ALBG Actions and Resolutions 1990-1999
1999 Nov.12 | GETTYSBURG HOTEL: Moved, seconded and passed recommendation of the Seminar Committee that we not patronize the Gettysburg Hotel until they begin to provide ALBG with adequate service and banquet accomodations. |
1999 Nov.12 |
BUSINESS MEETING NIGHT: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG meeting night be changed from Friday evening to the third Thursday of the month commencing in March of 2000. |
1999 Nov.12 |
LICENSING CATEGORIES: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to oppose the current NPS policy of arbitrarily changing licensing categories and requirements without consulting the ALBG and to encourage the NPS to further adjust requirements for particular license categories and associated availability time. (Present resolution at next NPS/ALBG meeting) |
1999 Sep.10 |
DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to distribute the $550 Book Show raffle profit to the following organizations: $200 to GBPA; $250 to the Brandy Station Foundation; and $100 to the Civil War Museum on Pine Street in Philadelphia. |
1999 Sep.10 |
GUIDE EMERITUS STATUS: Moved, seconded and passed to approach the NPS with a proposal that guides who have worked for 25 to 30 years be given emeritus status with the National Park Service, subject to negotiation. |
1999 Sep.10 |
RESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT: Moved, seconded and passed to require a member of the Reservation Committee to put together a monthly report designed to keep the ALBG membrs abreast of what is happening at the meetings. This is to be added as an addendum to the ALBG member newsletter. |
1999 Sep.10 |
BUSINESS MEETING NIGHT: Moved, seconded and passed a motion empowering the office of the President to explote alternative ALBG business meeting dates contingent on GAR Hall availability and report the results of the investigation by adding a note in the newsletter. |
1999 Sep.10 |
LETTER OF PROTEST TO TRAVEL COUNCIL: Moved, seconded and passed an authorization for the President to write a letter to the Travel Council and their Board of Directors protesting the poor judgement of Phillip Magaldi in lobbying the National Park Service’s policy which states that only Licensed Battlefield Guides can be paid to give tours at the Gettysburg National Military Park. |
1999 Sep.10 |
PAYMENT FOR SEMINAR GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed resolution in regards to ALBG Seminars, the highest priority in securing paid services will be given to a member of the ALBG. Non-ALBG guides may be hired if they agree to return a part of their fee to cover membership dues. |
1999 Jul.16 |
MAURICE WEAVER MEMORIAL FUND: Moved, seconded and passed a motion to buy “Memorial Bricks” from the Book Fund and replace those monies with the Memorial Fund CD money when it matures. |
1999 Jul.16 |
LEGAL FUND CONTRIBUTION: Moved, seconded and passed a proposal that at least $500 be added to the budget for the next two years to be placed in the Legal Fund, subject to approval of the membership. |
1999 Jul.16 |
ANNOUNCEMENT OF MEETING AGENDAS: Moved, seconded and passed that the newsletter list agendas for meetings as far in advance as possible. |
1999 Jul.16 |
ALBG FUNERAL HONOR GUARD: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG should have an honor guard to stand at funerals of deceased members and be organized through our appointed chaplain. |
1999 May 21 |
MAURICE WEAVER & KOSER-MUSSER MEMORIAL FUNDS: Moved, seconded and passed to use the interest accumulated in these funds to buy Memorial Bricks for the town square and books for the Adams County Library. |
1999 May 21 |
NEW VISITOR CENTER PLANNING COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to appoint a small committee to prepare a document to present to the NPS outlining the needs and facilities for the Guides regarding the new Visitor’s Center and to present the document to the Executive Council by its next meeting. |
1999 May 21 |
EFFICIENT GUIDE SCHEDULING: Moved, seconded and passed to have ALBG send a letter to the Superintendent stating the following: the ALBG requests that the NPS allocate sufficient resources to efficiently and fairly manage the reservation system in order to serve the public, ensure that guides get their requests, and that non-requested buses are distributed in an equitable manner. And that NPS re-affirms its commitment to the guide force that guides will be reimbursed for scheduled buses which do not show up for any reasons whatsoever outside the cancellation deadline. |
1999 May 21 |
LETTER TO SUPERINTENDENT: Moved, seconded and passed that in conjunction with the above passed motion that the president of the ALBG hand deliver the above letter to the Superintendent with the intention of scheduling an appointment to discuss the matter. |
1999 May 21 |
RESERVATION SYSTEM INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to form a committee to investigate solutions to the reservation system. |
1999 May 21 |
GUIDE BOARD COVERAGE DURING BUSY TIMES: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that effective January 1, 2000 the NPS recruit additional Visitor Center volunteers to handle all guide board coverage from April 15 to Labor Day to free up available LBG’s to satisfy visitor needs. |
1999 Mar 19 |
LBG GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: President announced that effective Jan 1, 2000 tour fees will change to 1-5 people: $35; 6-15 people will remain as is at $45; 16+ people…$75. |
1999 May 19 |
COSTER AVENUE MURAL DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed resolution to consider donating to this restoration project once the artist’s plans have been reviewed. |
1999 May 19 |
GUIDE BOARD MANUAL ANNEX 6: Moved, seconded and passed to implement “Annex 6” once training sessions have been held and all possible problem have been investigated. |
1999 May 19 |
INCREASING MINIMUM TOURS FOR LICENSING CATEGORIES: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that raising the minimum number of trips per guide category should only be considered in lieu of adding additional battlefield guides. |
1999 Jan 19 |
USING ANSWERING MACHINE FOR EVENT CANCELLATION: Moved, seconded and passed in Executive Council to use the answering machine in the Guideroom as a means of informing people about delays or cancellations of ALBG meetings. |
1999 Jan 15 |
ICY STEPS TO THE GUIDE ROOM: Moved, seconded and passed to write a letter to the Superintendent to complain about the park breaking its promise to keep the area of the guide room clean of snow and the restrooms on the north side of the building open. |
1999 Jan 15 |
LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR EVENTS: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise our insurance level for ALBG sanctioned events to $1 million per event at a premium of $151 per year. |
1999 Jan 15 |
GUIDE ROOM RENTERS INSURANCE: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise our guideroom renters coverage ro $20 thousand (from $10 thousand) at a premium of $305. |
1999 Jan 15 |
BUS TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR 2000: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise the bus fee to $75 for the year 2000. |
1999 Jan 15 |
VAN TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR 2000: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise the fee for trips with 6-15 people to $55. (After motion to raise it to $50 had failed) |
1999 Jan 15 |
HORSE TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR 2000: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise the Horse Tour fee for 2000 to $50. |
1999 Jan 15 |
CAR TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR 2000: Moved, seconded and passed motion to raise the fee for trips with 1-5 people to $35. |
1999 Jan 15 |
OPPOSITION TO LICENSE FEE INCREASES: Moved, seconded and passed to oppose the Superintendent if he should increase the guide licensing fee because we are raising our rates. |
1999 Jan 15 |
PAYMENT TO BUD HALL FOR TOUR: Moved, seconded and passed motion to give Bud Hall $250 for the Brandy Station Foundation for his tour held 1/16/1999. |
1998 Nov 20 |
NEW WINTER SCHEDULE GUIDE BOARD PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed adoption of guide board procedures suggested by John Fuss. Procedures include manning the guide board until 4PM, except in inclement weather, and allowing back up uides to sign up for trips after the duty guides have gone out and signed up for their second trip. |
1998 Nov 20 |
JIM MUSSER AND HOWARD KOSER MEMORIAL FUNDS: Moved, seconded and passed to convert the funds collected in these two memorials – $695, be converted into a certificate of deposit. |
1998 Nov 20 |
