ALBG Actions and Resolutions 1989-1980
1989 Nov.14 | CARING COMMITTEE REPORT: Moved, seconded and passed a Caring Committee report that laid down guidelines of when cards, flowers, books, etc. should be sent to sick guides or at times of bereavement. The Executive Committee was charged with responsibility for overseeing this. |
1989 Nov.14 | 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE PINS: Moved, seconded and passed that each guide should pay for his own 75th Anniversary of Licensed Guides commemorative pin after the die cost is paid by the Association. |
1989 Nov.14 | YEARS OF SERVICE PINS: Moved, seconded and DEFEATED a motion to offer “years of service” pins as part of the 75th Anniversary commemoration. |
1989 Sep 29 | COMPANY K – 30th PENNSYLVANIA MONUMENT: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG unanimously endorse and support the movement to erect a monument in the vicinity of the Adams County Courthouse in memory of Company K, 30th Pennsylvania Infantry with a target dedication date of June, 1991. |
1989 Sep.29 | NATIONAL CEMETERY CLOSURE:Reported that in light of the recent ballot where 26 guides wanted the cemetery roads reopened, 26 guides wanted to keep it closed and 39 guides did not care to vote, Superintendent Dan Kuehn considers the cemetery permanently closed. |
1989 Sep.29 | NEW TOUR ROUTE BUS TRIP: Moved, seconded and passed to have each person pay $1 with the Association paying the difference for a bus rental to go over the new tour route November 4, 1989. |
1989 Sep.29 | COPY MACHINE FEES ESTABLISHED: Moved, seconded and passed that fees for use of the Association copy machine are set at 5 cents a copy for Association members and 15 cents a copy for non-Association members. |
1989 Jul.18 | FRIENDS OF THE GNMP: President reported on the activities of this group and passed out copies of their Articles of Incoporation and other information. LBG Louise Friend volunteered to represent the President at their next board meeting on July 20. |
1989 Jul.18 | NATIONAL CEMETERY CLOSURE: Moved, seconded and passed that the entire guide force be polled to ascertain their feeling on the closure of the National Cemetery to vehicles. Also made note that the placement of flags in the National Cemetery over the anniversary will be an annual event. |
1989 Jul.18 | 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE: Chair LBG Kathy Showvaker gave a detailed report on the activities being planned including: commemorative pins and clothing, handouts to visitors, a reunion of past and present LBG’s, preparation of a detailed guide history, exhibit case, participation in ‘guiding through the years’ pagent in July 4th parade, press release, free tours to county residents, and a guide group picture. |
1989 May 16 | UNLICENSED GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG should develop criteria for special situations where unlicensed guiding is permitted and proceed with the spring “sweep.” (Minutes of 3/20/1989 indicate a spring and fall bus ‘sweep’ to check guide on board and qualifications) |
1989 May 16 | RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION: Moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to the Superintendent expressing thanks and praise for the monument repairs made thus far. |
1989 May 16 | BOOK FUND PROCEEDS: It was reported that all book loans would be paid off once the Eastern National check arrived so discussion on what to do with the profits resulted in a list of three priorities: 1) future book reprintings, 2) continuing education, and 3) advertising, mainly local. |
1989 Mar 20 | DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee serve as a disciplinary committee. |
1989 Mar 20 | WEEKEND GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that weekend guides be allowed to work after 3:00 pm on weekdays provided that 50% of their tours are on weekends. |
1989 Mar 20 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE 1, SECTION 4: Moved, seconded and passed to change this section to reflect that general business meetings will be held on alternate months beginning with January. (Third Tuesday) |
1989 Mar 20 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE II, SECTION 6: Moved, seconded and passed to add to the Executive Committee, four members, meetings to be held alternate months beginning with February on the third Tuesday. |
