ALBG Actions and Resolutions 1969-1962
Note: the minute books of the organization for the years 1960 and 1961 have not been located and are presumed to be lost.
1969 Aug 22 | GETTYSBURG TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the 1969 Travel Council Dues in the amount of $250. | ||
1969 Aug 22 | THREAT OF TAPED TOURS: President Deitch reported a discussion held with Mr. George Emery, Superintendent on rumors a private concern was in discussion with the NPS concerning placing tape recorders at the disposal of visitors to the Gettysburg battlefield. NPS officials stated they had offered no encouragement to representatives of said private concern. |
1969 Aug 22 | ASSOCIATION NAME CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed to change the name of this origanization to the “Association of Battlefield Guides.” from “Gettysburg Battlefield Guide Association.” (Purpose was to come first in the phone book before other competitors.) |
1969 Apr 8 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay outstanding bills of $211.47 to Times and News Publishing Co. and $3.98 to Gettysburg Building Supply. |
1969 Mar 18 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to make a payment of $200 to the Times and News Publishing Company on a bill of $414.46 for printing of guide brochures. |
1969 Feb 18 | OBJECTION TO SALE OF COUNTY BATTLEFIELD LAND: Moved, seconded and passed instructing the Secretary to make known to the Adams County Commissioners, by letter, of this Association’s objection to the sale of county land in the Barlow’s Knoll area between the Biglerville and Harrisburg Roads and our policy to preserve historic battlefield grounds. |
1969 Feb 18 | MARCH MEETING LOCATION: Moved, seconded and passed to hold the March meeting of this Association in the American Legion Home. | ||
1969 Jan 21 | ADVERTISING BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to have 50,000 Guide brochures printed. | ||
1969 Jan 21 | ADVERTISING – BURMA SHAVE SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed to have Sickles Signs manufacture and install 16 “burma-shave” signs for $80 | ||
1969 Jan 21 | REFRESHMENTS CONTRIBUTION: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association make up any deficit in the amount for refreshments beyond the contributions made by those guides who wish to stay after the meeting. |
1968 Dec 10 | EISENHOWER SHRINE: The secretary was instructed to correspond with the NPS officials to learn what plans are being considered for incorporating the Eisenhower Shorne into the Park Service authority and how the guide’s tours will be affected. |
1968 Oct 10 | GUIDE SHOULDER PATCHES: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase 216 guide shoulder patches for $77 from Hershey’s Men Shop which will be sold to the members for 50 cents each. |
1968 Oct 10 | ASSOCIATION DUES INCREASED: Moved, seconded and passed that the guide dues be increased to $35 to cover the increased advertising program. | ||
1968 Oct 10 | ADVERTISING IN TRAVEL COUNCIL BOOKLET: Moved, seconded and passed that we take a quarter-page ad for $400 in the Travel Council booklet with the Executive Committee charged to get the materials ready including a new picture for the printer by the deadline of October 16. |
1968 Oct 10 | BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION FEASIBILITY COMMITTEE: A committee was established to investigate the feasibility of having places like the Wax Museum and other key spots to distribute guide brochures and talk up guide trips. (H. Furney appointed to head this investigation) |
1968 Oct 10 | ALTERNATIVE TICKET SALES FEASIBILITY COMMITTEE: A committee was established to investigate a proposal to have business places sell or give tickets for guided tours in order to offset the competition of the tour bus which has commercial places working for them for a percentage. (H. Small and Glenn Shields appointed to head this investigation) |
1968 Jul 23 | ADAMS COUNTY MOTORS ON HOWARD AVENUE: Report of the letters sent to various influential people regarding the Adams County Motors construction of a garage on Howard Avenue. |
1968 Jul 23 | ASSOCIATION ACTION ON ADAMS COUNTY MOTORS: Moved, seconded and passed sanctioning the action of the Executive Committee in seeking help in stopping the construction of a garage on Howard Avenue and to publicly go on the record in the Times as opposing any commercialization on Howard Avenue or on any other part of the battlefield. |