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TOUR GUIDE ASSOCIATIONS, USA: Moved, seconded and passed to join the National Federation of Tour Guide Associations, USA at the cost of $150 per year, payable in December for the following year. (Based on report and recommendation of our representative who attended meeting in Washington DC November 13-15, 1998) |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION 3: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “The officers of this Association shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian to be elected at the November business meeting each year. A member-at-large will be appointed by the president to the position of Chaplain. The terms of all newly elected officers will commence the first day of January following election.” (Changes old process of elections in January) |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION 6: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “During the interval between meetings the business of the Association will be conducted by an Executive Council consisting of the five elected officers, six Executive Council members elected at-large from the membership, two Ethics Committee chairs, and the Chaplain. Three of these at-large members and one Ethics Chair will be elected to a two year term, each November.” (Added two new Executive Council positions) |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION 12: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “Committees of the Association shall be organized in December of each year and shall be chaired by an Executive Council member.” (Executive Council will share various committee duties) |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION 13: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “The President shall appoint members to fill any vacancies that occur on the Executive Council in the period between elections. All such appointments are subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Council. (Established firm method of replacing vacancies without calling special meetings) |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE I, SECTION 14: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “The members present at any business meeting constitute a quorum for conducting Association business. Proxy voting may be permitted under certain circumstances providing two-thirds of the Executive Council agree to put an issue before the entore membership.” |
1998 Nov 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4: Moved, seconded and passed bylaws change “The Ethics Committee’s mission is to receive, investigate and resolve allegations of non-compliance with the LBG Code of Conduct and Ethics. It will be composed of the members of the Executive Council headed by the Ethics co-chairs.” |
1998 Oct 16 |
BYLAWS CHANGE – FEE INCREASES: Moved, seconded and passed to amend the bylaws to allow a vote on fee increases at any time. |
1998 Oct 16 |
FEE INCREASE PROPOSALS: Moved, seconded and passed a variety of motions increasing the fee for tours for 1-5 people to $35; increasing the fee for tours for 6-15 people to $50; and increasing the fee for tours for 60 or more people to $75. |
1998 Sep.18 |
CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING: Moved, seconded and passed resolution to call a special meeting on October 16 specifically to discuss the issue of a possible fee increase and an alternate fee structure. |
1998 Sep.18 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed proposal to distribute proceeds from the GBPA bookshow equally split between the GBPA (with a recommendation it be used for land acquisition) and Brandy Station Foundation. (Minutes do not reflect amounts – July minutes indicate $695) |
1998 Jul 17 |
PAYMENT FOR “NO SHOW” TRIPS: Moved, seconded and passed resolution that as of September 1, 1998 ALBG members will expect payment for no-show trips and cancellations to be paid directly by Eastern National Parks and Monuments on the day the obligation is incurred. |
1998 Jul 17 |
“INTELLIGENT” SCHEDULING: Moved, seconded and passed resolution that ALBG insists that reservations follow a convenient time frame established by ALBG and Eastern National that avoids unproductive down time. |
1998 Jul 17 |
GUIDE BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that ALBG duty guides will only be responsible for random trips. All bus and car reservations will be referred to Eastern employees for distribution. |
1998 Jul 17 |
RESERVATION SYSTEM FOUL UPS: Moved, seconded and passed resolution that no random guide may be “held” past their pre-determined time to cover a reservation foul up unless said guide is consulted and grants permission. If the guide cannot be consulted their time cannot be altered. |
1998 Jul 17 |
MORNING DRAW PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed that all individuals wishing to take part in the morning draw must have their tag in the appropriate place prior to 7:55 AM when the draw will take place. This to take effect following publication in the August Dispatch and written notification in the guideroom for 14 days. |
1998 May 15 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $400 from the Seminar Fund to APCWS for reducing the Brandy Station debt. |
1998 May 15 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to loan ourselves $815 (value of CD for Mollie Andrew’s from John’s donations – inaccesible due to missing safe deposit box key) and increase it to $1000 to give upon Mollies graduation this year as a scholarship. |
1998 May 15 |
OPPOSITION TO NO BUSES ON COSTER AVENUE: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to the Superintendent to oppose the recently announced NPS policy that Coster Avenue is closed to bus traffic. |
1998 May 15 |
FEMALE UNIFORM SUBCOMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize four female uniform committee members to form a subcommittee to look for a new uniform supplier for compatible uniform items. |
1998 May 15 |
COMPLAINT LETTER TO ENPM: Moved, seconded and passed to have the ALBG contact Eastern National’s headquarters, expressing concern for past due payments for no-show buses. |
1998 May 15 |
3-D MAPS OF GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN AREA: Moved, seconded and passed to use $550 from the book fund to buy 3-D Maps of the Gettysburg Campaign with the ALBG being reimbursed by selling the maps at cost to ALBG members and through other outlets. |
1998 Mar 20 |
GUIDE BOARD DESK SIGN PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to expend up to $60 for a noticeable sign for the Guide Board Desk – purchase to be delayed until the new counters are installed in the Visitor Center. |
1998 Feb 28 |
MORNING GUIDE DRAWING PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed in Executive Committee to accept the draft version of these guidelines for conducting the 8 o’clock daily draw. |
1998 Feb 28 |
NEW NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Moved, seconded and passed approval of appointed Ed Guy as the new editor of the Association newsletter. |
1998 Feb 28 |
ALBG ADVANCED CERTIFICATION: Executive Committee authorized an exploration of the concept of pursuing our own certification standard in addition to that of the park. Purpose to preserve the service’s high standards of quality. |
1998 Jan 16 |
ALBG POSITION ON ADDING NEW GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed resolution requesting that the NPS add not more than six guides this year pending review of 1998 visitation statistics. |
1998 Jan 16 |
LEGAL FUND INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed that we transfer $670 from the Book Fund to the Legal Fund to bring the balance in the Legal Fund to an even $5000. This amount to be placed in a certificate of deposit in the Adams County National Bank. |
1998 Jan 16 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed that $500 be taken from the Seminar Fund and be donated to the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association to be earmarked for land acquisition or preservation. |
1997 Dec 19 |
BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed that the frequency of ALBG Business Meetings will be changed from every month to just the odd numbered months beginning in 1998 with the Executive Council meeting in even-months. |
1997 Dec 19 |
BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed the the ethics chair elections will be switched so that only one of the two co-chairs comes up for election each year. |
1997 Dec 19 |
BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed that all references to specific dues amounts are removed from the bylaws. |
1997 Nov 27 |
ASSOCIATES PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed that the Associate’s program would continue with current benefits and that ALBG should consider budgeting a Continuing Education program honorarium for 1998. |
1997 Nov 27 |
NEW RESERVATION SYSTEM: Moved, seconded and passed that a request be sent to Eastern National requesting that they and the NPS provide to ALBG a written listing of all present policies and modifications and that these be signed by representatives of all three groups. |