1989 Mar 20 | BYLAWS CHANGE ARTICLE V, SECTION 3: Moved, seconded and passed that for changes to the bylaws, written notice shall be made to members one meeting prior to voting. |
1989 Mar 20 | INVITATIONS TO SPRING BANQUET: Moved, seconded and passed to invite Supt. and Mrs. Daniel Kuehn, Mrs. Joy Cox and husband, and Winona Peterson and husband to the spring banquet. |
1989 Mar 20 | MEMBERS TO NEWLY FORMED EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Moved, seconded and passed to nominate George Shealer and Kathy Showvaker for two year terms and Leonard Kinder and Roy Frampton to one year terms as members of the new Executive Council, at large members. |
1989 Mar 20 | WALKIE TALKIES PROJECT: Agreed in principal to put the new system into effect for communicating with the Visitor Center. Guides may purchase these at the Radio Shack. Ten committed people are needed to put this system in operation. |
1989 Jan 17 | DOWNTOWN SUMMER WALKING TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed that a committee of guides approach Supt. Kuehn relating the operation of the downtown tours and discussing the possibility of continuing their operation with the backing of some other group now that Downtown Gettysburg, Inc. is defunct. |
1989 Jan 17 | UNLICENSED GUIDING INITIATIVE: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the report of the committee with recommendations to deal with the problem of unlicensed guides. These include: publication of regulations to appropriate bus companies and tour operators; temporary licenses to qualified people for one tour; abolition of the annual guide license fee beginning 1/1/1990, etc. |
1989 Jan 17 | MONUMENT BOOK ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to pay approximately $30 plus postage to duplicate brochures for mailing to about 30 booksellers on “the book.” |
1989 Jan 17 | THE “TURNAWAY” PROBLEM: Superintendent Kuehn is unhappy with 1600 turnaways during 1988 (about 1% of total tours). He proposed two solutions: a) raise the required number of tours per guide from 75 to 100 and b) allow weekend guides to work weekdays after 1 or 3 PM. Our response was to request what dates and hours the turn-aways are greatest. |
1989 Jan 17 | WEED WHACKING!: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association volunteer on a March Saturday to undertake cleaning out the “Slaughter Pen” as part of the annual battlefield spring cleanup. |
1988 Sep.20 | UNLICENSED GUIDING: Moved, seconded and passed the President’s proposal of who is eligible to do unlicensed tours (boni-fide education tours on a program of study; military tours on staff rides). Noted that the bus pass system will go into effect on October 1. |
1988 Sep.20 | BYLAWS CHANGE: The forms which we are filing for tax-exempt status require a dissolution clause. Accordingly it was moved, seconded and passed that such assets be turned over to a non-profit historical association or the Adams County Historical Society |
1988 Sep.20 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to use the free ads Fred Hawthorne and Howard Koser receive for PBS membership in the Apprise magazine for publishing ads about guided tours. |
1988 Jun 14 | DOWNTOWN GETTYSBURG SUMMER TOUR PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed that in connection with the Downtown Gettysburg summer tours that we endorse the original agreement of one non-profit ticket agent and no other organization is to be involved in any phase of the process until the renegotiation of the agreement |
1988 June 14 | DOWNTOWN GETTYSBURG SUMMER TOUR PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed that if additional people are needed to serve as Downtown Gettysburg Tour Guides the assignments will be prioritized: 1) ALBG members, 2) ALBG Associate members, 3) non-ALBG guides. |
1988 June 14 | INCORPORATION: Noted in the minutes that ALBG is now a non-profit Association within the State of Pennsylvania but not yet tax exempt. Application is being made for federal tax exempt status. |
1988 June 14 | MONUMENT BOOK: Moved, seconded and passed that with purchases of the monument book at 1,557 copies leaving but 567 copies left that we order an additional 2,000 copy printing. |
1988 June 14 | UNLICENSED GUIDING COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed that President Hawthorne appoint a committee to meet with Superintendent Earnst to discuss the problem of unlicensed tours of the park. (Members appointed Frampton, L. Arnold, E. Clark, O’Brien, P. Cole.) |