1968 Jul 23 | TRAVEL COUNCIL BILLS: Moved, seconded and passed that our organization pay the Travel Council what we owe them after a careful review of our account by the finance committee. |
1968 Jul 23 | GUIDE SHOULDER PATCHES: Moved, seconded and passed that we purchase 220 guide shoulder patches to be sold to the members. | ||
1968 Jul 23 | MARKER IDENTIFICATION BOOKLET: President Deitch appointed a committee consisting of Howard Williams, James Cole, David Deitch, Bob Gilbert and Robt Fidler to revise the marker identification booklet in preparation for a new edition being printed. |
1968 Apr 9 | GETTYSBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: A letter was read from the Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce asking for the guides to become a member. No action recorded in the minutes but a line item was included in the budget. |
1968 Apr 9 | PAYING OF BILLS: Moved, seconded and passed that the proposed budget be passed calling for income of $1250 from 50 guides at $25 each and expenditures of $887 ($400 for 50,000 brochures; $117 for signs; $50 for Travel Council Dues; $100 for share of advertising; $100 for the savings account; $20 for the Secretary/Treasurer’s expenses; $25 for miscellaneous expense and $75 for the Chamber of Commerce.) |
1968 Mar 20 | SUPPORT FOR ROY McGLAUGHLIN: Moved, seconded and passed that the Guide’s Association support Mr. McGlaughlin in his appeal to the National Park Service officials and that a letter be sent to Mr. George Hertzog, Director of the NPS, telling him that Mr. McGlaughlin has our backing. |
1968 Feb 20 | SUPPORT FOR ROY McGLAUGHLIN: In response to a statement of the case against him by Mr. McGlaughlin and his request for support in ascertaining the charges against him and his guide status a resolution was moved, seconded and passed asking Superintendent Emery for an explanation of Mr. McGlaughlin’s status as a guide, whether he will receive a license and if not, why. |
1968 Jan 9 | CHANGING SIGNS TO UPDATE PRICE: Moved, seconded and passed to reimburse Mr. Victor Palmer $15 for collecting the road signs and painting the changed price and replacing them. |
1967 Dec 5 | GIFT TO OUTGOING SUPERVISOR: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association give Guide Supervisor Milton Thompson a gift of $25 upon the occasion of his transfer to Effigy Mounds National Park. |
1967 Nov 6 | SIGN RENTAL FEES: Moved, seconded and passed that the rental fees for road signs be paid. | ||
1967 Nov 6 | PRESERVATION OF OLD BUILDINGS: In response to a strong appeal made by Mr. Harrison that guides as individuals and as an organization do everything possible to preserve Civil War buildings it was moved, seconded and passed that we contact the Gettysburg Times and other responsible people to encourage them to help save all Civil War buildings. |
1967 Oct 10 | DEFINITION OF FULL MEMBERSHIP: In response to a question about whether a guide who has paid partial dues is still entitled to full voting privileges it was moved, seconded and passed that our Association recognizes only fully paid dues for membership. |
1967 Oct 10 | TRAVEL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed to pay $50 membership fee to the Travel Council and to withhold any further payments until a later date. |
1967 Oct 10 | RATE INCREASE COMMITTEE: A committee was formed to sound out Superintendent Emery on a possible rate increase. (Appointed: L. Hartman, B. Gilbert, H. Oyler, B. Sheads, G. Shields, E Longanecker) | ||
1967 Jun 13 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed that we instruct the Times Publishing Company to print 50,000 copies of our brochure at a cost of $395. |
1967 Jun 13 | TRAVEL COUNCIL ADS: Moved, seconded and passed that the guides expend $85 to place an ad in the new printing of 500,000 brochures of “Historic Gettysburg” put out by the Travel Council. |