1997 Nov 27 |
WEAVER/MUSSER/KOSER MEMORIAL FUND: Moved, seconded and passed to pursue the idea of a bench on the town square with a memorial plaque honoring these deceased guides and instructing the officers to approach Mayor Bill Troxell with the idea. |
1997 Nov 27 |
RETIREMENT OF JOY COX: Moved, seconded and passed that a sum of $200 would be taken from the Book Fund to add to individual donations to present to Joy Cox on the occasion of a December dinner in honor of her retirement 12/31/97. |
1997 Oct 17 |
ANNUAL GUIDE LICENSING FEE: Moved, seconded and passed to send a request to the NPS asking them to decrease or eliminate the annual licensing fee. |
1997 Oct 17 |
WINTER SCHEDULE PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed to notify the NPS that ALBG supports the winter schedule program as it has been handled in the past, and that the ALBG should be consulted by the NPS on any future changes. |
1997 Oct 17 |
WINTER SCHEDULE PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed to require all three primary winter schedule guides to be present at 0800. |
1997 Oct 17 |
WINTER SCHEDULE PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed to require continuous staffing by duty guides from 8 to 5 during the winter schedule. |
1997 Sep 19 |
GUIDE ROOM ANSWERING MACHINE: Moved, seconded and passed that $35 be appropriated towards the purchase of an answering machine. |
1997 Aug 15 |
PART_TIME, WEEKEND GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution calling on the ALBG to officially request the NPS by letter that part-time, weekend guides be required to do a minimum of 40 tours on weekends. |
1997 Aug 15 |
NEW GUIDEROOM COPY MACHINE: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the expenditure of up to $2000 to purchase a new copy machine to replace the August, 1992 unit. |
1997 Aug 15 |
REVOCATION OF MAY 16 RESOLUTION: Moved, seconded and passed to rescind the opposition to the new guide exam motion passed at the May 16 meeting. |
1997 Aug 15 |
SUPPORT FOR NEW GUIDE EXAMINATION: Moved, seconded and passed that “The ALBG will offer its assistance in the guide examination this year with the formulation, administration and evaluation of the exam, but it opposes the adding of new guides without consulting the ALBG or without demonstrated need.” |
1997 Aug 15 |
ELECTION OF DON MCLAUGHLIN TO ALBG EMERITUS STATUS: Moved, seconded and passed to elect former licensed guide Don McLaughlin to Emeritus status in the ALBG. |
1997 Jul 18 |
OPPOSITION TO TRAFFIC HAZARD: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG encourage the NPS to correct the traffic hazard that now exists at the intersection of Stone Avenue and Route 30, the remedy being specifically to reverse the flow of traffic on Stone Avenue to northward rather than southward. |
1997 Jul 18 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate the $662 raised at the book show plus $338 raised by the spring seminar for a total of $1000 to the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association. |
1997 May 16 |
LBG UNIFORM SUPPLIER: Moved, seconded and passed by voice vote to give authorization to the Uniform Committee to investigate an alternate supplier to Hanover Clothing due to continuing complaints by the membership. |
1997 May 16 |
RETAINING A LAWYER: Moved, seconded and passed that due to the impending change to a Eastern National run computerized reservation system that the ALBG retain the services of a lawyer to answer any important legal questions ALBG determines need to be resolved. (Gary Roche’s son-in-law did work pro bono and determined looking at the situation it did not constitute an employee relationship) |
1997 May 16 |
START OF LEGAL FUND: Moved, seconded and passed that to finance the retaining of the lawyer by appropriating $2000 from the Book Fund; and by assessing each association member $30 to be paid by July 1. |
1997 May 16 |
AUTHORIZATION FOR LEGAL COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that Legal Committee co-chairs Crawford and Frampton were authorized by President Hawthorne to use the $2000 immediately. Further President would notify NPS by letter that the NPS was retaining counsel. |
1997 May 16 |
RESERVATION COMMITTEE DOCUMENT: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the recommendations of the Reservation Committee as the official position of the ALBG. |
1997 May 16 |
OPPOSITION TO GIVING ANOTHER GUIDE EXAM: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG officially notify the NPS that we oppose the offering of a guide exam this year. |
1997 Mar 21 |
FURNITURE FOR NEW GUIDE ROOM: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to expend up to $575 of book fund money in order to purchase a new heavy duty coffee maker, a microwave oven, a folding table, and an estimated sixteen folding chairs for the new guideroom |
1997 Mar 21 |
GEA VENDING MACHINES IN GUIDEROOM: Moved, seconded and passed to deny the request of the Government Employees Association to place small soda and candy machines in the new guideroom. (They were worried about the significant decrease in their income since we’ve moved downstairs.) |
1997 Mar 21 |
ALBG LETTERHEAD: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the expenditure of up to $800 for Association letterhead using the best bid of the four received for the job. |
1997 Feb.21 |
RESERVATIONS COMMITTEE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE: Moved, seconded and passed that based on an extensive report on the progress of negotiations for the new car reservation system the ALBG gives the members of this committee a strong vote of confidence in the performance of its work. |
1997 Feb.21 |
SOCIETY FOR MILITARY HISTORY: Moved, seconded and passed that our membership in this organization having lapsed we would not expend the $45 necessary to renew our affiliation. (No notification in the minutes as to why except that it was passed “without dissent”) |
1997 Jan 17 |
LEGAL ADVICE COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that we would wait for the recommendations of the Reservations Committee before proceeding to retain attorney Tom Williams of Carlisle at a rate of $150 per hour. He is a specialist in management negotiations. |
1997 Jan 17 |
GUIDE BOARD DUTY: Reported (no action) at the meeting that the Superintendent has approved the guides taking over and running the guide board effective January 18, 1997. |
1997 Jan 17 |
ALBG MEMBERSHIP DUES INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed the 1997 Operating Budget which increases Association dues in the following manner: Full Time Guides (from $40 to $55); Part Time and Part Time Weekend Guides (from $30 to $40)l and Associate Membership remains at $20. |
1997 Jan 17 |
LBG UNIFORM COMMITTEE RULES: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the modifications to the uniform rules as published in the Jan 1997 newsletter. |
1997 Jan 17 |
MONUMENT BOOK REPRINTING: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the printing of up to 10,000 additional copies of the Monument Book. |
1996 Nov 22 |
GUIDE BOARD SYSTEM COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed approval of committee’s five page plan on a proposed system to handle LBG’s working the guide board. |
1996 Nov 22 |
BUSHWHACKING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept this committees recommendations and approach the NPS for permission to clear three areas: brush at the northwest corner of Wheatfield on the south side of Wheatfield Road; brush behind the Massachusetts monument on Sedgwick Avenue; and the trees in front of General Greene’s statue. |
1996 Nov 22 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to take $10 of ALBG money, add it to the $1490 profit from the ALBG Fall Seminar and donate $1000 to GBPA and $500 to APCWS for Brandy Station. |
1996 Oct 18 |
UNIFORM ITEM ADOPTED: Moved, seconded and passed to accept recommendation of the Uniform Committee for the wear of gray short pants. |
1996 Oct 18 |
GUIDE OPERATION OF THE GUIDE BOARD: Moved, seconded and passed that the LBG’s will run the guideboard effective January 1, 1997. |
1996 Oct 18 |
GUIDE BOARD COMMITTEE FORMATION: Moved, seconded and passed to form a guide board committee to develop a plan or proposal to run the guide board. Chairman Cleaver appointed and instructed to report back to the organization in November. |
1996 Oct 18 |
ALBG POSITION ON THE PROPOSED RESERVATION SYSTEM: Moved, seconded and passed to deal with the proposed reservation system essentially as detailed in the pink sheet attachment to the October newsletter. |
1996 Oct 18 |
RECINDING PREVIOUSLY PASSED MOTION: Moved, seconded and passed that due to the impending budget shortfall we are rescinding the motion passed in September to send teo ALBG representatives to the January 1997 meeting in Canada of the International Association of Guides. |
1996 Oct 18 |
