ALBG Actions and Resolutions 2000-2009
2009 Dec. 18 | MARKET BASKET SOFTWARE: Moved, seconded and passed to reimburse Fred Hawthorne for his credit card purchase of new Market Basket software for the Association website. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Dec. 18 | VISITING SCHOLAR PRESENTATION: Moved, seconded and passed to appropriate $350 in the new budget to arrange for a Visiting Scholar program. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Nov. 20 | AUDIT COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed to form an audi committee to meet in December and go over the Treasurer’s records. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Nov. 20 | NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TOURIST GUIDES ASSOCIATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that $500 be included in next year’s budget to rejoin this organization of which we were a founding member. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Oct. 16 | WEB SITE DOMAINS: Moved, seconded and passed to renew our main internet domain for 20 years when it comes due next February and do the other renewals for two year increments to stagger the cost, renewing them in turn for 20 year terms. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Oct. 16 | CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE FORMED: Moved, seconded and passed to establish an ALBG Certification Committee charged with setting up and administering a Master Guide program. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Sep. 18 | WELL BEING POLICY: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the well-being policy as presented by the well-being committee. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Aug. 28 | ACHS WILLS HOUSE PICTURE: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG will support the ACHS project but that we do not have sufficient funds to give a contribution. We will encourage individual members to donate. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Aug. 28 | DOUBLE CHECK SIGNATURES: According to the minutes “it was determined” that one signature will be required for Association checks but that we would have two authorized signers in case of absense or emergency. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Aug. 28 | WAVING OF MEMBERSHIP DUES: According to the minutes “it was determined” that we could not waive membership dues except for active duty military service people. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Jun 19 | REPLACEMENT COUNCIL MEMBER: Moved, seconded and pased to appoint John Fitzpatrick to fill out the unexpired term of Mike Strong who resigned in March for personal reasons. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 May 15 | MIKE PHIPPS DUES: Moved, seconded and passed to pay the annual membership dues of Mike Phipps who is serving on active duty. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 May 15 | PURCHASE OF MONUMENT BOOK RIGHTS: Moved, seconded and passed to purchase full rights to “Gettysburg: Stories of Men and Monuments for $7,500 from the author, Fred Hawthorne (Association Minute Book) |
2009 May 15 | DOUBLE CHECK SIGNATURES Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee investigate a proposal to have two officer’s signatures on each Association check. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Apr 16 | ASSOCIATION RACK CARD: Decided to change the foundation phone number on the rack card to our number but to retain the “800” number for adbanced reservations. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Apr 16 | REPLACED SECRETARY: Moved, seconded and passed to appoint Chris Wolfe as secretary to replace Fred Hawthorne who resigned in February. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Mar. 20 | RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT HOHMANN: President Hohmann announced his immediate resignation after receiving the public thanks of the organization for his leadership. Vice President Frampton assumed the presidency at the close of the meeting. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Mar. 20 | NLC TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the recommendation of the Executive Committee that Naiad Chun of NLC Tours be the Tour Operator of Choice for bus and van tours assigning them to ALBG members who wish to be a part of the program. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Mar. 20 | ATTORNEY RETAINER: Moved, seconded and passed that the $400 quarterly expenditure for the legal retainer fee be paid from the Guiding Preservation Fund and not the General Budget. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Mar. 20 | REPLACED VICE PRESIDENT: President Hohmann announced that Roy Frampton had been nominated and appointed to fill the position of Vice President vacated by the resignation of George Newton. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | DONATION IN MEMORY OF GREG COCO: Moved, seconded and passed to send a $50 contribution to the Civil War Preservation Trust in memory of Greg Coco and to do the same for future active LBG’s or former LBG’s up to $50 as a memorial. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | GUIDING FROM PATRIOT POINT FACILITY: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Council recommends that any guide proposing to do tours from the Patriots Point facility should pay the borough’s licensed guide solicitation fee and be aware that they MAY be liable to collect and pay the Gettysburg borough amusement tax. This was passed unanimously. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | ESTABLISHMENT OF WRITTEN CONTRACT REQUIREMENT: Moved, seconded and passed that any future work for which the Association is paying for services must be accompanied by a written and signed contract specifying the scope of the work and all payment provisions. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | ADDITIONAL PAYMENT FOR OFFICE RENOVATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize payment of an additional $1500 for Dave Richards and an additional $1000 for Ted Gajewski for performing guide room renovation work. IRS form 1099 must be submitted by the Association in January 2010. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | OPEN HOUSE INVITATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that $500 be appropriated from Miscellaneous Funds towards the cost of the invitations and miscellaneous expenses for the Open House. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Feb 20 | OPEN HOUSE CATERING BILL: Moved, seconded and passed that $500 be appropriated from Miscellaneous Funds towards payment of the Avenue Restaurant’s catering bill for the open house. (Association Minute Book) |
2009 Jan 16 | ALBG LICENSED DUES INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed a dues increase to $75 for licensed members. This fee will be for a “family membership” except in those cases where there are multiple LBGs in the family. (Done as part of the 2009 Budget adoption) (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Dec 19 | DISPOSITION OF DONATION TO ALBG: Moved, seconded and passed to use the $105 donation from the Francine Sone of Union Veterans Roundtable to reframe the large battle maps for hanging in the guide room.(Association Minute Book) |
2008 Dec 19 | MAYSIE WEAVER MEMORIAL FUND: Moved, seconded and passed to use the $390 in donations in memory of Maysie Weaver (widow of the late Maurice Weaver – LBG) by instructing the Library Committee to buy books with a plate inserted “Donate in memory of Maysie Weaver.” (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Nov.21 | BYLAWS CHANGES: Moved, seconded and passed to approve bylaw changes as corrected (spelling and capitalization issues) to wit: Renumber current Article XI to XII. Renumber current Article XII to XIII. Insert new Article XI: Code of Conduct between guides. (Not specified in motion) (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Nov.21 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed that an Audit committee be formed to audit the books for 2008. (Fuss, Bosch, Lechak appointed) (Association Minute Book) |
2008 July 18 | ALBG OFFICE – “Moved, seconded and passed that ALBG enter into a one year lease for office space at the Patriot Point facility at the rate of $700 per month.” (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Apr.18 | BYLAWS CHANGES – Moved, seconded and passed changes to Article 1, Section 2 (office address); Article 4, Section 4 (replacing proxy voting); addition of Article XI “Removal of Members”; renumbering Article XI as Article XII; Article XII Dissolution renumbered as Article XIII. (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Apr.18 | STANDING RULES CHANGES: Moved, seconded and passed changes to Membership (due date for dues); Business Meeting Night (to Friday from Thursday); Order of Business (#4 now committee reports, #5 now President’s report, all other numbers put back one; Finance-Budget replaced “Finance Committee” with “Executive Committee”.; Clarified the Standing Committees. (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Feb.15 | ALBG OFFICE: “Moved, seconded and passed that the Jim Clouse committee be empowered to negotiate a lease for office space, should the Farnsworth House site be unavailable for our use. The lease could not exceed $600 per month, be only for a period of up to one year, and would only be sought if needed.” (Superceded July 18, 2008) (Association Minute Book) |
2008 Jan.18 | ALBG OFFICE: Moved, seconded and passed “That the President, ALBG, be authorized to enter into a lease with Mr.Loring Shultz of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for approximately 621 square feet of office space at southeast corner of Mayor and Dobbin Alleys for the purposes of establishing an Association office / library / storage / meeting space. The term of this lease to run one year at a rental of $600 per month at which point both parties have an option to continue or terminate said lease. Further, that the President, ALBG, be authorized to expend up to $7,200 from general Association funds to cover the terms of said lease.” (Zoning Change made this resolution unnecessary) (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Nov.16 | UNLICENSED GUIDING: Select Committee formed to investigate the problem and see how prevalent it may be and develop possible ALBG responses to the problem. Delacy (chairman), Lewis, Siegel, Anschuetz members. (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Sept. 21 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed “That theALBG would loan selected elements of the ALBG library to the Adams County Historical Society for their use in the new Research Center. The ALBG Library Committee would select those books or sets of books that would be on loan. (Books donated and since returned to our office library) (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Sept. 21 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed “That the ALBG provide $650 to the ACHS for the purchase of a copier for the new Research Center. (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Sept. 21 | ALBG OFFICE: Moved, seconded and passed “That the ALBG authorize expenditure up to $5,000 for the purchase of shelving and/or furniture for the new Guide Room. (Association Minute Book) |
