a year instead of two. To be held before May 1. |
1974 Apr 9 | ADVERTISING – HIGHWAY SIGN RENTAL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the rents for signs placed along the different highways approaching the town through the months that they are due. |
1974 Apr 9 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to renew the certificate of deposit at the bank on April 15 by adding the interest to the certificate and renewing in the amount of $587. Also to have the interest added to the savings acocunt, which was started in 1971 with $100. |
1974 Apr 9 | FLOWERS TO ILL MEMBER: Moved, seconded and passed to send flowers to Raymond Wisler who is ill at his home. | ||
1974 Mar 12 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to place a 1/6 page ad in the Lancaster County brochure “Now” at a cost of $30 per month for a six month period. |
1974 Mar 12 | ADVERTISING ON SMITH BUSES: It was announced that advertising was being provided on the L E Smith buses (Gettysburg Tour Center) at different locations each week until Easter at a cost of approximately $30 per week. Moved, seconded and passed to not use this means of advertising. |
1974 Mar 12 | 50th ANNIVERSARY FOR CLARENCE SWINN: Barb Schutt reported that this was the 50th annoversary of Mr. Swinn becoming a guide and told of plans to honor him with a dinner to which the officers would attend. All others who would like to may do so. It was suggested that the Association would have a separate program at a later time. It was also suggested the a life membership in the Association be given to Mr. Swinn. (No further record of any action being taken on either suggestion but it is listed under new business so the vote may not have been recorded.) |
1974 Mar 12 | VOTE OF THANKS TO REV. DR. McASKILL: Moved, seconded and passed to send a letter of appreciation to Dr. Robert McAskill showing our support of his efforts to have the original copy of the Gettysburg Address returned to Gettysburg. |
1974 Mar 12 | REKINDLING OF THE PEACE LIGHT: Moved, seconded and passed to send a letter to the Superintendent of the Park, Jerry L. Schober, urging the rekindling of the Peace Light. |
1974 Mar 12 | MEETING HALL RENTAL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay $5.00 to the Elks club for the use of the room each month. | ||
1974 Feb 12 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay annual dues of $75 to the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce. | ||
1974 Jan 8 | PROPOSED GUIDE UNIFORM: Guide Supervisor, Mr. Newton Sykes of the NPS made a report on a variety of topics including a short discussion on the new uniform. He recommended that a decision be reached as soon as possible so that all guides will be in the same uniforms. |
1974 Jan 8 | HIGHWAY SIGN RENTAL: Moved, seconded and passed that as we have received a second notice from the state for payment of licenses for signs along Route 30 East the committee should pay the fee of $5 each / total of $20 for the small signs. |
1973 Dec 11 | TOUR FEE INCREASE: President Schutt reported approval has been received from local GNMP officials for our requested increase from $7 to $8 for the auto tour and the $15 fee for any type vehicle which includes ten or more persons in the vehicle and more than one family. |
1973 Nov 13 | UNIFORM INVESTIGATION: Reported that requests had been made to several uniform manufacturing companies with only one response. Mr. George Kenny of Horace Small Manufacturing Co. of Nashvill Tenn was present and showed samples of materials and uniforms with approximate prices. The selected uniform would be made available through Hershey’s Men Shop. No action was taken pending more information and more members present. |
1973 Nov 13 | SPIRIT OF GETTYSBURG EVENT: Moved, seconded and passed to provide $10 each for two couples from this Association to attend the Spirit of Gettysburg sponsored by the Community Public Relations Committee on Nov 30 at the Sheraton Inn. |
1973 Oct 16 | PROPOSED CAR TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to request a fee increase effective 1 January 1974 with the price for a standard tour for a trip of 1 1/2 to 2 hours in a car be raised from $7 to $8. |
1973 Oct 16 | PROPOSED BUS TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to continue the rate for bus tours at the current established rate of $15 per bus. | ||
1973 Oct 16 | PROPOSED ADDITION OF LARGE VEHICLE CATEGORY: Whereas we have received verbal confirmation from local National Park Service officials that fees for a vehicle which included more than ten could command the same rate as for a bus ($15) it was moved, seconded and passed to ask for the following in writing: “In one vehicle, with ten or more, and more than one family, the rate for this tour shall be $15.00.” |
1973 Sep 18 | NO QUORUM: Minutes of Sep 18 reported as there were only 12 members present that in accordance with Association By-Laws, no business would be conducted within this meeting as a quorum was not present. |
1973 Sep 18 | ADVERTISING: Due to the time element involved the members present moved, seconded and passed to take a three line advertisement at a cost of $100 in the brochure to be printer and dispersed by the Community Information Center. |