1988 Apr 5 | PROMOTION OF MONUMENT BOOK: Moved, seconded and passed to spend any amount necessary to get a table at the Book Show (Jul 1-2) and the Collectors Show (July 8-10) to promote the new monument book which will be published May 15, 1988. |
1988 Apr 5 | TAX EXEMPT STATUS: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG file a tax free exemption form with the state and federal authorities. |
1988 Apr 5 | BYLAWS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept in whole the updated 1988 edition of the organizations bylaws which are based on the 1927 bylaws. |
1988 Apr 5 | OPPOSITION TO DEVILS DEN CLOSURE: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG oppose elements of the Developmental Concept Plan; specifically the removal of Crawford and Warren Avenues which would eliminate vehicular traffic to Devil’s Den. (Inaugurated the infamous “Windshield Experience” bout with the NPS) |
1988 Apr 5 | FIRST SHOT CANNON #233: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG write to the NPS to express our dissatisfaction for the proposed removal of the “first shot” cannon and asking to explore alternatives for its safety. |
1988 Apr 5 | DOWNTOWN GETTYSBURG WALKING TOUR GUIDES: Moved, seconded and passed that we support Downtown Gettysburg, Inc. by supplying guides for walking tours of the downtown area three times a wek during the summer of 1988. |
1988 Apr 5 | TOUR FEE INCREASE PROPOSAL FOR 1989: Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG ask the park service for an increase in tour rates for 1989 to $17 for cars, and $40 for buses, with vans being charged one dollar for each passenger over five. (These rates were approved and went into effect January 1, 1989) |
1988 Jan 12 | ADVERTISING – GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to give the president authority to order up to $500 worth or approximately 25,000 promotional brochures when needed. |
1988 Jan 12 | ADVERTISING – GUIDE BROCHURES: Moved, seconded and passed to buy the needed brochures immediately. |
1988 Jan 12 | GUIDE MONUMENT BOOK: Moved, seconded and passed to proceed with the Monument Book (Gettysburg: Stories of Men and Monuments as told by battlefield guides) project based on information the President gave on cost, publishers, sale prices, prepublication sales, advertsising, etc. (A list of member’s names was compiled willing to offer interest free loans, if necessary, to finance the project internally – Hawthorne, Koser, McLaughlin, S. Walters, Harbach, Arnold, Shealer, P Cole and Hathaway all were contributors – between $300-$500 each. All were repaid within a few months of publication) |
1988 Jan 12 | MONUMENT BOOK ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed authorizing $100 be taken from the treasury to pay for ads in the Blue and Gray and Civil War Quarterly to advertise the monument book. |
1987 Sep 29 | INCORPORATING ALBG: Moved, seconded and passed resolution that as a first step towards our impending publishing effort that we file the papers for incorporation at a fee of $75 and that we write to the IRS for an official written opinion in regard to tax status. |
1987 Sep 29 | ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed that the fee to become an associate member to be enrolled in January 1988 will be $5. |
1987 Sep 29 | VISITOR TAPE RECORDING OF TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed to discourage tourists’ tape recording of tours. |
1987 Aug 4 | MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the membership committee’s recommendation on upgrading membership benefits with the exception of item 7B “discount on guide uniforms from the Hanover Clothing company.” A copy of this report is included with the minutes (missing). New membership cards will be printed and their use begun on January 1, 1988. |
1987 May 11 | MEMBERS NOT RECEIVING NEWSLETTER: Moved, seconded and passed that those guides not having their 1987 dues paid by July 1 will not receive the newsletter. |
1987 Jan 12 | OPPOSITION TO STREET CLOSURES: Moved, seconded and passed that this Association send a letter to the Gettysburg Borough Council opposing the college plan to close several streets in the north end of the borough. |
1986 Sep 22 | TRAVEL COUNCIL VIP PASSES: Moved, seconded and passed that whereas about fifty VIP passes per year are presented to special visitors by the Travel Council that the guides commit to giving a limited number of free tours for this service. (Those interested will sign their names to a list) |