ANDREWS MEMORIAL FUND: Moved, seconded and passed motion that “The Association will use the funds received for the John Andrews Memorial Fund to purchase and hold two certificates of deposit of equal amount, maturing near the expected high school graduation dates of the Andrews children. Interest accruing on these certificate will be added to the gift.” |
1996 Sep 20 |
UNIFORM ITEMS PROPOSED: Moved, seconded and passed to advertise possible new uniform items in the newsletter for discussion and comment: short pants and a light blue, one-pocket knit shirt. (Neither of these were ever adopted.) |
1996 Sep 20 |
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GUIDES MEETING IN CANADA: Moved, seconded and passed to affirm decision to send representatives to this conference with one of our reps being Howard Koser. No funds or designation of the second guide were discussed. |
1996 Sep 20 |
ALBG POSITION ON PROPOSED CAR RESERVATION SYSTEM: Moved, seconded and passed to rescind the vote taken at the previous business meeting putting the ALBG on record as opposing the implementation of a car computer reservation system. This is done to allow the Reservation Committee to be able to discuss the system in good faith. This is not a vote in favor of, or an endorsement of, the proposed system. |
1996 Sep 20 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to not donate money for the Gettysburg Jaycees Halloween parade as per their request. The secretary was directed to write a letter explaining that this organization generally only donates to Civil War related organizations. |
1996 Sep 20 |
LBG’S WORKING GUIDE BOARD: Moved, seconded and passed to endorse the concept of having an LBG working the guide board at all times. Exact details to be determined. |
1996 Aug 16 |
RESERVATION SYSTEM PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the Reservations Committee’s nine point proposal as the basis for negotiations between ALBG and NPS on a proposed car reservation system. |
1996 Aug 16 |
ALBG OPPOSITION TO CAR COMPUTER RESERVATION SYSTEM: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides opposes the implementation of a car computer reservation system. (Rescinded in September by vote of ALBG) |
1996 Jul 19 |
RESERVATION COMMITTEE AUTHORIZED: Moved, seconded and passed to create a committee of seven members, the chairman appointed by President Hawthorne, to formulate what the Association’s position is to be on the proposed reservation system, what we wish to have included or omitted, and present same to the membership at the next business meeting. |
1996 Jul 19 |
ASSOCIATE’S DAY APPROPRIATION: Moved, seconded and passed to increase the appropriation for the Associates’ Day trip in excess of the $600 already authorized, without specifying an exact amount. |
1996 Jul 19 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate the proceeds of the BookShow Raffle, $521, for preservation. One half of the amount is to be given to the GBPA and one half to the South Mountain Battlefield Preservation Association. |
1996 Jun 24 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE 1, SECTION 11: Moved, seconded and passed to alter Article 1, Section 11 to specify Robert’s Rules of Order as the official ALBG parliamentary procedure manual. |
1996 Jun 24 |
SUPERINTENDENT’S PROPOSED 4-TIER SYSTEM: Moved, seconded and passed to resist the Superintendent’s proposed plan to split the bus category and to recommend a rate structure of $30 (1-6); $45 (6-15) and $65 (16+ or for any bus vehicle). (Letter from Superintendent announcing this rate increase read at the September business meeting.) |
1996 Jun 24 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $1000 to the GBPA to be given to the project to restore the Sachs Covered Bridge. |
1996 Jun 24 |
ALBG LIBRARY PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to spend $1,400 to purchase for the guide library the projected 33-volume Roster of Union Soldiers. |
1996 May 17 |
GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE REQUEST: Moved, seconded and passed to request the Superintendent raise the fees for guided tours in 1997 as follows: $30 for a vehicle with 1-5 persons; $45 for a vehicle with 6-15 persons; $60 for a vehicle with more than 15 persons or any vehicle categorized as a bus. Any person in Kindergarten or younger is not to count. Rates for horse, hiking and bicycle tours to be $35 (1-5); $45 (6-15) and $60 for over 16. Any reserved tour through the NPS except self bookings be quoted $60 for a two hour tour. (Supt. letter announcing this read in September – all approved with higher bus rate; tours now rated by people and NOT vehicle; ALBG request for higher reservation fee and minimum cost for bus regardless of passengers both denied) |
1996 May 17 |
BUS RESERVATION PLAN: Moved, seconded and passed to accept President Hawthorne’s eight point proposal concerning bus reservations, the final copy to be sent to the park as a starting point for negotiations. (POints not detailed by Secretary in motion). |
1996 May 17 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $100 to Historic Gettysburg Adams County. |
1996 Apr 19 |
FEE INCREASES: Moved, seconded and passed to limit voting on a fee increase to only once per year, at the May meeting. |
1996 Apr 19 |
LBG UNIFORM ITEM: Moved, seconded and passed to request the NPS adopt gray jeans as the approved alternative to the regular guide pants for use on hiking, bicycle or horseback tours. |
1996 Apr 19 |
BYLAWS CHANGE – APPROVAL OF CHAPLAIN: Moved, seconded and passed to approve the bylaws change proposed in the recent newsletter concerning the creation of the position of Chaplain. |
1996 Feb 16 |
NEWSLETTER COMPUTER: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the expenditure of between $2000 and $3000 to purchase a new computer system for the newsletter editor to be located at the editors home address. Current computer to be placed in the guideroom. |
1996 Feb 16 |
CONFERENCE ON WOMEN AND THE CIVIL WAR: Moved, seconded and passed to endorse the upcoming Conference on Women and the Civil War to be held in Frederick, Maryland. Former LBG Eileen Conklin asked for this. |
1996 Jan 26 |
HONORARY ALBG ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that in appreciation of the great assistance of Craig A. Showvaker, Certified Public Accountant, in auditing the orgainzation’s financial records, that Craig and his wife, former ALBG President Kathy Showvaker be made honorary Associate members for 1996. |
1996 Jan 26 |
FEE INCREASE FOR 1997: Moved, seconded and passed on a general agreement that rates for guide services need to be raised. |
1996 Jan 26 |
INCREASE FEE FOR CAR TOUR: Moved, seconded and passed to request a raise in the car tour fee to $30 for a vehicle with 1-5 occupants. |
1996 Jan 26 |
INCREASE FEE FOR VAN TOUR: Moved, seconded and passed to simplify this rate by defining it by the number of persons rather than the type of vehicle by requesting this be raised to a $45 fee for a vehicle with 6-15 occupants. |
1996 Jan 26 |
FEES FOR BUS TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed with limited discussion that the desired rate for a bus or any other vehicle with 16 or more persons would remain at $60. (It was noted after passing these motions that a formal request for rate change would not be submitted until July 1 and up until then could be altered or modified if the tourist climate radically changes) |
1995 Dec 15 |
MARKING OF BUSES: Moved, seconded and passed motion that whatever means the NPS choses to mark buses that are guided from those that purchased an incidental business license be first coordinated through the law enforcement people who would have to identify violators. |
1995 Dec 15 |
MEMBERSHIP IN THE SOCIETY FOR MILITARY HISTORY: Moved, seconded and passed to continue ALBG membership in this organization. |
1995 Dec 15 |
MOTTS MILITARY MUSEUM: Moved, seconded and passed that membership in the Motts Military Museum be renewed for 1996 at a cost of $100. |
1995 Dec 15 |
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF TOURIST GUIDE ASSOCIATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG consider sending representation to the 7th International Convention of Tourist Guide Associations in Montreal, Canada, January 20-27, 1997. |
1995 Dec 15 |
BYLAWS CHANGE TO ARTICLE III: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the bylaws change to Article III eliminating mention of specific dollar amounts in Sections 2, 3, and 4. Section 5 is to be amended to add “The annual dues structure for each membership classification shall be established by vote of the membership of the Association.” A change was also made in this section to state dues must be paid in full by January 1 for Associates and July 1 for licensed members. |
1995 Dec 15 |
PARK’S NEW ADOPT-A-POSITION PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed against adopting a position at this time due to our heavy involvement already with the adoption of the Emmitsburg Road and the Howard Avenue brush clearing already evidence of our commitment to the park. |