1967 Jun 13 | BAD BUS RESERVATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that we seek the cooperation of the Park Service officials in properly informing al persons requesting reservations for guide services of the following conditions: 1) A deposit of $5 must be sent to the guide whose service is to be requested. 2) A guide having the reservation will wait one hour starting with the time specified for the appointment for the bus to start on tour. 3) A guide must be informed of any cancellation forty-eight hours in advance of the appointed time otherwise the person who made the reservation will forfeit the $5 deposit. |
1967 Jun 13 | CONGESTION IN THE ANGLE: Moved, seconded and passed that given the problem of unattended cars parked in the angle that we bring this to the attention of Chief Ranger Birdsell and ask him to control the parking of unattended cars. |
1967 Apr 25 | ELIMINATION OF THE SHORT TOUR: Whereas a recent survey of the guides showed 46 people in favor of eliminating the short tour it was moved, seconded and unanimously passed that “We the members of the Gettysburg Battlefield Guides Association hereby recommend to the National Park Service authorities that the so-called short tour of the battlefield be discontinued and that one tour only, the regular $5 tour, be maintained as in the past. It should be understoof by the visitor that he may take the time he prefers be it an hour or less or up to two hours at the rate of $5 per car per trip. We believe this simplification of time and cost will eliminate misunderstandings.” |
1967 Apr 25 | PAYMENT TO TRAVEL COUNCIL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the Travel Council $100. |
1967 Apr 25 | SHORT SLEEVE UNIFORM SHIRTS AND OPEN COLLARS: Moved, seconded and passed that our request to Park officials for the optional wearing of short sleeves be further specified to include open and tieless collars |
1967 Apr 25 | SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC RESTROOMS: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association supports the Junior Chamber of Commerce’s project to obtain public restrooms. |
1967 Apr 4 | SHORT SLEEVE UNIFORM SHIRTS: Agreed that a written petition would be circulated to each guide for his acceptance or rejection on the question of the optional wearing of short sleeved shorts by the guides during the summer and that the petition when signed by all available guides be presented to Park officials for their consideration and decision. |
1967 Feb 14 | PLACE MAT ADVERTISING: Upon report of the place mat committee on the costs and types of place mats for restaurants and motels and Mr. Clyde Colver’s plan to print one million placemats advertising local attractions with the cost for each ad being $150 for a write-up space and $300 for a write up space and a picture it was moved, seconded and passed that the committee make a further study of costs, distribution and coverage and that the committee be allowed to spend up to $300 for advertising on place mats. |
1967 Jan 17 | APPOINTMENT OF PLACEMAT COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to investigate the possibility of a table mat for restaurants using a guide advertisement among others. (Appointed Furney, Small and Williams) |
1967 Jan 17 | ADVERTISING ROAD SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize the expenditure of up to $180 for four signs on each of the four main highways entering Gettysburg. |
1967 Jan 17 | FIFTH MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed by voice vote that the outgoing President be the fifth member of the Executive Committee. |
1966 Dec 13 | DEADBEAT GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that a list of names of guides who have not paid dues to this organization in 1966 be sent to the Superintendent of the Gettysburg National Military Park. |
1966 Nov 15 | SUMMER UNIFORM PATCHES: The only item of note at this month’s meeting was Guide Supervisor Milton Thompson’s announcement that the use of patches on the summer uniform was now authorized. |
1966 Oct 11 | PAYMENT OF TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the $50 dues to the Travel Council for 1966-1967. |
1966 Oct 11 | EMERGENCY FUND ESTABLISHED: Moved, seconded and passed that due to the necessity of keeping a balance in the treasury as an emergency fund $100 would be set aside each year as an emergency fund, this to be continued unless motion is amended by later parliamentary procedure. |
1966 Oct 11 | ESTABLISHMENT OF SAVINGS ACCOUNT EMERGENCY FUND: Moved, seconded and passed that the emergency fund should be placed in a savings account to draw interest. |