1986 Sep 22 | PART TIME LBG MEMBERSHIP DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to raise the part time membership dues from $25 to $30. |
1986 Jul 22 | GUIDE DISPLAY CASE FUND: Moved, seconded and passed that the $1,200 in the display case fund, contributed for this purpose, be returned to the givers if they so desire or placed in the general fund. |
1986 Jan 13 | ORGANIZATION NAME CHANGE: This is the last set of minutes (Woody Christ, Secretary) where the organization is titled “Association of Gettysburg Battlefield Guides” – the next business meeting held in July, the newly-elected secretary, Walter Powell, had resigned due to pressing business and the newly-appointed Secretary, Suzanne Harbach, titled her first set of minutes: “Association of Licensed Battlefield Guides” There was no official name change – just a mistake. From here on it has been “ALBG” |
1985 Oct 16 | GUIDE PICNIC: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association should keep the guide picnin separate from the one of the NPS. |
1985 Oct 16 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to maintain the ads in the Travel Council booklet. |
1985 Oct 16 | NEW CLASS OF GUIDE PROPOSED: Began discussing possibility of a new classification of guides. Would help fill in at busiest times: during weekends in July and August and on holidays. Executive committee will meet after the NPS meeting in October. (Had been introduced by NPS in July – 7/16/1985) |
1985 Oct 7 | RECERTIFICATION ISSUE: Membership fired up as Supt. Earnst tied 1986 rate increase to demand that guides commit themselve to continually improve. He felt something similar to a “Continuing Education” program may be acceptable. (This was the origins of the Association’s Continuing Education program.) |
1985 Jul 16 | ILLEGAL GUIDING BY GETTYSBURG TOUR CENTER: Discussion on methods to ‘crack down’ on illegal guides driving the buses for L.E. Smith. Even though the NPS law enforcement arm has the authority to pursue and press charges against such violators non have ever been prosecuted. Debate centered around hiring someone to monitor Smith’s buses and gather data. |
1985 Jul 16 | UNIFORM: No record of a motion or vote simply a decision to recommend two new accessories to the NPS for approval, a new cap and a jumper for the ladies. |
1985 Jul 16 | GUIDE BILLBOARD: No record of a motion or vote but a decision to dismantle the remains of the guide billboard north of town that was blown over by the wind or destroyed by vandals. |
1985 Jul 16 | INCREASE IN CAR TOUR FEE: Moved, seconded and passed by a vote of 25 yea, 8 nay and 2 abstensions to consider a fee increase for cars for 1986. |
1985 Jul 16 | INCREASE IN CAR TOUR FEE: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association will request an increase in the car fee to $14. |
1985 Jul 16 | INCREASE IN BUS TOUR FEE: Moved, seconded and passed by a vote of 21 yea, 10 nay and 1 abstension to consider a fee increase for buses for 1986. |
1985 Jul 16 | INCREASE IN BUS TOUR FEE: Moved, seconded and passed that the Association will request an increase in the bus fee to $30. |
1985 Jul 16 | INCREASE IN THE VAN/RV FEE: Moved, seconded and passed by a vote of 30 to 0 with one abstension that the base fee for this category of tour be increase to $14 and the current rate structure be folowed |
1984 Oct 24 | ESTABLISHING AN ADVERTISING FUND: Moved, seconded and passed by a vote of 28 to 13 with 4 abstensions to establish an Advertising Fund which all guides can contribute – both Association and non-Association. Purpose: to expand and improve commercial advertisments for the LBG’s as a whole. |
1984 Sep 10 | ADVERTISING COMMITTEE FORMED: No record of a motion or vote but a listing of advertising possibilities (offering complementary tours to Travel Council members, increase circulation of guide brochures, free tours to new park employees recondition the billboard, a listing int he Yellow Pages, advertise in the AAA Travel book, Travel Council’s booklet and brochure and going to Travel Shows) led to a call to establish a Advertising Committee to bring the proposal before all guides at the NPS meeting on October 24. (Committee named: Powell, Frampton, Showvaker, Hawthorne) |