2007 May 18 | DEFENSE OF GUIDING FUND: Moved, seconded and passed “to ask everyone not licensed when the original collection for the Defense of Guiding fund was made to contribute the proceeds from one car tour to go into the existing fund. That fund is currently reported at $5,290.38.” (Association Minute Book) |
2007 May 18 | BYLAWS: Select Committee appointed to review the bylaws and ascertain the need for change. Lechak, Anschuetz, Frankenfield. (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Apr. 20 | HIRING OF LAWYER: Executive Committee moved, seconded and passed a resolution “To retain the services of Attorney Stuart Davidson at an annual cost of $1,600 in order to utilize his expertise for occasional consultation, to advise us on regulations under the law, and to utilize his political connections to facilitate meetings with key governmental officials. (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Mar.23 | PARTNERSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed “To authorize the President and Executive Committee to make a formal announcement of the formation of a partnership between the ALBG, Gateway Gettysburg, ParkTrek and the American Civil War Museum to work to improve the visitor experience.” (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Mar.23 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed “To donate $600 to the Civil War Institute to fund a student scholarship for 2007.” (Association Minute Book) |
2007 Jan.19 | WEB SITE HOST: Moved, seconded and passed “To authorize the Executive Committee to investigate and make a decision on which web host to use in 2007 and to enter into a contract with the chosen agency.” (Dragonfire Design was ultimately selected) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Dec. 15 | PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT: ALBG President presented the completed Memorandum of Understanding between the ALBG and the ParkTrek Reservation System at the Gateway Gettysburg complex.It was signed this evening. (Later made obsolete by the fact ParkTrek went out of business.) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Dec. 15 | DONATION: Motion made, seconded and passed “that the $5,000 Reward Money be donated to the Gettysburg National Military Park in February, 2007 specifically earmarked for the repair of the 4th New York Battery (Smith’s Battery) monument at the Devil’s Den” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Dec. 15 | GOVT RELATIONS COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED: Motion made, seconded and passed “that the ALBG establish a Government Relations Committee with an annual budget of $2,500 tasked with opening lines of communication with elected representatives” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Nov. 17 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed “…to expend up to $100 as a donation to the group working to provide a duplicate of Lt. Charles Hazlett’s original tombstone in Zanesville, Ohio.” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Nov. 17 | NEW MUSEUM NEGOTIATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that the “Transition Committee be instructed that Guides will not accept any mandatory restriction on the amount of time they must allow for each trip beyond the traditionally accepted 15 minutes. Any attempt to regulate this further impinges upon our rights as individual contractors to determine our own working conditions. This does not preclude individual guides utilizing longer break periods” (This was incorporated in new procedures) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Nov. 17 | NEW MUSEUM NEGOTIATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that the “Transition Committee be instructed and is hereby authorized to approach the National Park Service / Museum Foundation with the idea that guides will continue to work a guide board schedule and desire to handle our own walk up reservations. (NPS said no) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Sept. 15 | HONOR DECEASED LBG: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG write a letter to Clyde Bell asking that the guide badge number held by Paul Burkholder, recently deceased, be retired and that Mrs. Burkholder should receive a letter noting Paul’s long and distinguished service as a LBG. (Done) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 July 21 | ELIMINATION OF TURNAWAY STATISTICS: Moved, seconded and passed to eliminate the statistic on the Guide Board daily sheet labeled “Visitor Turnaways” by removing it from newly printed guide sheets and instructing all guide board duty guides to stop taking this statistic.” (Done) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 July 21 | GATEWAY GETTYSBURG GUIDE SERVICES: Moved, seconded and passed to direct that the “Transition Committee develop a set of operating procedures for ALBG providing guide services at the Gateway Gettysburg facility (these procedures subject to revision by both groups.) and to bring back to the ALBG a written agreement memorandum of understanding by the September business meeting.” (Done) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 July 21 | NPS/ALBG RELATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed “The President is to send a letter to the Superintendent re: the Wheatfield Witness Tree situation and the