ALBG Actions and Resolutions 2020-2029

2021    February 17 (Zoom) ISSUE OF MORE OPENESS WITH COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES TO REGULAR NPS MEETINGS:  Gary Vezza moved, seconded by Fred Hawthorne to have Eric Lindblade and Les Fowler discuss ways to get the Council more frequent reports on what is taking place. 
2021.   February 17 (Zoom) APPOINTMENT OF AUTHORIZED AGENT TO REPRESENT ALBG IN REGARD TO COMMERCIAL USE AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENTS: Fred Hawthorne moved, seconded by Eric Lindblade that “The Executive Council duly authorize Frederick W Hawthorne as a member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Education Committee, to act as the agent of the Executive Council in all matters pertaining to the Commercial Use Authorization application submitted to the Gettysburg National Military Park for the 2021 education programs” Said motion required to be able to sign and submit the application.  Motion passed.
2021     February 17 (Zoom) CREATION OF NEWSLETTERS COMMITTEE:. Les Fowler moved, seconded by Fred Hawthorne to establish a Standing Committee to be called “newsletters” to coordinated publication of the Battlefield Dispatch and any other authorized newsletters to ALBG members.  Motion passed. (Later found that the sub committee already exists under the Education Committee)
2021     February 17, (Zoom) LETTER TO BE SENT TO NPS RE TOUR MINIMUMS AND FEE REDUCTION:  Fred Hawthorne moved, seconded by Gary Vezza to send a letter to the NPS requesting elimination of the tour minimum and reduction in the licensing fee in 2021 due to the continuing slowdown of visitation due to COVID-19.  Motion passed.
2021.    February 17, (Zoom) ESTABLISHMENT OF WEBSITE SUBCOMMITTEE:   Les Fowler moved, seconded by Fred Hawthorne to appoint a subcommittee of the Promotion and Media Committee to evaluate and improve the website.  Motion Passed.
2021.    January 15. (Zoom) TRADEMARKING OF LBG PATCH AND ALBG NAME: Despite the expenditure of at least $2,500 in legal fees and the trademarking of the NPS LBG Patch / logo no proper motions were made, seconded and acted upong authorizing the expenditure or the process of trademarking.  Mention was made of an executive session yet no minutes were publicly posted.  Steps wer taken to prevent this in the future.
2021.   January 15. (Zoom) ADOPTION OF 2021 OPERATING BUDGET:  Therese Orr moved, seconded by Ralph Siegel, to approve adoption of the 2021 ALBG Operating Budget. Motion passed.
2021.   January 15  (Zoom) ACCEPTANCE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT: Gary Vezza moved, seconded by Ralph Siegel to accept the report of the Audit Committee. Motion passed.
2020.   December 18 (Zoom) REORGANIZATION ITEMS: owler moved,  Les Fowler (President); Mary Turk Meena (Secretary; and Jim Cooke (Treasurer) were appointed to be officer of Council for 2021. Committee chairs were selected and meeting dates determined.  No motion was placed on the floor, no second and no formal announcement of the vote.
2020.    December 18 (Zoom) APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY 2021 OPERATING BUDGET:   Les Fowler moved, seconded by Jim Hessler to publish the proposed operating budget for 2021 for action in January.
2020.    November 18 (Zoom) No actionable business was recorded.
2020.    October 16 (Zoom) RECOMMENDATION OF SPECIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE:  Jim Cooke moved, seconded by Jim Hessler to accept  the report and recommendation of the special committee designated to review the Ethics Review request sumbitted by a member.  Motion carried with Les Fowler and Mary Turk-Meena abstaining.
2020.    September 18 (Zoom) ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE RESTRUCTURING:  Les Fowler moved, seconded by Deb Novotny to accept the recommendation of the working committee on Committee reorganization to create a Finance Committee, that the EC President be chair of the Representation Committee as well as some modification of duties.  Motion passed.
2020.    August 21 (Zoom) CANCELLATION OF WINTER LUNCHES DUE TO COVID:  Jim Cooke moved, seconded by Chuck Burkell to cancel the regular winter social lunches due to the continuing Pandemic. Motion passed unanimously.
2020.    August 21 (Zoom) NOMINATING COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED:  Eric Lindblade moved, seconded by Jim Hessler to establish a nominating committee for the November 2020 election.  Motion carried unanimously.  Rob Abbott and Deb Novotny, not running for reelection were appointed to the committee.
2020.    August 21 (Zoom) FALL PROGRAM ESTABLISHED:   Chuck Burkell moved, seconded by Deb Novotny to sponsor a Fall Saturday Walk Program, two hours long. Motion Carried unanimously.  A later email vote changed these to three-hour Sunday afternoon tours for the price of $30.
2020.    July 17 (Zoom) ELECTION OF RETIRED LGB’S KROHN AND ETCHBERGER TO EMERITUS STATUS:  Fran Feyock moved, seconded by Guillermo Bosch that John Krohn and Bob Etchberger, having retired from guiding are hereby elected to Emeritus status and eligible for all the benefits that status provides. Motion passed.
2020.    July 17 (Zoom) SENDING OF LETTER TO NPS RE: NON ENTRY OF VISITOR CENTER IF NUMBERS EXCEED 25 PEOPLE:  Chuck Burkell moved, seconded by Guillermo Bosch that the ALBG immediately notify the NPS that, based on our understanding of the indoor gathering limit of 25 people and instructions from the NPS to  comply with all PA DOH guidance, Guides will be advised not to enter the Main Visitor Center if there are more than 25 people in the lobby. The motion passed,
2020.    July 17 (Zoom) APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS / STANDING RULES: Guillermo Bosch moved, seconded by Rob Abbott to adopt the bylaws revisions and changes as published to the membership on June 25, 2020.  Amendments were passed unanimously.