1973 Sep 18 | ELIMINATION OF SQUARE: Mr, Newton Sykes reported that the takeover of the Electric Map would go into effect October 1, 1973 and would be operated by the Eastern National Parks and Monuments and that guides would come out of the square approximately October 1, 1973 but that guides would probably continue at the West End at least for the next year. |
1973 May 8 | NO QUORUM: Minutes of May 8 reported as there were only 12 members present that in accordance with Association By-Laws, no business would be conducted within this meeting, as a quorum was not present. |
1973 May 8 | GUIDE UNIFORM: President Schutt named Richard Fox, Clay Rebert and Robert Weikert as a Uniform Committee, to contact frank Noble, of Hershey’s Mens Store concerning the feasability of his continuing to provide uniforms for guides. |
1973 Apr 10 | SUMMER MEETINGS: Moved, seconded and passed to discontinue monthly meetings for the months of June, July and August, 1973 though it was suggested the Association may wish to hold a business meeting and picnic as was done in other years. |
1973 Mar 13 | ALL LBG’s TO BE CONSIDERED “FULL TIME”: Moved, seconded and passed to accept Mr. Newton Sykes proposal that full time licenses will be issued to all licensed guides. |
1973 Mar 13 | ADVERTISING IN TRAVEL BOOKLET: Moved, seconded and passed to place an advertisment in the Cumberland Valley Travel booklet for six months from May 1973 to October 1973 at a cost of $23 per month. |
1973 Mar 13 | ADVERTISING SIGN RENTAL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay all rentals on spaces where our signs have been contracted for. | ||
1973 Feb 19 | ADVERTISING TRAVEL COUNCIL FOLDER: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase the $100 listing as advertisment in the Travel Council folder. | ||
1973 Jan 9 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed to renew 1973 membership in the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce. | ||
1973 Jan 9 | MEMORIAL: A moment of silent prayer was held in respect for the memory of William Shealer. It was then moved, seconded and passed to donate a Civil War book to the Adams County Library in his memory, with the Library then forwarding a card to the immediate family. |
1972 Dec 12 | PROPOSED GUIDE LICENSE: Moved, seconded and passed to approve the proposed guide license as proffered by the local National Park officials. (No further information given in the minutes) | ||
1972 Nov 14 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association was now solvent enough to pay current dues in the Travel Council in the amount of $375. |
1972 Oct 12 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay 1973 dues in the Gettysburg Travel Council in the amount of $375 as soon as the Association becomes solvent. |
1972 Oct 12 | LACK OF NPS COMMUNICATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to continue plans to meet with officials of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, in Washington, D.C. as previously planned, to acquaint them with the apparent lack of communications with local National Park officials. Tentative date was October 20, 1972 for this meeting. (August meeting elaborates: “obtaining information which is not being made available by the local National Park officials to this Association, and which this Association believes does pertain to the general working conditions within this Association, and the apparent general lack of communications on the part of the local National Park officials.”) |
1972 Aug 15 | NO QUORUM: Minutes of Aug 15 reported as there were only 12 members present, not sufficient for a quorum, in accordance with Association By-Laws. |
1972 Jul 11 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to continue for an additional three months (August, September and October, 1972), the advertisement in the Cumberland Valley Travel booklet at $25 per month. |
1972 Jul 11 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase an additional 50,000 guide brochures from the Times & News Publishing Company. | ||
1972 Jul 11 | STANLEY WOLF TOUR BUSES: Moved, seconded and passed to go along with Stanley Wolf’s touring plan, and provide guides for his tour at his suggested rates. The members willing to provide guide service for his tour were asked to complete a form as to their availability. |
1972 May 9 | COLLECTIVE BARGAINING RESEARCH: William McCleaf reported on information his committee gathered on collective bargaining for this organization. He talked with Mr. Roger Hoover of the York PA Teamsters Union about the many confrontations of the Guide’s Association. Mr Hoover was sympathetic and offered to assist in any way possible but felt he would need more information to include the formation and continuing history of the licensing of guides by the federal government and existing regulations. |
1972 May 9 | GUIDE HISTORY: President Schutt named Met Sheads, William Bowling, Eugene Sickles and Howard Williams a committee to investigate and compile a complete history of battlefield guides at Gettysburg |