lack of respect with which ALBG was treated, We specifically want it known that the failure of NPS employees to consider us a legitimate and long term partner is unacceptable. (Done) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Apr. 21 | HONORARY LBG: Executive Council decided to name retired Gettysburg and NPS Historian and author Harry Pfantz an Honorary LBG on the recommendation of Ellen Pratt. (Done – see July 19, 2001) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Mar. 17 | VANDALISM REWARD: Moved, seconded and passed to “Take $5,000 from the ALBG General Fund and replace the Seminar profit money put forth as the ALBG reward towards the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of the recent vandalism. (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Mar.17 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed “That an additional sum of money be invested in accounts researched by John Fuss as follows:” $10,000 in Community Bank account yielding 5% $11,000 in a Bank of Hanover 17-mo. special CD yielding 4.75%” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Mar.17 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed that “John Fuss be added as an authorized signatory along with officers on Association accounts.” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Mar.17 | WEB SITE DOMAINS: Whereas The ALBG has acquired rights to the original guide web address from the Laurence brothers it is moved, seconded and passed to “Authorize the expenditure of approximately $450.00 to purchase three additional domains for a ten-year period: .com, .net and .biz.” (DragonFly Design site goes active June 2006) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Mar.17 | WEB SITE DOMAINS: Moved, seconded and passed to “Authorize expenditure of funds ($12 per year per domain) to link these new domains to our existing one such that anyone mistakenly entering the wrong address will still be forwarded to our site.” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Feb.16 | FINANCIAL: Executive Committee moved, seconded and passed “that John Fuss is authorized to invest $25,000 of ALBG funds as he sees fit.” (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Feb.16 | MONUMENT BOOK: Executive Committee moved, seconded and passed a resolution that Don Walters be authorized to bring about another printing of the monument book at an unspecified quantity up to a total expenditure of $8,000. (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Feb.16 | ALBG WEB SITE: Executive Committee authorized Vice President Hohmann to contract with Megan Carpenter of Dragonfly Design to design a basic web site for the ALBG without e-Commerce capability at this point. (Site goes active in June 2006) (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Feb.16 | VANDALISM REWARD: Executive Council moved, seconded and passed a resolution to expend $5,000 of Seminar proceeds to provide a reward for the apprehension of the recent monument vandals. (Association Minute Book) |
2006 Jan.20 | NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TOURIST GUIDES ASSOCIATION: As part of the 2006 Operating Budget it was decided to drop affiliation with this organization because as their role model we get nothing from them and continually disagree over how they assess annual fees based on membership. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Nov.18 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution authorizing the Treasurer to take half of the present account, $25,000, and place the funds in a higher interest bearing account. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 July 15 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to donate $500 to the Civil War Preservation Trust earmarked for the purchase of the home on Mummasburg Road near Howard Avenue. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 May 20 | COMPUTER PURCHASE: Moved, seconded and passed that the Executive Committee is authorized to spend up to $1,200 for a new computer for the guide room. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Mar.18 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: Committee proposed to submit to the SUperintendent a proposed fee increase: cars from $40 to $45; van from $60 to $65; bus $90 to $100; bus5 $120 to $135. (Accepted and went into effect January 1, 2006.) (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Mar.18 | OPPOSITION TO NPS PROPOSAL TO CHANGE PARK HOURS: Moved, seconded and passed to have ALBG to send a statement to the park opposing the change in hours of the park from 10 PM to “dusk” or “sunset”. Designed to hinder vandalism. (Park changed to earlier closing hour in off-season.) (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Mar.18 2005 Jan.21 |
ALBG MEMBERSHIP FEES: Moved, seconded and passed refining membership fees: associate membership to be $25 annually (1st increase since inception); a family membership of $35 annually; LBG membership remains at $50 with family included for an additional $10 per year except where spouse is also an LBG (remains $50 so spouse has voting rights). Membership fees will also be prorated. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Jan.21 | FEE INCREASE COMMITTEE FORMED: Moved, seconded and passed to establish a “Fee Increase” committee charged with beginning negotiations with the NPS to increase fees for the first time in four years. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Jan.21 | ALBG OFFICE: Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to establish a committee to investigate possible off-site headquarter’s sites and report the options back to the membership. (Association Minute Book) |