1966 Jun 7 | BROCHURES: It was reported that we were just about out of the 100,000 brochures that were ordered last year at a cost of $787.50. Moved, seconded and passed that when the treasury shows a sufficient balance to pay for 100,000 that they should be ordered. |
1966 Jun 7 | PAINTING AND ERECTING SIGNS: Moved, seconded and passed that Sickles and Woodward be paid for painting and erecting the guide signs that were taken in for refurbishment. |
1966 Jun 7 | SIGN RENTALS: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize payment of sign rentals totalling $57. |
1966 Jun 7 | ERECTION OF MIRROR: Moved, seconded and passed that the mirror with NO advertisements should be erected at a cost of $22. |
1966 Mar 8 | ERECTION OF MIRROR: Moved, seconded and passed that a new covered mirror for the Seminary Ridge sign including the guide stations listed as an advertisement be purchased for $22. (Minutes of 11/9/1965 reported it had been knocked down and broken and there was a failed proposal to offer a reward for information on who did it.) |
1966 Mar 8 | TEMPORARY GUIDE LICENSING: Moved, seconded and passed to petition the National Park officers to permit those temporary guides who were licensed last year to again be licensed temporarily for service during bus season when available. |
1966 Jan 11 | DISTRIBUTION OF FOLDERS: Moved, seconded and passed to send guide folders and government folders if availble to travel show at Cleveland. |
1966 Jan 11 | ISSUE OF PART TIME GUIDES JOINING ASSOCIATION: There was a discussion of part time guides joining the Guide Association. The President read from the Guide Association bylaws which stated that requirement for membership “men of good standing who had passed government examination and had received permit to guide” There is nothing sttaed in the By laws whether temporary or permanent guides. |
1966 Dec 14 | CONGRATULATIONS TO SUPERINTENDENT WING: Moved, seconded and passed to send a congratulatory letter to Superintendent Wing for his promotion and a note of appreciation for his cooperation with this organization. |
1965 Dec 14 | NOTICES TO MEMBERS: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to all members showing the financial report for 1965 and including a letter concerning the Battlefield Guide Association and future meeting dates. |
1965 Dec 14 | SIGN INSPECTION COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED: Moved, seconded and passed to appoint a committee to inspect the condition of the signs and report to the next meeting. (Appointed were R. Weikert, Dave Deitch, H. Oyler, M. Sargeant) |
1965 Nov 9 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the $50 bill from the Travel Council for 1966 membership. |
1965 Nov 9 | POSSIBLE TELEVISED GUIDE DISCUSSION: Moved, seconded and passed to invite Dr. Vernon Group of WGET to the next meeting to discuss his suggestion of using guides for a roundtable discussion in January. |
1965 Nov 9 | POSSIBLE UNIFORM CHANGE AND DISTINCTIVE GUIDE PATCH: No formal action taken but the possibility of a change in uniform was discussed. Mr. C. Swinn commented that the uniform as it is now is very snappy if tailored and kept clean and pressed. R. Gilbert commented that as chairman of uniform committee in past year that it was Superintendent Wing who had suggested a change in uniform originally; also that Mr. wing felt that a distinctive patch identifying the guide was necessary. Tabled. |
1965 Mar 9 | 50th ANNIVERSARY OF LBG DINNER: Moved, seconded and passed that should sufficient guides express interest in having a banquet that Superintendent Wing and Mr. Thompson and their wives should be invited. |
1965 Mar 9 | SHOULDER PATCH: Robert Gilbert brought up the question of having a shoulder patch in order to provide identification. It was stated that there woul dbe only one patch for both shirt and coat and that Superintendent Wing had suggested a patch be worn on the shirt. It was suggested to take the question to the NPS. |
1965 Feb 9 | NON-PAYING LBG’s: Moved, seconded and passed to send a letter to Superintendent Wing explaining the lack of cooperation of those guides not paying dues and submit with the letter the same statement of receipts and expenditures and the names of non-paying guides, that was sent in December. |