1995 Nov 17 |
ALBG PARK SHUT DOWN CONTINGENCY FUND: Moved, seconded and passed to add $300 to the $150 already appropriated to the ALBG Park Shut-Down Contingency Fund. |
1995 Nov 17 |
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP FOR ED BEARSS: Moved, seconded and passed that in recognition of Mr. Ed. Bearss retirement from the National Park Service on September 30, and under recommendation of the Executive Council, that he is given honorary status in the ALBG. We will request the park grant Mr. Bearss a license to guide at Gettysburg. |
1995 Nov 17 |
ALBG POSITION ON PROPOSED NEW MUSEUM: Moved, seconded and passed resolutions “The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides supports the planning for relocating the present museum and visitors’ facilities to a new location. We support a site within a reasonable distance of the present location. As previously indicated, we think the Guinn Woods site is ideal. |
1995 Nov 17 |
DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that the recent seminar’s profits of $1200 be distributed to the top four organizations voted on by the participants. GBPA: $400; Brandy Station Foundation: $400; Museum of the Confederacy’s Flag Preservation Fund: $200; and Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites: $200. |
1995 Nov 17 |
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP IN THE ALBG FOR WARREN MOTTS: Moved, seconded and passed that Mr. Warren Motts, who has assisted the ALBG so often, particularly with his photography at seminars, be made and honorary member of the ALBG. |
1995 Sep 23 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to distribute the proceeds raised by $613 donations at the annual GBPA book with $200 to the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association and $413 to the Brandy Station Foundation. |
1995 Sep 23 |
PLANNING FOR NPS SHUTDOWN: Moved, seconded and passed President Hawthorne’s proposed plan of operation for the guide force covering different shut-down scenarios. |
1995 Sep 23 |
UNLICENSED GUIDING INITIATIVE: By secret ballot the official stance of the ALBG towards the NPS over the issue of unlicensed guiding was determined to be Option 6: Accept the situation as presently exists and work with the NPS. |
1995 Aug 18 |
FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL PARKS MISINFORMATION: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to this organization protesting the information claimed in their recently published tourist economic impact study that indicates a 30% gratuity level for LBG’s. |
1995 Aug 18 |
THANK YOU LETTERS: Moved, seconded and passed to send letters to the Superintendent thanking him for establishing the employee parking area with a fence and to John Andrews thanking him for the air conditioner in the guide room. |
1995 Aug 18 |
VENDING MACHINE IN BREAK ROOM: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize we loan the Government Employee’s Association up to $2000 from the book fund to purchase a new snack machine to replace the old one. Distribution to await feedback from the park. |
1995 Jun 23 |
EMERITUS STATUS IN ALBG FOR “PROF” ROBERT FIDLER: Moved, seconded and passed that Robert Fidler is elected to emeritus status in the Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides. |
1995 Jun 23 |
MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that $350 from the book fund be allocated to subscribe to “Civil War News,” “America’s Civil War,” “Blue and Gray,” “Civil War Times Illustrated,” “Civil War,” “Civil War Regiments,” “Civil War History,” and “Artilleryman.” |
1995 Jun 23 |
ALBG POSITION ON UPCOMING GUIDE EXAM: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that the LABG does not deem a new guide test this December advisable and that if the NPS disagree, that we meet and discuss the issue before and announcement is made public. |
1995 Jun 23 |
ALBG COPY MACHINE USE POLICY: Moved, seconded and passed the new ALBG copier machine policy that allows members up to ten copies per day at only 5 cents a copy. Copies over that limit and any copies for non-members will be 25 cents per copy. |
1995 May 19 |
TIPTON PHOTO COPYING PROJECT: Moved, seconded and passed to proceed with the long-delayed project to copy all of the Tipton photos in the NPS collection by appropriating $500 from the seminar fund so Mr. Wrren Motts could purchase necessary materials. (1/20/1995 minutes state this and Fredericksbug Materials project approved by the new Superintendent. There are 5000 imges, Warren Motts will donate his labor, ALBG will pay for a negative for Mr. Motts and one for the ALBG library. NPS will pay for Mr. Motts to produce a negative for them.) |
1995 May 19 |
PURCHASE OF GUIDE BADGE CASES: Moved, seconded and passed to deny John Andrews request that the ALBG purchase an additional twenty wallets for guide badges. Request denied since the NPS has sufficient funds to accomplish this. |
1995 May 19 |
GAR HALL SEMINAR RENTAL: Moved, seconded and passed that $100 be paid to HGAC for use of the GAR Hall during the past seminar. |
1995 May 19 |
ALBG SPONSORED CEMETERY WALKS: Moved, seconded and passed a proposal that ALBG Cemetery Walks be counted as trips for the purpose of the 60/40 car/bus ratio. A receipt should be filled out for the complementary trip. |
1995 May 19 |
SOCIETY FOR MILITARY HISTORY: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG expend $45/year to join the Society for Military History as an institutional member. |
1995 May 19 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $250 to the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia for their Flag Conservation Fund. |
1995 Apr 21 |
NEW VISITOR CENTER PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution giving ALBG support of an option which includes an IMAX theatre project in the proposed new Visitor Center in the future, with some reservations about exactly what the role of LBG’s will be in the future. |
1995 Mar 24 |
BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed a bylaws change to re-constitute the Ethics Committee by having it consist of the Executive Committee plus two other elected members. |
1995 Mar 24 |
LIBRARY COMMITTEE FORMATION: This committee was formed at the direction of President Hawthorne to establish rules for use of the guide library and determine how the annual library appropriation will be expended. Members appointed in order of volunteering Koser, Frampton, Nicastro, D. Weaver, Fennell, Motts, Novotny, Guy, Shealer, Clouse. |
1995 Mar 24 |
ETHICS COMMITTEE AT LARGE MEMBERS: A vote was held to elect the two non-Executive Committee members of the Ethics Committee. D. Weaver and J. O’Brien were elected. |
1995 Mar 24 |
ENFORCE CATEGORY PROVISIONS: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to ask the NPS Guide Supervisor enforce provisions for a full-time, part-time, and part-time, weekend license. |
1995 Mar 24 |
PUBLICATION OF SEMINAR MAPS: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize Hans Henzel to approach a California publishing company about publishing the ALBG Seminar maps. |
1995 Feb 17 |
BYLAWS CHANGES ON PROXY VOTING AND MEETING FREQUENCY: Moved, seconded and passed two proposed changed to the ALBG bylaws, one change prohibiting voting by proxy and the other incresing the frequency of business meeting to every month. |
1995 Jan 20 |
DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $100 to the Conservation Fund for preserving an artillery battery position at Corinth, MS; $100 to the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, MD; $100 for charter membership in the Motts Military Museum, Dayton, Ohio. |
1994 Oct 20 |
HACC GETTYSBURG COURSES: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG contact Mr. Bob Kiehl , non-credit course director for HACC that we are disengaging from sponsorship of the “guide preparation courses” and that HACC should henceforth deal directly with LBG’s for their services. |
1994 Oct 20 |
PURCHASE OF NEWSLETTER TONER: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase a laser printer toner cartridge for the President to help him produce the Association newsletter. |
1994 Oct 20 |
SPRING SEMINAR CONCEPT: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the idea of a short topic spring seminar on a one-time basis. This year to try one on “Little Round Top: Truth or Fiction” |
1994 Oct 20 |
ALBG GUIDE EMERITUS STATUS FOR GEORGE GLENN: Moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that Mr. George W. Glenn, Sr. be awarded Emeritus Status in the ALBG. (died November 21, 1996) |
1994 Sep 15 |