2005 Jan.21 | FOUNDATION DAY: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize a “Foundation Day” where each guide would agree to work one day this summer donating proceeds to the Museum Foundation as a joint donation of all LBG’s. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 Sep.30 | BI-MONTHLY MEETING SCHEDULE: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to return to a bi-monthly business meeting schedule with the Executive Council conducting ALBG business in off months. Council may call special meeting of the general membership in off months when necessary. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 July 16 | ASSOCIATION DAY EXPANSION: Moved,seconded and passed to open Association Day to outside groups at a rate $10 higher than that of ALBG members with the additional $10 going to the Civil War Preservation Trust. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 July 16 | VISITING SCHOLAR BUDGET: Moved, seconded and passed to instruct the Executive Council to consider a permanent budget to support the Visiting Scholar’s Program. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 May 21 | FEE INCREASE COMMITTEE FORMED: Moved, seconded and passed to form a committee to look into the adjustment of guide fees for the 2005 season with a charge to bring a proposal back to the organization by the June meeting. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 May 21 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to redirect the $500 Appomattox donation to the Chancellorsville preservation project. (Association Minute Book) |
2004 Feb.20 | BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed to add to Article V: “Unless elected to another office, an outgoing President will automatically fill a special seat as member-at-large on the Executive Council for the year following his or her term of office. This special seat is limited to one year and is specifically intended to provide continuity of leadership in ALBG affairs, While holding this seat an individual will be charged with the same powers and duties as regularly elected members-at-large.” (Association Minute Book) |
2004 Feb.20 | REINSTITUTE ANNUAL SEMINAR: Moved, seconded and passed to authorize a sub-committee of the Executive Council to explore the possibility of reinstituting the annual ALBG seminar, if the Executive Council, by majority vote, believes reinstituting the seminar is feasible the subcommittee will be authorized to enter into the necessary contracts. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 Nov.21 | EXECUTIVE COUNCIL EXPANSION: Moved, seconded and passed to automatically add the outgoing president as a voting member of the Executive Council for a one-year term. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 Sept.19 | LEGAL FUND RENAMED: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the Executive Council proposal to redefine the legal fund as the “Guiding Preservation Fund” the fund to be used for the benefit of the profession as a whole, rather than to benefit any individual guide.(Association Minute Book) |
2003 June 20 | EVERGREEN CEMETERY MEMORIAL BENCH: Moved, seconded and passed the proposal to use the ALBG Memorial Fund to purchase and install a four foot long memmorial bench in Evergreen Cemetery in memory of departed LBG’s Maurice Weaver, Jim Musser, and Howard Koser. The precise cost, description and location to be decided by the Executive Committee. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 June 20 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate up to $500 to the Blue and Gray Education Society in the name of Ed Bearss for the project to archive Ed’s personal research papers at Quantico, as well as pay the $150 fee for reserving the banquet room at the Holiday Inn July 2nd. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 May 16 | ALBG WEBSITE: Moved, seconded and passed to continue to offer specific tours via the ALBG website, and that a list of guides be compiled with e-mail addresses. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 Apr.18 | BUS SCHEDULES: Moved, seconded and passed to request the park fold bus lists and place them in the new mailboxes without envelopes. (Association Minute Book) |
2003 Feb.21 | NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TOURIST GUIDES ASSOCIATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to continue membership in this organization. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Nov.15 | POSITION ON WRITTEN GUIDE EXAM: Moved, seconded and passed resolution to adopt President Rebmann’s lengthy position statement that the exam should be a professional exam with a sufficient degree of difficulty, that all who desire to sit for it are able to, with the top scores moving on. ALBG pledges the volunteer staff necessary to monitor large groups. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Nov.15 | ALBG PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE: Moved, seconded and passed to expend approximately $300 to purchase and distribute 2,500 rack cards. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Sept.20 | RATIO ISSUE – MAY BUSSES: Moved, seconded and passed to accept the proposal to treat all May busses as “dilemma buses” to be reported separately and completely excluded from the annual car/bus ratio.(Association Minute Book) |