1984 Sep 10 | GETTYSBURG TOURS CONTROVERSY: No record of a motion or vote but a joint committee was proposed to approach the superintendent on the “controversial topic.” (Committee named: Powell, Frampton, Arnold, Brogan) |
1984 Sep 10 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: No record of a motion or a vote but just a notation that after a short discussion it was decided not to increase the fee at this time. |
1984 Jul 21 | ASSIGNING GUIDES TO GETTYSBURG TOUR CENTER BUSES: Representative of the ABGA (Showvaker and Hawthorne) and NPS ( Earnst, Roach and Coughlin ) met to discuss the new policy of assigning guides to the buses of what we perceive as a competitor and a tacit endorsement of a commerical enterprise which we are forbidden to do. Supt Eanst said our arguments were irrelevant and his policy will be to supply LBG’s to GTC or any company that desires them. (NPS policy was any guide licensed after 1981 had to do these buses , guides before that could refuse.) |
1984 Jun 5 | ASSOCIATION POSITION ON NPS POLICY WITH GTC: Moved, seconded and passed resolution ” The Association of Gettysburg Battlefield Guides are opposed to the current park policy of the NPS asigning guides to local commercial bus companies that deal specifically with tours of the Gettysburg Battlefield. Secondly, The Association of Gettysburg Battlefield Guides members feel that the National Park Service is attempting to regulate the Guide Service beyond the scope of the Federal Regulations in this matter. This tacit endorsement of one particular commercial tour company works counter to the current initiative by the NPS to clear up the ongoing Tour Center sign controversy. Lastly, the guides should not be forced to ride buses associated with any companythat provides tours of or for the most part specifically of the Gettysburg battlefield.” |
1984 Jun 5 | POSSIBLE FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution not to increase the car fee for 1985. |
1984 Jan 16 | MEMORIAL: Moved, seconded and passed that a $25 donation be made on behalf of the Association to the Florence Emig Trust Fund at Shippensburg University in the memory of Evelyn F. Emig (A friend of former LBG George Kauffman killed in an accident) |
1983 Oct 25 | NPS EXAMINATION AND LICENSING FEE: It was announced for informational purposes that the NPS will charge $10 to individuals requesting LBG examination materials with a credit given towards the first year license fee AND an annual fee due the first of each year will be assessed current LBG’s with full time paying $20 per year and part time $15 per year. |
1983 Oct 25 | REVISION OF VAN FEES: Moved, seconded and passed to revise the decision made at the September 8th meeting and revise the van fee to $15 for one to five people with $3 per person for everyone over five people up to $25. |
1983 Sep 8 | INCREASE IN VAN FEES: Moved, seconded and passed that the fee charged for vans and recreational vehicles be changed to $15 for 1-5 people with any additional adults over that number being charged $2. |
1983 Aug 12 | 2nd EMERGENCY MEETING OF ALL LBG’s OVER NPS REVENUE PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed after lengthy discussion to issue a statement consisting of four points: 1) there was no LBG opposition to the NPS establishing an application fee for the guide exam, 2) the LBG’s provided very cost-effective service to the NPS including proctoring exams and lectures at training sessions, 3) we conceed the POSSIBILITY of a licensing fee but would like a limit of no more than $10 annually, 4) prevent any adverse effect on visitation, and 5) the providing of volunteers to the park service to work the desk and perform adminstrative duties related to the guide service. |
1983 Aug 12 | MODIFICATION OF ABOVE STATEMENT: Moved, seconded and passed to include an introduction expressing reservations concerning any annual licensing fee. |
1983 Aug 2 | 2nd EMERGENCY MEETING OF ALL LBG’s OVER NPS REVENUE PROPOSAL: Moved, seconded and passed to compose a letter to Superintendent Earnst requesting a special meeting to be set up after the individual Park-Guide meetings and that a special joint Guide committee discuss any final arrangements with the Park Service in a spirit of cooperation. |
1983 Aug 2 | APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES: Moved, seconded and passed to delegate at least one person at each of the Park-Guide meetings to report back to the Battlefield Guides at the next emergency meeting after the scheduled meetings with the Park Service. A second motion later appointed Dale Brister for the A-E group; Terry Fox for the F-I group; Clay Rebert for the J-R group; Barbara Schutt for the S-Z group; and Walt Powell for the Special group meeting. |