UNIFORM SHIRT ISSUE: With the discontinuance of the Elbeco light gray guide shirt a vote was taken on a replacement. LBG Mott’s objection to the inclusion of absentee ballots was noted. The vote was Shirt #1 (dark blue) 2 votes; Shirt #2 (white epaulettes) 19 votes; Shirt #3 (light blue Conquerer) 23 votes; keep gray shirts – a non-option, 2 votes. Results to be reported to Superintendent. (He later wrote back he would not decide – it was out decision to make) (Another vote on the new shirt for the guide force will be taken with all guides at Park guide meeting Oct. 27) |
1994 Aug 19 |
DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to distribute the $500 raised by the organization at the 1994 GBPA Book show as follows: $150 to Johnson’s Island Preservation Fund; $150 Brandy Station Fund; and $200 to GBPA. |
1994 Aug 19 |
UNIFORM SHIRT ISSUE: Moved, seconded and passed after innumerable motions and votes on motions to reject the proposed white shirt and to adopt the proposed dark blue shirt. Seeing that no one was really satisifed the President called for a straw vote. Based on this the issue was tabled with no decision. |
1994 Jun 17 |
ALBG POSITION ON ONE-WAYING OF ROADS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept and publicize the ALBG position on the one-waying of the park tour roads. |
1994 Jun 17 |
GUIDE CARAVAN TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed not to authorize the guide caravan car tour program as a means of eliminating turnaways on busy days due to logistical difficulties and a possible precedent for trams. |
1994 May 20 |
LBG GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed motion to submit a fee request to the superintendent to raise guide fees for 1995 to $25 for cars (from $20); and $60 for buses (from $50). |
1994 May 20 |
ALBG POLICY TO STOP RESERVING CARS: Moved, seconded and passed to stop reserving cars under the reserved van rate. |
1994 May 20 |
RESERVED VAN RATE: Moved, seconded and passed to approach the superintendent with a request to increase the reserved van rate from $40 to $45 for 1995. |
1994 May 20 |
DRIVE UP VAN FEE: Moved, seconded and passed that the drive up van rate would start at the new requested car rate of $25 with each additional visitor in a van over the number of five being charged $1 a person up to a maximum charge of $35 for 15 people. |
1994 Apr 15 |
ONE-WAYING TOUR ROAD PROJECT: Moved, seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to formulate a written position of the ALBG on the physical and cultural impact on the environment of the current NPS proposal to one-way the roads (T. Smith, Guy, Fennell, Motts, Shealer appointed) |
1994 Apr 15 |
REYNOLDS HOUSE POSITION: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to the Lancaster Historical Preservation Trust expressing ALBG’s support for their proposed acquisition of the John Reynold’s House. |
1994 Mar 18 |
LIBRARY PURCHASE OF OR SUPPLEMENTS: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG would expend $1,450 to purchase the entire Official Records supplement. |
1994 Feb 18 |
BOOKS FOR MEMBERS: Moved, seconded and passed an Executive Council decision to allow Hans Henzel to purchase copies of several new books in quantity to allow for discountedresale to our members. |
1994 Feb 18 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed an Executive Council motion to donate one pad of the ALBG Warren Maps to the park’s Interpretive Division. |
1994 Jan 21 |
ALBG PARTICIPATION IN GBPA BOOK SHOW: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG participation in the raffle at the GBPA bookshow will continue. |
1993 Nov 19 |
TEMPORARY LICENSING POLICY: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to Superintendent Cisneros expressing ALBG support for the Temporary Licensing Policy. |
1993 Nov 19 |
GUIDE REINSTATEMENT POLICY: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG send a letter to the park opposing their proposed Guide Reinstatement policy on the grounds that the current policy was sufficient. |
1993 Nov 19 |
DUES TO COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the requested $10 dues to keep membership in the park’s Community Relations Council. |
1993 Nov 19 |
BUSINESS 2-WAY RADIOS: Moved, seconded and passed to buy four 2-way radios for use with the annual seminars and other ALBG events. |
1993 Nov 19 |
BOB KRICK ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed that Bob Krick be made an Associate Member of the ALBG for the purpose of receiving the newsletter. |
1993 Sep 17 |
ONE-WAYING PARK ROAD ISSUE: In response to the superintendent’s expression of “outrage” at a recent newsletter article and a subsequent meeting with him it was moved, seconded and passed that we await a further response from Mr. Cisneros before using a series of pictures we’ve taken in support of our stand. |
1993 Jun 18 |
FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL PARKS AT GETTYSBURG: Moved, seconded and passed that we continue membership in the Friends of the National Parks. |
1993 Jun 18 |
FREDERICKSBURG MATERIALS PROJECT: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG investigate the cost to send guides to Fredericksburg, VA to copy their files. (Feb 18, 1994 minutes state March trip to work on it) Nov 19, 1993 minutes state looked through 120 volumes and found 457 papers relating to Gettysburg.) |
1993 Jun 18 |
CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed to proceed with the Continuing Education program as it is presently operating. |
1993 Jun 18 |
SEMI-ANNUAL ALBG/NPS MEETINGS: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution that the semi-annual ALBG/NPS meetings be of a more substantive nature. |
1993 Jun 18 |
SEMINAR SLOT TO GBPA: Moved, seconded and passed that we not donate a participants slot at our seminar to the GBPA. |
1993 May 21 |
TRAVEL COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD: Moved, seconded and passed to draft a letter to the Travel Council to have John O’Brien’s name placed in nomination for a position on their board. (It was and he was not elected) |
1993 May 21 |
NPS VERTICAL FILE COPY PROJECT: Whereas the project is now completed with a total of 21,110 pages copies, it is moved, seconded and passed to pay the total bill of $622.20 |
1993 May 21 |
BOB PROSPERI LBG STATUS: Whereas Bob Prosperi passed the guide exam and oral exam years ago but never guided and has now made application to guide it was moved, seconded and passed that in special and unusual cases the ALBG Executive Council should make recommendations to John Andrews for consideration for this person to be jumped over other names on the list. |
1993 May 21 |
TEMPORARY LICENSING: Moved, seconded and passed that we debate the subject of temporary licensing at the next business meeting. |
1993 Apr 17 |
SPEAKER TRAVEL EXPENSES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the travel expenses and honorarium for Col. Michael Brennan, commander of Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco, to speak before our organization and the public at the Cyclorama in late May. |
1993 Apr 17 |
HACC GUIDE PREPARATION COURSE: Moved, seconded and passed ALBG endorsement of the planned HACC courses for guides-in-waiting and on segments of the battle of Gettysburg. |
1993 Apr 17 |
BOOK PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase two copies of Elwood Christ’s book “Bliss Farm” for the guide room. Cost will be $25 each. |
1993 Apr 17 |
HISTORIC PATHWAYS EXHIBIT WAYSIDES: Moved, seconded and passed to support Mainstreet Gettysburg’s proposal for exhibits on the Historic Pathway. |
1993 Apr 17 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE 1- SECTION 4: Moved, seconded and passed motion to change the bylaws to change meeting nights to the third Friday of January, March through September, and November. |
1993 Mar 19 |
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE CONFEDERACY PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to expend $295 to purchase the Encyclopedia of the Confederacy for the guide room library. |
1993 Mar 19 |
DONATION TO LONGSTREET MEMORIAL COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $500 towards creation of the Longstreet Equestrian Statue at Gettysburg. |
1993 Mar 19 |
MOVING SICKLES BONES: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG will take a position of neutrality on the subject of disinterring General Daniel Sickles remains from Arlington National Cemetery and bringing them to the Gettysburg National Cemetery. |
1993 Jan 15 |
GUIDES WORKING ON NPS COMMITTEES: Moved, seconded and passed that eight guides be appointed to serve as guide representatives at the Superintendent’s request. These to serve on the new tour route committee; sign plan for trails committee; plans for improving Eisenhower farm for visitation; and attendance at the four Advisory Council meetings held at the Holiday Inn. |
1993 Jan 15 |
SEINFELD SHOW APPRECIATION: Moved, seconded and passed that whereas the January 13, 1993 episode of the Seinfeld show had a portion of the script devoted to a battlefield tour that the president be instructed to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Seinfeld and offer a free, guided tour of the field. |