2002 Sept.20 | SUNDAY SERVICE INITIATIVE: Moved seconded and passed the special committee’s proposal to increase availability of guides on Sundays by encouraging each guide to volunteer to work one Sunday a month, extend the Part Time license from April back to March and the Weekend License from May back to April all on a one year trial basis. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Aug.16 | PROMOTION OF GUIDING: Moved, seconded and passed committee’s Guide promotion option C at a cost of $1,712 which includes membership in the Travel Council, an ad in the Gettysburg Experience magazine, and printing of a rack card in the quantity of 5000. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 June 21 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed a proposal to consolidate the ALBG bank accounts to wit: close the seminar account and place funds into the “Book Fund” savings account; rename that account “ALBG Savings”; on a separate ledger sheet track the amount that is reserved to replace the book inventory as needed; authorize officers to shift a portion of reserve funds into higher interest bearing CD’s. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 June 21 | BUS CATEGORY: Moved, seconded and passed resolution stating that “The Association of LIcensed Battlefield Guides supports continuance of the new 50+ Bus Category through 2003 at a minimum, to allow a full opportunity for both tour groups and licensed guides to become accustomed to it. The ALBG suggests that NPS and Eastern National adopt a policy requiring licensed guides to collect the full amount due on tours before ending contact with the visitors – and absolving Eastern of any duty to collect fee shortages after a tour is complete” (Association Minute Book) |
2002 May 17 | GUIDEROOM MAILBOXES: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to purchase new mailbox units with greater capacity that will hold envelopes or letter-size sheets flat. This is to be done if the NPS will not provide them. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Apr.19 | REQUEST FOR NPS: Moved, seconded and passed resolution to request that the NPS again paint the bus parking spots at the Longstreet Tower to indicate buses only. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Feb.15 | STANDING RULES AMENDMENT: Moved, seconded and passed revision to the standing rules that “Dues for both Licensed Members and Associate Members must be paid in full by July 1st of each fiscal year.” (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Feb.15 | STANDING RULES ADDITIONS: Moved, seconded and passed adoption of addition of “Newly Licensed Guides” provision dealing with conversion from Associate membership and how non-members will be approached. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Jan.25 | ALBG COPIER POLICY: Executive Council developed and adopted a policy for use of the organization’s copy machine. (Association Minute Book) |
2002 Jan.25 | ALBG COMPUTER POLICY: Executive Council developed and adopted a policy for use of the organization’s computer and internet connection. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Nov.15 | ALBG BUSINESS MEETING NIGHT: Moved, seconded and passed motion to change the normal meeting night to the third Friday of the month effective February, 2002. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Oct.9 | DONATION: Executive Council moved, seconded and passed a motion to donate $500 from the book fund to the US Gettysburg Crew Association. The “Gettysburg” is being redeployed because of the military action. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Oct.9 | GUIDEROOM REFRIGERATOR: Executive Council moved, seconded and approve authorizing the expenditure of up to $500 to replace our now deceased Guideroom refrigerator. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 July 19 | NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TOURIST GUIDE ASSOCIATIONS SAN ANTONIO CONFERENCE: Moved, seconded and passed to send up to four representatives to the San Antonion Conference with expences paid up to $1,500. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 July 19 | ASSOCIATES PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed authorizing the President to send a form letter explaining exactly what Associate membership offers and if they agree they can send a letter and accept the membership. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 July 19 | ASSOCIATES PROGRAM: Moved, seconded and passed an authorization to extend all existing Associate memberships until June 30, 2002. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 July 19 | HONORARY LBG: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution making Harry Pfanz an honorary guide. (Also see April 21, 2006) (Association Minute Book) |
2001 July 19 | HONORARY LBG: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution to establish criteria for the category of Honorary Licensed Battlefield Guide. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 June 21 | MONUMENT BOOK: Not reflected in minutes but agenda indicate an impending vote: authorization for a reprint of the monument book. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 June 21 | LBG SANDWICH SIGN: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to purchase a sandwich-type sign displaying the guide and NPS logos and with necessary information to obtain guide services. Cost to be approximately $230. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | ALBG CODE OF CONDUCT: Moved, seconded and passed to approve recommended change to the Code of Conduct consisting of a slight change in language regarding the use of alcohol while in uniform. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed approval of ALBG Fee Negotiation committee recommendation to tie future increase in guided tour fees to increases in the Consumer Price Index. Fees effective Jan 1, 2002: Car $40; Van $60; Bus $90 and a new “Superbus” category proposed by the Superintendent: $120 for groups of 51 or 55. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | GUIDEROOM COMPUTER: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to expend $150 to upgrade for internet use a computer donated to the guides by Chris Rebmann. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | MONUMENT BOOK: Moved, seconded and passed motion to authorize the Executive Committee to pursue bids and spend the necessary money to reprint the book. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | GUIDEROOM COPIER: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to spend previously allocated funds to purchase a new copy machine. ($2,890) (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | BINDING CIVIL WAR TIMES: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to spend $100 to bind the complete set of this magazine. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Apr 19 | DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed approval of $100 donation to the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg and $100 to the Lincoln Cemetery Association. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Feb.15 | ALBG BYLAWS AND STANDING RULES: Moved, seconded and passed approval of a major revision and reworking of the ALBG Bylaws as published in the “Battlefield Dispatch.” (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Feb.15 | 55-45 RATIO: Moved, seconded and passed resolution placing our oppostion to the 55-45 ration on hold pending review of the impact of GTC buses with authorization for the Executive Committee to approach the NPS with a proposal to eliminate ration if and when such review shows the bus/car ratio to be hurting LBG’s. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Feb.15 | TOUR WAIT TIME ISSUE: Moved, seconded and passed resolution that ALBG requests NPS to consider guide wait time as a factor when determing whether an LBG has met the minimum tour requirements, duty days and bus/car ratio on a factor of 2 consecutive hours wait time constitutes one car tour. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Feb.15 | ALBG FEE NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to establish a committee to develop a long term fee increase plan in conjunction with NPS representatives. Committee charged to report back to the membership in April for approval. Crawford, Cole, Rebmann and Kohr appointed to committee. (Association Minute Book) |
2001 Feb.15 | DONATION: Moved, seconded and passed to donate $500 from the Book Fund towards the proposed Gettysburg Women’s Memorial. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed approval of change to Article VI. (Specific change does not appear in the minutes) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | BYLAWS CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed approval of a change to Article VII, Section 1 where the existing “each committee shall include at least one member of the Executive Council” is changed to “each committe shall attempt to include representation from each license class.” (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | BYLAWS OVERHAUL: Moved, seconded and passed a recommendation of the By Laws Committee to postpone voting on the final draft of the revised bylaws until the next meeting to allow for republishing the entire document. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | BUSINESS MEETING SCHEDULE CHANGE: Moved, seconded and passed a motion to approve the business meeting schedule change (Motion not recorded in full in the minutes) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | ALBG CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS AND UNIFORM STANDARDS: Moved, seconded and passed that the ALBG Code of Conduct and Ethics as well as the uniform standards be adhered to by all members. Membership in ALBG is contingent upon agreement to abide by the provisions of those documents. (Association Minute Book and Archives) |
2000 Nov.16 | COMMITTEES: Moved, seconded and passed to redesign the committee structure to spread out the power over a greater number of individuals. (Motion not recorded in full in the minutes) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | DUES STRUCTURE: Moved, seconded and passed (Motion not recorded in full in the minutes) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Nov.16 | ALBG-NPS RELATIONSHIP: Moved, seconded and passed to establish a permanent Committee to oversee and develop the LBG’s role in the new Visitor Center and Interpretive Plan. The President ALBG is to appoint a committee of no fewer than five and no more than ten members to organize prior to the January business meeting. (Association Minute Book and Archives) |