1972 May 9 | GUIDE SHOULDER PATCHES: Moved, seconded and passed to give the Executive Authority to purchase shoulder patches from the Hanover Shirt Company 1300-1330 E. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21213 |
1972 Apr 11 | CLOSURE OF CEMETERY HILL STATION: Mr. C. Newton Sykes of the local National Park staff gave a report one item of which said that “Cemetery Hill has been closed to guides.” |
1972 Apr 11 | CUMBERLAND VALLEY REVIEW AD INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the $5.00 per month increase for the advertisement in the Cumberland Valley Revue publication for the months of May, June and July, 1972. |
1972 Apr 11 | REIMBUSEMENT AUTHORIZATION: Moved, seconded and passed to reimburse Melvin Sargeant and William Bowling $68 for travel expenses as they represented the South Central Pennsylvania area at the travel show in Cleveland, Ohio. |
1972 Apr 11 | FLOWERS FOR DECEASED MEMBERS: Moved, seconded and passed to send flowers upon the death of any guide, irregardless of standing in this organization or not. |
1972 Apr 11 | COLLECTIVE BARGAINING INVESTIGATION: Moved, seconded and passed to investigate collective bargaining within this organization. (Committee name: Clay Rebert, William Bowling, and William McCleaf) | ||
1972 Mar 14 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to place advertisements for 1/8 page ads for three months of May, June and July in the Cumberland Valley Review publication at a cost of $20.00 per month and “This Month” publication at a cost of $28.50 per month respectively. |
1972 Feb 8 | PAYMENT FOR SIGN PAYMENT: Moved, seconded and passed to pay Eugene Sickles Signs for sign painting in the amount of $65. | ||
1972 Feb 8 | CLEVELAND OHIO TRAVEL SHOW: Moved, seconded and passed to reimburse any representative of the Association who attends the Cleveland Travel Show March 22-26, 1972 for gas mileage at the least. |
1972 Jan 11 | GETTYSBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay 1972 dues in the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $75. | ||
1972 Jan 11 | SPACE RENT FOR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed to pay all back rent on spaces where our advertising signs are located and in the future to pay such rental on a July to July annual basis. |
1971 Nov 9 | GUIDE BILLBOARD: Moved, seconded and passed approving payment of $50 each month for six months for rental space for the location of our billboard to be placed near the intersepction of US Route 140 and the Route 15 Bypass. The first payment to be made upon the erection of said billboard, to the owner of the land, Mr. Kent A. Peterson, #1 Old Gate Ct, Rockville, MD 20852. |
1971 Nov 9 | GETTYSBURG TRAVEL COUNCIL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay 1971-72 dues in the amount of $375 to the Gettysburg Travel Council, and purchase a 1/4 page advertisement in the Travel Council booklet at a cost of $450, the new printing to be approximately 300,000 copies. |
1971 Oct 12 | NO QUORUM: Minutes of Oct 12 reported as there were only 12 members present. As not enough members were present to constitute a quorum, no further business was conducted. |
1971 Sep 14 | NO QUORUM: Minutes of Sep 14 reported as there were only 10 members present. As not enough members were present to constitute a quorum, no further business was conducted. |
1971 Jul 13 | UNIFORM CONUNDRUM: Terry Fox reported that Hersheys Tailors will no longer provide uniform shirts and summer and winter trousers because of the cost of providing material for the same. Hersheys will still provide the uniform hats. |
1971 Jun 8 | BURMA SHAVE SIGN REFURBISHING: Moved, seconded and passed to pay Mr. Joseph Reaver for repainting and scotchlighting the three Burma Shave type signs located on Route 30, West, near the McKnightstown intersection. |
1971 Jun 8 | ADVERTISEMENT IN TRAVEL COUNCIL BOOKLET: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase a 1/4 page advertisement in the Gettysburg Travel Council booklet at a stated cost of $180. The printing should total 100,000 copies and will be for local distribution and for distribution at Pennsylvania Travel Council booths. |
1971 Jun 8 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to print 50,000 guide brochures of one color, brown, to be printed by the Times and News Publishing Company at a cost of $345. |
1971 Jun 8 | PLACEMAT ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to place an advertisment in a placemat to be printed by Pennsylvania Vacationland Travel Service at a cost of $150 for a photograph and an additional $150 for a 40-word description of our service. 600,000 to one million copia of this placemat are to be printed in June. |
1971 May 11 | SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Moved, seconded and passed to place $100 in the savings account. | ||
