The Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides meets numerous times each year and deal with a wide variety of issues.  These meetings are open to all dues-paying members though only members with valid guide licenses may vote or hold elective offices. The pages linked below provide a reference to all major resolutions and motions passed by our organization throughout its long history.  Though that history dates back to 1916, written minutes from business meetings exist only back to the late 1940’s. Prior to that time fragments of meeting mortions are gleaned only through newspaper reporting. The pages linked below will give members a quick reference to find key initiatives and to view the background of current issues. The name of each President’s administration appears when they were first elected.  Each page contains passed initiatives listed in reverse chronological order – latest to earliest.  Motions that did not pass, motions dealing with approval of the annual operating budget or annual elections of officers, and occasionally, motions which were essentially of limited long term interest, were excluded.  This latter category numbered less than a dozen.

Actions – Resolutions 2020-2029

Actions – Resolutions 2010-2019

Actions – Resolutions 2000-2009

Actions – Resolutions 1990-1999

Actions – Resolutions 1980-1989

Actions – Resolutions 1970-1979

Actions – Resolutions 1960-1969

Actions – Resolutions 1940’s and 1950’s

Actions – Resolutions Pre-1940’s (Fragmentary)