2000 Nov.16 | ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AT MEETING: Moved, seconded and passed a resolution stating that Associate Members are allowed to attend ALBG Business Meetings except when the President, or a vote of the body, calls for an Executive Session. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Sept.21 | DONATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed that the proceeds of the recent ALBG fundraiser at the GBPA bookshow ($448) be split with half going to the GBPA and that balance donated to the Phoenixville Historical Society for the preservation of the Phoenixville Iron Company. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Sept.21 | ALBG-NPS RELATIONS: Moved, seconded and passed to have Clyde Bell define/clarify the last sentence of the 60/40 ratio letter i.e. the past that states that if you do not maintain a 60/40 car to bus ratio it “may effect your license” (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Sept.21 | 60/40 RATIO: Moved, seconded and passed motion to have ALBG consider changing the policyof 60/40 ratio of cars to buses. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Sept.21 | 60/40 RATIO: Moved, seconded and passed motion to eliminate the 60/40 ratio altogether and have a new requirement that guides are responsible to do their minimum number of tours in cars or categories other than buses thus allowing the LBG to do as many buses as they want after this minimum has been met. (This immediately followed passage of motion above) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jul 20 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE: Moved, seconded and passed policy to post any correspondence regarding fees in the guideroom and that comments regarding the fee increase be solicited from guides and brought to the Superintendent’s attention. (Superintendent turned down request for our fee increase 7/20/2000) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to cash the “Weaver Memorial” CD and hold the proceeds until July when it can be combined with the “Koser/Musser Memorial” CD in the best CD the ALBG can find at that time. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | LETTER OF APPRECIATION: Moved, seconded and passed to send a letter of appreciation to Eastern National and to invite them to the ALBG picnic. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE AUTHORIZATION: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to consider an increase in fees for guided tours commencing in 2001. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR CAR TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed motion to increase the existing rate for tours given to 1-5 people from $35 to $40. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR BUS TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed motion to increase the fee for tours of 16 to 50 people from $75 to $100. Each additional passenger abover the number of 50 would increase the fee by $5 excluding the driver and the tour director. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | GUIDED TOUR FEE INCREASE FOR VAN TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed motion that $5 per head should be added to the $40 fee for vehicles carrying 6 – 15 individuals. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | GUIDE BOARD MANUAL: Moved, seconded and passed to adopt the document known as Annex 8 and add it to the existing Guide Manual. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 May 18 | ALBG BUSINESS MEETING TIME: Moved, seconded and passed motion to keep the time of business meetings at 7:00 PM in lieu of the proposed 6:00 P.M. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Mar.16 | GUIDE MANUAL CHANGES: A number of changes to the guide manual were discussed and the minutes relate “approve” but not clear if these were formal motions since the manual is an NPS document. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | GUIDE EMERITUS: It was announced by the Executive Committee that the criteria for becoming a Guide Emeritus will now include 25 years of service regardless of age. This was not voted upon but decided in negotiations between the Council and Guide Supervisor. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | EXTENDED TOURS: Moved, seconded and passed approval of NPS policy of counting extended tours as multiple tours in two-hour increments at the guide’s option. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | NPS GIFT CERTIFICATE POLICY: Moved, seconded and passed resolution opposing the NPS Gift Certificate Program which was implemented without consulting the ALBG. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | FINANCIAL: Moved, seconded and passed to remove the $500 slated for the “Legal Fund” and add it to the honorarium for the newsletter editor in honor of his past services. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | BATTLEFIELD DISPATCH: Moved, seconded and passed a motion that the ALBG explore the legal process for copyrighting the Battlefield Dispatch to protect authors and provide a safer environment for authors who contribute their work. (Reported 3/16/2000 it would cost $120 per year to officially register the copyright for the Dispatch and two subscriptions would need to go to the Library of Congress.) (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | GUIDE BOARD SUBSTITUTION RATE: Moved, seconded and passed a motion to raise the existing guide board substitution rate to $35…the existing rate for a tour with 1-5 people. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | HONOR RETIRED LBG: Moved, seconded and passed authorizing President to encourage NPS to recognize the services of Dick Fox at the Spring Guide meeting by retiring his badge, putting his name on a plaque, etc. (Association Minute Book) |
2000 Jan.21 | BYLAWS REVISION COMMITTEE: Moved, seconded and passed authorization to establish a committee to examine the LABG bylaws for recommended updates and changes and to bring them into compliance with Roberts Rules of Order and present the recommended changes to the membership. (Association Minute Book) |