1993 Jan 15 |
EMERITUS STATUS FOR DRUID DEITCH AND DONALD ULRICH: Moved, seconded and passed that Druid Deitch and Donald Ulrich be elected to emeritus status in the ALBG. |
1993 Jan 15 |
TIPTON PHOTO PROJECT: Moved, seconded and passed to expend an estimated $4,200 to have Warren Motts, a professional photographer, make copies of the 5,000 photographic images taken by local photographer William H. Tipton from 1870 to 1900 and presently stored in the maintenance building of the park. |
1993 Jan 15 |
COMPUTER SCANNER PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to investigate purchase of a computer scanner which would save much trouble in putting out the association communications. |
1993 Jan 15 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $100 to the Harrisburg Area Community College to cosponsor their CV Seminar on January 30. |
1993 Jan 15 |
BOOK PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase a book for the ALBG library in memory of Maurice Weaver, a guide, who died January 15, 1993. |
1992 Nov 20 |
DONATIONS: There is a record here – though no indication of a motion – that the following donations be made from the seminar receipts: $500 to GBPA $550 to Brandy Station; and $200 to HeritagePAC. |
1992 Nov 20 |
INSURANCE: Moved, seconded and passed that insurance should be purchased to cover Association property. |
1992 Nov 20 |
PARK VERTICAL FILE COPYING PROJECT: Moved, seconded and passed that the copying of the park files previously uncopied be continued as well as copying the Bachelder material. |
1992 Nov 20 |
VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed to proceed with a Visiting Scholars program as part of a revived guide banquet series with Gen. Hal Nelson, Chief of Military History at Carlisle being our speaker. The stipulation was there would be no more than four per year held. |
1992 Nov 20 |
ALBG SEMINAR HEADQUARTERS: Moved, seconded and passed to reserve the Ramada Inn for next year’s seminar despite problems that arose this year but also to investigate other accomodations for the 1993 seminar. |
1992 Nov 20 |
GUIDEROOM BOOKCASE: Moved, seconded and passed that to solve the need for more book shelf space that the committee previously appointed, investigate and produce another bookcase. (Charlie Hathaway built this locking bookcase – still used in current guide headquarters on Steinwehr Avenue. This matched an earlier one he built – the first in the old guideroom upstairs office. That unit was built and installed January 27, 1990) |
1992 Sep 18 |
WINTER SCHEDULE PROPOSED NPS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed that requiring all full time guides to work the winter schedule is unnecessary but that ALBG approves the proposed policy of assigning guides for weekday service while having weekends open to all full time guides who wish to guide. |
1992 Sep 18 |
COLONEL SHEADS BRICK: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG present a $50 Main Street brick to Colonel Sheads on Oct. 7, 1992 at the HACC surprise party in his honor. |
1992 Jul 17 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $200 toward the placement of the Amos Humiston marker. |
1992 Jul 17 |
DONATION TO EASTERN NATIONAL FOR BROCHURE: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $500 to Eastern National for a brochure being printed which will include a full panel describing the LBG’s |
1992 Jul 17 |
ASSISTANT GUIDE SUPERVISOR: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to the Superintendent requesting that the Assistant Guide Supervisor be hired in-house. (Former Asst. Guide Supervisor Todd Bolton was transferred to Harper’s Ferry.) |
1992 Jul 17 |
MORNING DRAW PROCEDURES: Moved, seconded and passed that a guide must be available for a previously unscheduled 8:00 AM trip and must be present at 8:00 AM to be included in the draw. Latecomer and early bus guides will of to the bottom of the list. |
1992 Mar 20 |
LICENSE CATEGORY MINIMUM TOURS: The License Categories Committee report was presented recommending full time guides do 150 tours, part time do 75, and weekend part time guides 40 with license fees of $150, $75 and $50. Weekend part-time guides would be permitted to work after 2 PM on weekdays during June, July and August. No indication of motions made or passed. |
1992 Mar 20 |
CODE OF CONDUCT CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed to accept item #16 on the Code of Conduct. As passed, guides will not be able to use tobacco and alcohol for the duration of a tour. |
1992 Mar 20 |
STAR GUIDE BADGE: Whereas the NPS will be issuing the star guide badge at the spring guide meeting with the case to cost $25 it was moved, seconded and passed that this metal badge be carried on the person, but not necessarily visible. |
1992 Mar 20 |
CHANGE OF ALBG MEETING NIGHT: Moved, seconded and passed to alter BYlaw Artcle 1, Section 4 to change the meeting date from Tuesday to Friday evening. |
1992 Mar 20 |
BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4: Moved, seconded and passed to change the term for members of the Code of Conduct and Ethics Committee from one year to a two year term, two members to be appointed each year. |
1992 Mar 20 |
EVENING CEMETERY WALKS: Moved, seconded and passed to continue the evening cemetery walks with Roy Frampton coordinating the scheduling. |
1992 Jan 17 |
GUIDE CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS: Moved, seconded and passed the twenty point Code of Conduct and Ethics which members received by mail. Point #16 dealing with smoking and being controversial was tabled until the March meeting. A committee on Code of Conduct and Ethics will include five members all for a one year term. (Tate, Koser, D. Weaver, Wensyl were appointed with the fifth to be named by the Superintendent.) |
1992 Jan 17 |
BYLAWS AMENDMENTS: Three separate motions were made on bylaws amendments and were seconded and passed. Amendments are not specified as part of the official minutes. |
1991 Oct 11 |
GUIDE LICENSING FEES: Moved, seconded and passed that the fee for full time guides be $100; part time guides $75; and weekend guides $50. |
1991 Oct 11 |
GUIDE CATEGORY CLARIFICATION: Moved, seconded and passed that a committee be formed consisting of representatives from each of the three categories, and a member of the Executive Committee to clarify the guide categories. (O’Brien – full time; Steenstra and T. Fox – part time; Mummert -weekend; Shealet – Executive) |
1991 Oct 11 |
CODE OF CONDUCT: Moved, seconded and passed that a committee be formed to evaluate the 20-point Code of Conduct and recommend additions or deletions. |
1991 Oct 11 |
UNLICENSED GUIDING: Moved, seconded and passed that if the park does not do something about enforcement of existing guide regulations that we contact senators and representatives. |
1991 Oct 11 |
WINTER SCHEDULE WEEKENDS: Moved, seconded and passed to change the winter schedule to open weekends to any full time guide working the winter schedule. |
1991 Sep 17 |
GUIDE UNIFORM: Moved, seconded and passed to ask the NPS to delay approval of the Hanover Uniform Company in Baltimore as our supplier until the Uniform Committee can make a recommendation. |
1991 Sep 17 |
ALBG SEMINAR: Moved, seconded and passed that the 1992 Seminar be on the topic of the “Second Day”. |
1991 Sep 17 |
NEW UNIFORM ITEMS: Moved, seconded and passed approval of a “slip-on” pocket plate containing the patch requiring no sewing to be used on the blazer and that the baseball cap may be worn anytime but only with a short sleeve shirt and open collar (no tie or blazer) |
1991 Sep 17 |
FEE COLLECTION BY NPS: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee suggest to the NPS that a fairer method for fee collection be adopted, based on the number of tours taken. |
1991 Jul 16 |
ROBERTS RULES: Moved, seconded and passed that Robert’s Rule of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing parliamentary law of this Association. |
1991 Jul 16 |
PARLIAMENTARIAN: It was suggested that in accordance with Robert’s Rules, a Parliamentarian be appointed to rule on procedure. (Len Kinder was named parliamentarian.) |
1991 Jun 18 |
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT: Moved, seconded and passed that as a result of both officers resigning in protest of continuing slurs against the Vice President (Toney) and opposition to the seminar concept, both Toney and Hawthorne were renominated and both reelected to the offices from which they resigned. |
1991 May 21 |
BYLAWS CHANGES: Moved, seconded and passed to change Article 3, Section 4 of the bylaws concerning associate members will delete the words “to attend business meetings.” |
1991 May 21 |
ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to spend up to $500 per year on advertising in Civil War related publications. |
1991 May 21 |
ADVERTISING IN NEWSPAPER TRAVEL SECTIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to place articles in Newspaper Travel Sections. |
