Effective 12 June 2020 Adams County, Pennsylvania has been moved into the Green Phase of reopening.  The National Park Service Visitor Center reopened on a reduced schedule two weeks later.  LBG’s continue operations subject to the provisions for reopening business.

  1. Social Distancing of 6-feet (2-metres) should be maintained at all times.
  2. The wearing of masks is continually evolving. Currently, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear the mask outdoors but MUST comply with individual building mandates.
  3. The Superintendent, GNMP has stated the exception to the above is that all should wear masks on Little Round Top, the 44th NY Monument, the Pennsylvania Monument, all Observation Towers and McMillan Woods. 
  4. Group size is still restricted to 75%

Traditional tours of having an LBG drive your vehicle have been resumed but not all LBG’s have agreed to do this.  Tours are also still conducted by “caravan” where the LBG will drive their own vehicle with the visitor following in their own.  Stops will be made where the party will dismount and the guide talks to the group.  The party will then return to their vehicles and proceed to the next stop. 

The following document has been produced for distribution to all visitors:


WARNING: There is a risk that you will get COVID-19 or another illness during your tour. COVID-19 can cause death in some people, including but not limited to those over 60 or those with underlying health conditions. Following the below rules will help to reduce, but cannot eliminate, this risk.

  1. If you or anyone in your group has or has in the last 48 hours had, cough, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, or is otherwise feeling at all ill, your group MUST NOT take the tour. If anyone in your group shows any sign of illness, your Guide has the discretion to refuse the tour.
  2. You should provide your Guide with the name, telephone number, and state of residence for at least one person in your group. This information will be used only in case someone becomes ill within a few days after the tour and health authorities require contact tracing. 
  3. Your Guide will wear a mask until fully vaccinated and everyone in your group is strongly encouraged to wear a mask covering the mouth and nose in restricted areas (detailed above). Should you opt for an in-car or “onboard” guide ALL occupants of the vehicle MUST wear a mask inside the car. Failure to do so may result in termination of tour and immediate return to the Visitor Center
  4. Whenever you are outside your vehicle, you SHOULD maintain a minimum distance of 6-feet (2 metres) from others including your Guide. Some stops may be a bit crowded, but it is important to maintain the required distance from those not sharing your car, and from your Guide at all times.
  5. DO NOT touch items on the field such as cannons, monuments, fences, railings, or any other surfaces that may have been touched by other visitors. Objects on the battlefield are not being disinfected.
  6. WASH your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water as soon as you can. Even if you use hand sanitizers while on the tour, you should still wash with soap and water whenever possible, as this is the preferred means of removing the virus. 
  7. If you become sick within 48 hours after the tour with any of the symptoms mentioned in the first bullet above, you MUST contact your Guide and report this fact immediately. Your Guide will provide contact information.