1971 May 11 | BILLBOARD PLACEMENT: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the committee’s recommendations for rental space to be placed on the Route 15 By Pass with Mr. Joseph Reaver to commence contruction immediately and erection of two billboards at the stated cost of $324.58 each and to be placed on land owned by Mrs. Bucher on the east side at the Steinwehr Avenue interchange at an annual rental of $75. The other to be placed on the by pass North on the west side at the Biglerville interchange on land owned by Mrs Zepp at an annual rental of $150. |
1971 May 11 | REPAINTING SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the Outdoor Advertising committees recommendation to accept the bid from Mr. Joseph Reaver to rebuild, paint and reset, at a cost of $76 the sign on the property of Mr. Woerner on Route 30 west, and to pay the agreed rental fee for this space. |
1971 May 11 | UNIFORM COMMITTEE REPORT: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the committee recommendation that the guides shall continue to wear the present uniform. |
1971 Apr 13 | SUSPENSION OF MONTHLY TRAINING SESSIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to suspend the monthly Training sessions until the Sept 1971 meeting becasue of the expected heavy visitation to the battlefield during the summer months. (In May Guide Supervisor Glenn Hinsdale announced he was leaving and his replacement, Mr. C. Newton Sykes – Chief, Visitor Services under which the guide service will now fall.) |
1971 Jan 12 | BILLBOARDS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the bid of Mr. Joseph Reaver, local sign painter, for two 8′ x 16′ billboards at a cost of $324.58 each finished signs to be erected on the Route 15 bypass, one north and one south, both within a five mile radius of Gettysburg. |
1971 Jan 12 | GUIDE TRAINING SURVEY: Mr. Glenn Hinsdale reported the results of the Guide Training Survey which 36 guides returned. Plans were announced and a tentative date of February 9th set to commence the training program for all licensed guides. |
1971 Jan 12 | GETTYSBURG AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay 1971 dues in the Gettysburg Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $75. | ||
1971 Jan 12 | BY LAWS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the By-Laws Committee’s recommendations, a copy of which is included with these minutes. (Copy missing so changes not known) |
1970 Nov 10 | BYLAWS COMMITTEE FORMED: President Sickles appointed Terry Fox to form a committee to suggest changes and additions to the Association’s outdated By Laws, to be presented at the next meeting. The committee was also charged with reviewing the Federal Regulations manual pertaining to guide services as to recommendations for changes. |
1970 Oct 20 | ASSOCIATION STATIONARY: Moved, seconded and passed to sell recently purchased stationary, letterheads and envelopes to members at a cost of 5 cents each. |
1970 Oct 20 | MEETING DATES FOR 1971: Moved, seconded and passed to meet in regular session the second Tuesday in every month to include the summer months. | ||
1970 Oct 20 | DUES NOTICES: Moved, seconded and passed to send current dues notices to all Guides, permanent and temporary, on April 15 each year. | ||
1970 Oct 20 | PARTIAL PAYMENT OF DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to accept partial payments of dues such as $15 and $20 from temporary guides. | ||
1970 Oct 20 | NATIONAL TOWER OPPOSITION: Moved, seconded and passed to oppose the construction of a privately owed observation tower on the proposed site overlooking the Gettysburg National Cemetery. |
1970 Jun 24 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed to continue the car tour fee at $7 per auto and to raise the fee for each bus from $12 to $15 effective the day after Labor Day 1970 |
1970 Apr 14 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to place $100 in savings as a certificate to earn 5% interest. | ||
1970 Apr 14 | DELAYING FEE INCREASE ANNOUNCEMENT: Moved, seconded and passed to delay public announcement of the increase in the guide fees to $8 per car tour and $15 per bus tour, as anticipated raises should commence about Labor Day 1970. |
1970 Feb 10 | REIMBURSEMENT OF MEMBER REPRESENTATIVES: Moved, seconded and passed to reimburse its representatives to various local organizational meetings for expenses incurred. |
1970 Jan 3 | ASSOCIATION STATIONARY: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase a ream of stationary with letterheads for the use of the Association and its members. |
1970 Jan 3 | SEND LETTER TO PARK ABOUT NO ACTION ON FEE INCREASE REQUEST: Moved, seconded and passed to send a letter to NPS officials for further action concerning our request that fees for guide services be raised to $8 per car and $15 per bus to be made efective as soon as possible. |
1970 Jan 3 | TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Moved, seconded and passed to transfer $200 from the General Fund to the Sinking Fund. | ||
1970 Jan 3 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to make a donation in the amount of $25 to the Band Parents Club of the Gettysburg Joint School System towards purchase of new band uniforms. |
1970 Jan 3 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay 1970 dues in the Gettysburg Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $75. | ||