1983 Aug 2 | CALL FOR A 2nd EMERGENCY MEETING: Moved, seconded and passed to hold a second Emergency Meeting of the Battlefield Guids at Shields Picnic Grounds at 7 PM on 16 August 1983. |
1983 Jun 14 | TRAVEL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP AND ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed that the Guide Association should remain in the Gettysburg Travel Council but the Association should try to improve the ad. |
1983 Jun 14 | 60/40 RATIO ISSUES: Moved, seconded and passed that the Guide Association should request a new deadline for the 60/40 ratio as July 1st does not allow sufficient time to recover from the spring bus rush. (A meeting was held with the Superintendent July 6 at which it was agreed by 30 June each guide’s ratio needed to be at least 50/50 and by 31 July each guide should achieve a ratio of at least 60/40.) |
1983 Jan 17 | ADVERTISING – BILLBOARDS: Considerable discussion on the merits and placement of this type of advertising and the condition of those already there. Moved, seconded and passed that the sign on old Route 15 (painted by Reaver “about 12 years ago”) should be taken down and the billboard on Route 15 north be repainted. |
1983 Jan 17 | ASSOCIATION DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to raise the dues to $40 for Full Time Guides and $25 for Part Time Guides. |
1983 Jan 17 | TRAVEL COUNCIL AND ALLOCATION OF BUSES: Moved, seconded and passed to monitor the performance of the Travel Council in connection with the allocation of buses and to send volunteers to some of the Travel Shows for the benefit of the Association. |
1983 Jan 4 | AGBG COMMITTEE REORGANIZATION: The executive committee met and established four permanent committees, each to be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. Other ad-hoc committees will be appointed for the short term when necessary. The four committees are Membership (chaired by the President); Publicity (chaired by the secretary and to include all advertising decisions and publicity for guide meetings and events); Program (chaired by the Vice President and responsible for arranging programs and speakers for meetings); and Finance (chaired by the Treasurer and responsible for raising additional monies for guide projects). |
1983 Jan 4 | 1983 MEETING SCHEDULE: The Executive Committee agreed monthly meetings were unnecessary so authorized seven meetings for 1983 divided into business and social meetings the latter to be limited to dinner programs: Jan 17 business meeting; Apr 12 NPS meeting, June 7 business meeting; July 12 annual picnic; Oct 11 NPS meeting; Nov 8 business meeting and Dec 13 Dinner meeting. |
1982 Nov 9 | MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Moved, seconded and passed that out-going secretary Herm Frasch be the member-at-large on the Executive Council for the coming year. |
1982 Oct 12 | ACTIONS: There were several committee reports and discussion on items in the new General Management Plan including the loop to bypass Devil’s Den but no actions or votes were taken. |
1982 Sep 14 | FINANCIAL PROBLEMS: Moved, seconded and passed that as the balance in the treasury was just $52.01 and with sign rentals coming due that $150 be taken out of savings and place in the checking account. |
1982 Sep 14 | ACTION ON MANAGEMENT PLAN PROBLEM: Moved, seconded and passed that the “political angle” was the only way to go to produce positive results including the Borough, the Travel Council and our Representatives. |
1982 Sep 14 | OUTSIDE SIGN SITUATION: At the May business meeting it had been reported the the concensus of opinion was that the guide’s signs were in “bad shape” Accordingly, a Committee on Signs was appointed to review the “Outside Sign” situation and decide on (1) keeping and (2) painting or renewing. (Appointed were K. Hull and H. Frasch) |
1982 May 11 | BYLAWS CHANGE: No record of a motion or vote but it was announced that the bylaws were changed to read “Any officer can be elected to consecutive terms.” |
1982 May 11 | GUIDE PAMPHLET: Moved, seconded and passed to proceed with ordering the printing of the Guide Pamphlet being of black ink on white stock. |