1965 Feb 9 | TRAVEL COUNCIL BROCHURE: Moved, seconded and passed to pay $85 for a listing in the Travel Council brochure of which 450,000 will be printed. |
1965 Feb 9 | TRAVEL COUNCIL BOOKLET: Moved, seconded and passed thae we pay $225 for our advertising in the Information booklet as per last year. |
1965 Jan 12 | PART TIME GUIDES: Reported that the National Park Service had applied to Washington to approve the concept of part time guides. |
1965 Jan 12 | SAFETY MIRROR: Moved, seconded and passed to provide a safety mirror at West Confederate Avenue and Fairfield Road which would provide visibility down West Middle Street. Mirror along with two uprights and a sign would be erected on government land for which permission has already been given by Superintendent Wing for a cost of approximately $35. |
1965 Jan 12 | UPCOMING MEETING LOCATION: Moved, seconded and passed that the next meeting, February 9, 1965, be held at the VFW. |
1965 Jan 12 | THANKS TO OUTGOING ADMINISTRATION: Incoming President Hartman took over during the “New Business” portion of the meeting. Moved, seconded and passed a standing vote of thanks for the outgoing President and Vice President for their two years of service. |
1965 Jan 12 | NEW 2-PAGE FOLDER: Moved, seconded and passed to order 100,000 of the proposed 2-page folder rather than our older 4 page one at a cost of $750. |
1965 Jan 12 | ALTERNATE TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to place on the ballot for officers an alternate to the Executive Committee that is to meeti with Superintendent Wing. |
1965 Jan 12 | REIMBURSEMENT FOR VOLUNTEERS TO BALTIMORE SHOW: President Mehring asked for volunteers to go to Baltimore and staff the Travel Council booth for 8 hours. Moved, seconded and passed that any volunteer be given $10 for gas and meals. (Jim Cole volunteered to go. Later he reported he did not due to the weather.) |
1964 Dec 7 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed that since we have already paid $50 for dues in 1965 that the additional requested $100 be paid to the Travel Council before July 1, 1965. |
1964 Dec 7 | COMMITTEE OF REVIEW: Moved, seconded and passed to accept Superintendent Wing’s full proposal relating to a Committee of Review as outlined in his letter of December 4 and hereby appoint a committee of review said committee will consist of the elected officers of the Battlefield Guides Association. (Proposal: 1) That a Committee of Review be appointed or elected to give assistance to National Park office in guide matters. 2) That this ocmmittee shall be asked to submit findings and recommendations on desciplinary actions involving guides prior to final action. 3) That this committee shall be asked to advise and consult with National park office on new or amended regulations, prior to promulgation of these regulations. 4) That this committee shall meet at least once at the end of each summer season with the Guide Supervisor or Mr Wing to consult on guide operations, to screen for fitness all applications for license renewal and to discuss other appropriate matters, Mr Wing further stated that this Committee should not be considered a permanent arrangement and could be discontinued by himself at any time.) |
1964 Nov 10 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay $50 dues to the Travel Council at this time. |
1964 Nov 10 | TAPE TOUR THREAT: Druid Deitch reported that a company, operating with recorders is probably coming into Gettysburg. President Mehring reported about McGlaughlin taking people around with the recorder and that he had reported this to Superintendent Wing on four separate occasions and that Mr. Wing had contacted McGlaughlin about this. (Put in info @ him) |
1964 Nov 10 | GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE: Reported that they will be meeting to make some plans for some celebration in 1965. | ||
1964 Oct 13 | CODE OF FEDERAL REDGULATIONS PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed that the guides should buy a copy of the Code of Federal Regulations for $3 |
1964 Oct 13 | GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE FORMED: Vice President Deitch reported that an “Out Of The Pask” column of 50 years ago reported about the licensing of battlefield guides which led him to believe we should commemorate the event publicly. Moved, seconded and passed that a committee should be appointed to investigate the possibility or organizing for a commemorative banquet and program for the Golden anniversary. (Appointed were Ken Johns, L. Hartman, Ken Cole, E. F. Rosensteel, Ed Longanecker and C. Swinn.) |