2020.     July 17 (Zoom) PASSAGE OF BUDGET REVISION FOR COVID:  Jim Cooke moved, seconded by Phil Lechak to approved the revised budget offered by the Executive Council and published as directed in the Battlefield Dispatch.  Motion passed unanimously.
2020.     June 19 (Zoom) 2020 ALBG BUDGET REVISIONS:. Jim Cooke moved, seconded by Chuck Burkell to approved suggested revisions to the 2020 Operating Budget in response to the COVID challenges. Motion approved.
2020.     June 19 (Zoom) ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL BYLAWS / STANDING RULES REVIEW COMMITTEE:  Mary Turk-Meena moved, seconded by Les Fowler that in accordance with Standing Rules, a special committee will be established to review the bylaws and Standing Rules and propose any changes. Motion passed unanimously.
2020.     June 19 (Zoom) APPOINTMENT OF REPLACEMENT COUNCIL MEMBER TO FILL VACANCY:  Due to the resignation of John Baniszewski from Executive Council an email vote was taken and Jasan Hileman was appointed to fill the balance of the term.
2020.     May 15 (Zoom) 2020 ALBG BUDGET ADAPTATION PROPOSAL:  Chuck Burkell moved, seconded by Jim Cooke to recommend changes to the budget to make dues voluntary for LBGs .  Motion passed 10-2 and will be presented to the membership at the July General Meeting.
2020.      April 17 POSSIBLE USE OF ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM:  No action but a suggestion was made to hold future meetings using Zoom Video Conferencing. Therese Orr will look into it.
2020.      April 17 LETTER TO BE SENT TO SUPERVISORY PARK RANGER ABOUT FORMATION OF COVID WORKING GROUP:. Les Fowler moved, seconded by Jim Hessler to send a letter to Supervisory Park Ranger Angie Atkinson advising her of the creation o f the LBG COVID 19 Working Group and its desire to cooperate with NPS and the Gettysburg Foundation. Motion passed with 10 yes votes and 2 abstentions.
2020.      April 17 CREATION OF COVID-19 WORKING GROUP:  Therese Orr moved, seconded by Les Fowler to create a COVID19 Working Group to consider issues impacting all guides related to the pandemic and develop a set of recommendations to all guides. Motion passed with 11 yes votes and 1 abstention.
2020.       April 17 PROPOSAL TO COMPENSATE LAST MINUTE GUIDE TOUR CANCELLATIONS:  Chuck Burkell moved, seconded by Jim Cooke that a recommendation be made to the Gettysburg Foundation that any guide not compensated for the tours in accordance with usual cancellation rules during the period from March 12-March 19, 2020 be scheduled for two equivalent reservations for each tour reservation cancelled in addition to other random reservations assigned to that guide. Such additional tour reservations are to be assigned as soon as feasible following the reopening of the Gettysburg Foundation reservation system.  Motion passed by a vote of eleven yes and one abstention.  (Note: At May 15 meeting Les Fowler reported Gettysburg Foundation is not interested in pursuing compensation at this time.)
2020.       March 19 PURCHASE OF NATIONAL TRIBUNE INDEX FOR THE LIBRARY:  Council approved without motion made, seconded and voted upon to approve Librarian Mike Strong’s request to purchase a National Tribune index and finding aid for the ALBG office library at a cost of $150.
2020.       March 19 ALBG COVID ACTIONS:  In response tot the closure of all non-life sustaining businesses in the Commonwealth the following actions were taken: (1) the ALBG office phone reservation system is shut down immediately with no further phone reservations accepted. (2) the Visiting Scholars Banquet is cancelled and all reservations will be refunded. (3) The spring seminar is hereby postponed to the weekend of October 23-24, 2020 (4) A banner will be placed on the ALBG webpage indicating the suspension of tour reservations.
2020        February 20 APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE CHAIRS FOR PROMOTION AND GREATER GOOD:   Les Fowler moved, seconded by Rob Abbott to appoint Eric Lindblade as chari of the Promotion committee and Gary Vezza to chair the Greater Good committee.  Motion carried unanimously.
2020.       January 17 ADOPTION OF BYLAWS AND STANDING RULES CHANGES:  Theresa Orr moved, seconded by Stuart Dempsey to approve the amendments to the Bylaws and Standing Rules adding the office of Council President, defining the duties of such and officer, etc.  Bill Thomas moved and George Maturi seconded an amendment adding a new Section 3 to Article VI to clarify the authority of the President “In all interactionswith organizations outside the ALBG, the President shall present, and advocate for, the position(s) of the ALBG as determined by the Council. The President shall not make any agreement with any party on behalf of the ALBG without the prior consent of the majority of the members of the Council.  Motion, as amended, passed unanimously. 
2020.       January 17 ADOPTION OF 2020 OPERATING BUDGET:   Fran Feyock moved, seconded by John Baniszewski to adopt the 2020 Operating Budget as advertised. Motion passed unanimously.
2020        January 17 AUDIT COMMITTEE:  Mary Turk-Meena reported the Audit Committee (Deb Novotny, Mary Turk-Meena met and reviewed the financial records.  Member George Maturi independently audited the books. All concurred the financials were accurate as reported.