1991 May 21 |
GUIDE “TOUR BOOK”: Moved, seconded and passed to accept Bill Cole’s suggestion that the guides procude a tour book of the battlefield as a sale item as a joint effort of many guides with Fred Hawthorne as manager. |
1991 May 21 |
GUIDE SEMINAR CONCEPT: Moved, seconded and passed a proposal of President Hawthorne to have the ALBG sponsor a three day annual seminar for 90 people. |
1991 May 21 |
NON CONFIRMED BUS RESERVATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that we approach the park official asking them to eliminate the non-confirmed bus reservation category and treat such vehicles as random buses. |
1991 Mar 19 |
MONUMENT BOOK REORDER: Noted that we are reordering 4,197 “monument” books at a cost of $7,459.31. No notation of motion. |
1991 Mar 19 |
UNIFORM CODE AND BLAZER: Noted that the uniform code will be altered to permit wearing the navy blazer and tie during the summer months. No notation of motion. |
1991 Mar 19 |
EMERITUS STATUS ESTABLISHED: “A guide with a physical disability, advanced age, or upon retirement, who has been a member of this organization, upon request, may be granted “emeritus status.” The advantages of this status would be a waiver of dues, and the mailing of newsletters.” (No notation of motion but committee to work on this noted in earlier minutes. Swinn Sr, Butt, Sheads and Ullrich listed as possibilities.) |
1991 Mar 19 |
LIBRARY BOOK PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed to spend up to $50 for another book to add to the guide library, the selection to be made by the Guide Room Library committee. |
1991 Mar 19 |
ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed an advertising committee proposal to present a mock-up of a tri-fold, color brochure at the May 21st meeting for consideration. |
1991 Mar 19 |
“TEN BEST GUIDES LIST” Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to condemn the self-promotion as evidenced by a LBG’s purported “ten best guide list.” |
1991 Jan 15 |
Note: Last meeting held in Adams Electric Coop Conference Room before moving to GAR Hall. “Outgrew it” |
1991 Jan 15 |
RETAINING LEGAL COUNSEL: Based on the recent legal finding of the NPS that we are independent contractors it was moved, seconded and passed that the Association will seek and retain legal counsel to investigate and clarify the legal status and rights of the Association with the National Park Service. (Roy Frampton assigned task of implementing motion.) |
1991 Jan 15 |
ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY : Moved, seconded and passed to fill in an application form and enter the state’s Adopt-a-Highway program as a sponsor. (Selected portion – 2 mile stretch of Emmitsburg Road through the park.) |
1990 Nov 16 |
John Andrews distributed VIP awards and presented a recognition award fromthe Office of the Director, Department of the Interior, James M. Ridenour, with best wishes, on the 75th Anniversary of Licensed Battlefield Guides. |
1990 Nov 16 |
60/40 RATIO ISSUE: Moved, seconded and passed to waive the 60/40 ratio for any guide who takes 200 plus car tours with the stipulation that the number of buses should not exceed the number of car tours with the cut-off date October 1. |
1990 Nov 16 |
CAR TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to raise the car tour fee to $20. |
1990 Nov 16 |
BUS TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to raise this fee, effective January 1, 1991, to $50. |
1990 Nov 16 |
SPECIAL FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to raise the fee for reserved cars, mini-cars, vans, and special tours to $40. (Decided to ask John Andrews to clarify the meaning of “special” tours) |
1990 Nov 16 |
GUIDE LICENSING FEES: Moved, seconded and passed that full and regular part-time guides pay a license fee of $50 annually. (In response to a NPS document distributed at the fall general meeting on the cost of administering the guide program.) |
1990 Nov 16 |
OFFER OF A GUIDE LICENSING FEE: Moved, seconded and passed that in response to the NPS handout from the fall general meeting detailing the cost of administering the guide program that ALBG offer a guide licensing fee, in writing, to be drawn up by an attorney, for “x” number of years, provided the Gettysburg Tour Center pay an adequate fee for using the battlefield. |
1990 Nov 16 | GUIDE LICENSE FEE PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed that full and regular part-time guides pay a license fee of $50. |
1990 Sep 18 |
TRANSFER OF MONEY FOR 75th ANNIVERSARY: Moved, seconded and passed that money be transferred from the “book fund” to the checking account to pay bills if the expenses are higher than expected for the 75th Anniversary. |
1990 Sep 18 |
FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL PARKS REQUEST:Moved, seconded and passed to deny the request of FNPG to have guides distribute their promotional brochures on tours as it is considered inappropriate. |
1990 Sep 18 |
COPY MACHINE CHARGES: Moved, seconded and passed that the charges for the copy machine will be 15 cents for members per copy, and 25 cents for non-members with a limit of ten copies for non-Association business. |
1990 Sep 18 |
KEYS TO THE LOCKING BOOKCASE: Moved, seconded and passed that keys to the bookcase will be given to Association members who request them numbering about eight people to be designated as “librarians.” They will work out their responsibilities and the care of the bookcase. |
1990 Sep 18 |
ADVERTISING COMMITTEE FORMATION: Moved, seconded and passed to form an Advertising Committee to present a proposal to be acted on before the next busy tourist season. |
1990 Jul 17 |
EMERITUS GUIDE STATUS: Moved, seconded and passed a motion directing the committee writing a policy for this to reconsider the working of their report and report back to the membership at the September meeting. |
1990 Jul 17 |
GUIDE UNIFORM AND STANDARDS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the Uniform Committees report and recommendations and directing that these be sent to the Superintendent requesting the enforcement of the standards. |
1990 Jul 17 |
GIFTS TO SUPERINTENDENT CISNEROS: Moved, seconded and passed to present Jose Cisneros with a “Star Badge” pin and an LBG pin. |
1990 May 15 |
BADGES TO INDIVIDUALS: Moved, seconded and passed to distribute an LBG Pin or Star Badge to Travel Council employees or people in public contact, such as book vendors. |
1990 May 15 |
CERCONE DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to add $30 ALBG money to the $370 that has been collected from guides and friends for the children of the late Robert Cercone and in lieu of a memorial book that this be presented to Mrs. Cercone along with a card and a guide picture. The note on the card should read “This is from your friends for the chldren.” |
1990 May 15 |
REINSTITUTING THE GUIDE BADGE: Moved, seconded and passed that we take no action on reinstatement of the guide badges. |
1990 May 15 |
LIBRARY DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to buy five books for the guide room library in memory of Richard Breen, Harold Fry, Betty Fry, Elmer Lord and George Kauffman, all deceased. The books to be Hassler’s “Crises at the Crossroads,” ; Pfanz “Gettysburg, Second Day,” Harrison’s “Nothing But Glory,” Coco’s “Vast Sea of Misery,” and Raus’s “Generation on the March.” (Noted also that Jim Clouse was donated a set of the Gettysburg OR’s to the library in memory of Bob Cercone.) |
1990 May 15 |
EMERITUS STATUS COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED: Moved, seconded and passed to form a committee to report at the July meeting on guidelines for a proposed amendment to the by-laws concerning “emeritus status.” (Committee composed of McVicker, Toney, Tate) |
1990 May 15 |
NPS/ALBG REGULAR MEETINGS: Moved, seconded and passed to respond to new Superintendent Cisnero’s request for monthly meetings by naming the Executive Committee and other interested persons for this task. |
1990 May 15 |
PERMANENT UNIFORM COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED: Moved, seconded and passed to establish a permanent uniform committee tasked to evaluate all existing uniform requirments and make recommendations. (Members appointed: Hawthorne, Frampton, O’Brien, Toney, Hull, S. Walters, Showvaker, B Weaver, Harbach) |
1990 Mar 20 |
DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $500 towards construction of the proposed Company K Monument, 1st Pennsylvania Reserves. |
1990 Mar 20 |
ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to place a quarter page ad at $120 in the Civil War Heritage Days 1990 brochure. |
1990 Jan 16 |
75th ANNIVERSARY MAILING: Moved, seconded and passed to expend between $75 and $80 to send a communication about the 75th Anniversary events to all past and present guides. |
1990 Jan 16 |
GUIDING FEE INCREASE FOR 1991: Moved, seconded and passed to retain the present fee structure for 1991 |