1964 Oct 13 | COMPULSORY BGA MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee contact Superintendent Wing about the possibility of compulsory membership in the “Battlefield Guides Association.” |
1964 Aug 21 | GUIDE PAMPHLETS: Moved, seconded and passed that an addditional 10,000 pamphlets be printed and authorizing the treasurer to pay for the same. |
1964 Aug 21 | YORK ROAD SIGN: Moved, seconded and passed to repair and correct this sign at the expense of the Guide Association. |
1964 Aug 21 | GUIDING REGULATION AND BUS TOURS: Whereas the bus company is operating under no restrictions and the drivers are regularly using their microphones and guiding the public it was moved, seconded and passed to write a letter to the Superintendent requesting the exact regulations of the National park Service which covers the licensing and regulating of guides or guiding on the Gettysburg Battlefield. |
1964 Jun 2 | GUIDE PATCH ISSUE: Meeting called due to wearing of patches by some guides. President Mehring reported uniform regulations call for the guide insignia on the coat only not actually required for the shirt. In order to wear a sleeve patch there must be a request for it in writing with signatures of officers and names of all guides voting for it. Any change in uniform requires 75% of the guides to vote for it. Moved, seconded to put the matter to secret ballot and the issue failed to pass 19 to 13. |
1964 Jun 2 | OUTSTANDING BILLS: Whereas the treasurer shows a balance of $483.17 and there are bills outstanding with Times Publishing company ($603.75) and Travel Council ($85) it was moved, seconded and passed to pay the full Travel Council bill and $303.75 of the Times Publishing company bill with the balance to be paid to the Times as dues are received. |
1964 Mar 10 | TRAVEL COUNCIL BILL UPDATE: Moved, seconded and passed that $85 be paid to the Travel Council instead of the $75 voted at the last meeting. |
1964 Mar 10 | TOURIST GUIDE AD: Moved, seconded and passed that the Battlefield Guides’ Association should take a 1/4 page ad in the Gettysburg Times’ Tourist Guide at a cost of $125. |
1964 Mar 10 | GUIDE BROCHURES OR FOLDERS: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase 50,000 guide folders at this time at $575 plus tax |
1964 Mar 10 | 90-DAY GUIDES: In response to a National Park Service request on how guides feel regarding the 90-Day Guide (June 1 to Sept 1) it was moved, seconded and passed that the Association was in favor of it. |
1964 Feb 11 | SUPERINTENDENT WING: Supt. Wing of GNMP asked to speak and did so on the following topics: UNIFORM – projected change in uniform is acceptible so long as it is well tailored and kept clean. EXAM – recent exam was given and they expect to increase the guide force to 55. 90 DAY GUIDE – wished Association consider the possibility of adding some of this type. |
1964 Feb 11 | NEW UNIFORM: The uniform committee reported in favor of a new uniform and samples were displayed and rices discussed. Moved, seconded and passed to table further discussion until fall. |
1964 Feb 11 | SHOULDER PATCH: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt a shoulder patch with the words “Battlefield Guide” on it for summer wear. (It was noted by the president that the NPS requires 26 signatures for a change in uniform.) |
1964 Feb 11 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed that 50,000 or 100,000 more guide pamphlets be printed. |
1964 Feb 11 | TRAVEL COUNCIL FOLDER: Moved, seconded and passed that $75 be spent for inclusion in the Travel Council folder. |
1963 Dec 10 | TRAVEL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed that $50 be paid to the Travel Council at this time. |
1963 Dec 10 | UNIFORM COMMITTEE FORMED: Moved, seconded and passed to establish a committee to investigate the possibility of a change in uniform. (R. Gilbert, K. Johns, Joe Breighner, R. Sheads and L. Hartman appointed to serve) |
1963 Nov 12 |