1982 May 11 | ADVERTISING IN THE TAVEL COUNCIL BOOKLET: Following discussion on the effectiveness of advertisments in the green Travel Council booklet, something the Association does not currently advertsie in, it was moved, seconded and passed to make use of this advertising approach in the future. |
1982 May 11 | GUIDED TOUR RATE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to request a fee increase to go into effect Janaury 1, 1983 to Bus: $25 per trip; Car: $12 per trip and Vans and RV’s: $15 per trip. |
1982 Apr 13 | ASSOCIATION BROCHURE PROOF AUTHORIZED: Moved, seconded and passed that the Brochure Committee should bring in a proof for the next meeting. |
1982 Feb 10 | BYLAWS CHANGE: Secretary Frasch reported that 21 members of the Association were contacted with regards to changing the bylaws to allow the President to succeed himself after two terms in office. 13 returned their votes with 12 approving and 1 disapproving. (Noted that “Member-at-large Richard Fox will be in charge of the change in the ByLaws”) |
1982 Jan 12 | OUTDOOR ADVERTISING: Minutes noted that a “heated discussion” ensued regarding our signs and it was moved, seconded and passed that guides K. Hull, W. Powell, J. O’Brien and R MacAskill will review and possibly renew our outdoor signs. |
1982 Jan 12 | GUIDE BROCHURE: Noted that the guide brochures was reviewed and the consensus of opinion was that one that is more “eye catching” should be prepared and a “Review Committee” was named to do that: Chairman H Furney, J. Tate, B Weaver, and K Showvaker. |
1982 Jan 12 | THANKS OF THE ASSOCIATION: Moved, seconded and passed that the secretary write a letter of thanks for the Park Service and also to the Travel Council thanking them for their help in 1981 and past years. |
1982 Jan 12 | POSSIBLE BYLAWS CHANGE: Decision made following discussion of a change in the Constitution so that the President could succeed himself. The secretary will send a card to the Association members regarding a change in the Constitution. |
1982 Jan 12 | DEFER OFFICERS ELECTIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that the voting on the new officers would be deferred until the next meeting. |
1982 Jan 12 | NEW GUIDE TRAINING DONUTS: Moved, seconded and passed that at the request of Guide Supervisor John Andrews, that the Association supply donuts for the training meeting of the new guides January 23 and January 30. |
1981 Sep 15 | 60/40 RATIO CUT OFF DATE: Moved, seconded and passed that the cutoff dates for achieving the 60/40 car/bus ratio be moved from June/December to July/January. |
1981 Sep 15 | ASSOCIATION OUTDOOR ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed that the sign committee be instructed to look at our signs and make a recommendation to the Association. (Committee: J. O’Brien and W. Powell) |
1981 Sep 15 | PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION: Moved, seconded and passed that the bylaws be changed so that the President may succeed himself. |
1981 Sep 15 | ADDING GUIDES TO THE FORCE: Moved, seconded and passed after discussion that the Park Service was a better judge of the number of guides needed than the Association. |
1981 Jan 13 | ASSOCIATION MEETINGS: An executive council special meeting in February 1981 indicated that meetings would be held in April, May, June, July and August yet no minutes of these have been found so may not have been held. |
1981 Jan 13 | MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Moved, seconded and passed directing the Executive Committee to appoint a member-at-large. |
1981 Jan 13 | MONTHLY MEETINGS: Moved, seconded and passed to direct the Executive Committee to review the Bylaws re: meeting each month and come up with an alternative plan. |
1980 Jul 8 | HONOR RETIRING GUIDE SUPERVISOR: Moved, seconded and passed to present to Mrs. Nora Saum a photo of the Mississippi Monument. |
1980 Jul 8 | TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed to increase the car tour fee to $10. The bus fee was to remain at $20. |
1980 Apr 8 | ADVERTISING: Moved, seconded and passed to direct the secretary to act on the Gettysburg Pamphlet and repeat the advertising of 1979. |
1980 Feb 12 | SPEAKER HONORARIUM: Moved, seconded and passed that an honorarium of $25 be paid to the speaker to be hired for four meetings each year. |
1980 Jan 8 | APPRECIATION GIFT: Moved, seconded and passed to present some candy to the ladies at the Travel Council in appreciation for the service they have been to us. |