JUSTIFICATION FOR BUS FEE INCREASE: 1) Guides often have to wait for appointments. 2) Use of personally owned speakers. 3) Usually stand instead of sitting. 4) Travel to various places to meet the buses. 5) Car tour fee has increased since the las bus fee increase. 6) Increases in per person cost would be less than 1- cents. 7) Increased incentive for some guides to ride buses. |
1963 Oct 11 | PROPOSED INCREASE IN BUS FEE: Moved, seconded and passed to increase the fee for bus tours of the battlefield from the present $8 to $10 and to submit a letter to Superintendent Wing relaying that request. |
1963 Jun 12 | BILL FOR GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed tp direct the treasurer to pay the bill from the Gettysburg Times for the new brochures. |
1963 Jun 12 | PROTEST COMPETITION ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to launch a letter campaign in protest of our competition (Gettysburg Tour Center buses) advertisement in the new Tourist Guide published by the Gettysburg Times wherein they show a picture of the National Cemetery Gates as a background. (Committee named “Committee to write the letter of protest about the sacriligious advertising” consists of executive officers plus Fidler, Folkenroth, Hartman and Longanecker) |
1963 Jun 12 | WORTHINGTON’S PORCH SIGN: Moved, seconded and passed that William Shealer be reimbursed $50 for the rent he paid for the sing on Worthington’s porch. |
1963 Mar 12 | GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to order 50,000 of the “old type” brochures. |
1963 Mar 12 | PENNSYLVANIA MONUMENT NAMES: Moved, seconded and passed to offer a vote of thanks to Robert Fidler for his donation of a book containing an alphabetized list of the names on the Pennsylvania Monument. Said book to be housed at the West End Guide Station. |
1963 Mar 12 | CENTENNIAL EDITION AD: Moved, seconded and passed that we take out an ad in the Gettysburg Times’ Centennial Edition for a cost of about $42. |
1963 Mar 12 | LACK OF GUIDE PRESENCE AT CENTENNIAL: Whereas it was noted that the program of tentative Centennial events being distributed by the Travel Council makes no mention of guides yet does mention bus tours and whereas the NPS will be using buses to transport folks to the vignettes of the battle during the centennial it was moved, seconded and passed to have the President and a committee visit the National Park officials and try to have more guides appointed. |
1963 Mar 12 | AFTER MEETING REFRESHMENTS: Moved, seconded and passed that refreshments be served after the meetings. |
1963 Feb 12 | SIGN PLACEMENT IN VARSITY DINER: Moved, seconded and passed to place a sign in the Varsity Diner as offered by the owner, George Grawe and to contact a sign painter to do the work. |
1963 Feb 12 | COMMITTEE ON GUIDE STATION CLOSINGS: Edgar Shealer reported about his trip to Washington to talk with Sen. Scott about the park’s closing of guide stations. He reported in Jan about the committee (Mr. Worley – former state representative, Shealer, Robert Gilbert and Peter McIntyre) meeting Congressman Flood. In Mar the possibility of hearings being called on the matter. No further mention after that. |
1963 Jan 25 | REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES: Moved, seconded and passed that Shealer, Gilbert and McIntyre be paid $20 each for expences incurred in their Washington trip. |
1963 Jan 25 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to place an 1/4 page ad in a Guest Guide to be published this spring at a cost of $150. |
1963 Jan 25 | MEETING DATE AND SCHEDULE: Moved, seconded and passed that the regular meeting time of the Association will be the 2nd Tuesday of each month, October through March, and special meetings at other times to be called at the discretion of the President. |
1962 Dec 11 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: It was noted in the minutes that election of officers had not been recorded but it did take place during the December 11, 1962 meeting. Former Vice-President Wilbur Mehring became President. |
1962 Dec 11 | CLOSING OF GUIDE STATIONS: Edgar Shealer introduced Mr. Worley, former state representative, to the guides who explained he has some contacts in Washington who may be able to help against the National Park Service edict of closing the North End and Cemetery Hill Guide Stations. Moved, seconded and passed to appoint a three man committee to accompany Mr. Worley to Washington to make these contacts. (Edgar Shealer, David Deitch and Walter Reynolds were so appointed) |
1962 Dec 11 | HONORARIUM TO MR. WORLEY: Moved, seconded and passed that if Mr. Worley is able to help us that he be given not less than $100. |
1962 Dec 11 | EXPENSES OF WASHINGTON COMMITTEE GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that the guides on the committee to make contact with public officials in Washington be paid their expences. |
1962 Nov 28 | NOMINATION OF OFFICERS: Moved, seconded and passed that officers be nominated from the floor at the December business meeting. |
1962 Nov 28 | CLOSING OF GUIDE STATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to have Mr. Edgar Shealer contact former state representative, Mr. Worley, to have a meeting called at his convenience to talk with us. |
1962 Nov 28 | GOOD WILL COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to establish a Good Will Committee and appoint members with a task of contacting places of business and trying to improve our relations with the public. (Pres. Kessel appointed H. Furney, R. Fox, L. Hartman, David Deitch, Druid Deitch, R. Fidler, J. Steinour, F. Stevens and two guides from Lincoln Square. |
1962 Nov 28 | COMBATING THE TOUR TICKET AGENCY: Moved, seconded and passed to see Sam Miller about the possibility of placing signs somewhere on Steinwehr Ave. to combat the Tour Ticket agency in the same manner as the sign was placed on Mr. Worthington’s porch. |
1962 Aug 8 | SPECIAL MEETING ON TOUR BUS: Met in a meeting with Congressman Goodling at the Courthouse. Tape recordings of interviews with visitors were played disatisfied with the bus tour. A portion of the actual tour tape was played for all assembled to hear. No indication of any action being taken. |
1962 Jul 27 | DELINQUENT GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that a rule be adopted that those guides deliquent in dues after deadlines be sent a fair warning. Upon expiration of ten days names of delinquents should be submitted to Superintendent Myers for suspension. |
1962 Jul 27 | PROPOSED GUIDED BUS TOUR: Dr. John J. Knox was introduced and asked guide for cooperation in a proposed bus tour company offering a bus tour conducted by licensed guides. Dr. Knox has been taping comments of people taking the existing bus tour and comments of people who have had guided tours and found opinion is 12 to 1 in favor of guides. He plans to apply for a PUC license for the same. Association agreed to meet again later to hear these tapes. |
1962 Jul 27 | ADVERTISING COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT: Moved, seconded and passed that an advertising committee be appointed to consider various types of advertising and cost and to present same at a future meeting. (Committee: Robt Fidler, Glenn Shields, Ed Longanecker, D. Ullrich and Bradley Rosensteel) |
1962 Jul 27 | TRAVEL COUNCIL DUES AND SIGN: Moved, seconded and passed that dues in the amount of $50 be paid to the Travel Council and a $100 contribution be made to their brochure fund with the provision that the Battlefield Guide sign in the Travel Council office be replaced. |
1962 Mar 29 | GETTYSBURG TIMES MEMORIAL EDITION AD: Moved, seconded and passed to take out a 1/4 page ad at a cost of $90 in the Gettysburg Times Memorial Edition to be published May 30. |
1962 Mar 29 | ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Officers nominated were elected unanimously and took office. |
1962 Mar 29 | DUE DATE FOR DUES: Moved, seconded and passed that July 1st be set as a deadline for paying dues. |
1962 Feb 7 | APPOINTMENT OF NEW GUIDES: It was reported that men would be appointed to replace “the deceased brothers” using the available list. If three could not be gotten from this a new exam would be held. Following suggestions that three full time guides be appointed with the Association appointing 10 additional guides part time – May 30 to Labo Day it was moved, seconded and passed to appoint a committee to meet with Superintendent Myers to discuss this. (Johns and Fox) |
1962 Feb 7 | TRAVEL COUNCIL PAMPHLET BILL: Moved, seconded and passed to pay $50 to the Travel Council for inclusion in their pamphlet. |
1962 Feb 7 | MOMENT OF SILENCE: Moved, seconded and passed that the guides present observe a moment of silence in honor of departed members. |